tokkoyurte's blog
I do want to ask you about what A Course in Miracles means by Holy Relationship. In a single part of the book it covers "entering the ark" together, and it almost sounds like you'll need one other specific person to be able to awaken. Therefore, I believe I approach each new person with the expectation that maybe THIS could possibly be the relationship that reflects enlightenment to me, and I in their mind! Am I taking this too literally? Or do you actually have to have another to help you awaken?
I appreciate your time so much and thanks for the help to me and others. I thanks and I thank God for you. Namaste.
David Hoffmeister: Thanks for the openness and your willingness to appear deeply at what's underneath these topics and issues a course in miracles youtube channel. A Course in Miracles teaches that the split mind contains both the situation (the ego) and the Solution (the Holy Spirit). When they are brought together, only One remains.
The body and the world are usually the focus of ego's perspective, because of it seeks to make real problems and struggles on the planet and to prevent the inner Healing Correction of the Holy Spirit. The ego's distorted world is the merchandise of identity confusion, an outpicturing of the belief it is possible to make an identity which God didn't create. The ego is this identity problem and it was Answered or forgiven by the Holy Spirit the instant it seemed to arise. That one problem could possibly be described being an authority problem or perhaps a confusion in who's the author of Reality. The mind that believes in the truth of the time-space cosmos has a get a handle on issue, because of it believes so it can cause itself. This ego mind also thinks it is in competition with God, although that is pushed out of conscious awareness. This unconscious ego thought system is exposed in the A Course in Miracles Workbook lessons, and Lesson 13 contains a fantastic example with this unveiling:
"A meaningless world engenders fear because I believe I'm in competition with God."
This really is the start of training your head to forgive, for the focus is cut back to your head, back once again to thinking, and recinded from your body and the world. Anorexia, weight issues, body image issues, and interpersonal relationship issues are types of projection, of seeing the situation where it is not: in the world. The mind cannot tolerate the belief in a battle with God, so this belief is pushed out of awareness. The deep-seated control issue this type of belief entails is then projected to your body and the world. Weight control, like any attempt to regulate the script or your body, is an attempt to regulate the past. The Holy Spirit teaches that days gone by can only just be forgiven or released or seen as false—not fixed or controlled or changed.
The exact same ego dynamic is underneath interpersonal relationship struggles of power and control, of wanting to repair or change an individual or perhaps a self-image. Personal relationships might seem to sail happily along for awhile, yet the make-believe self-concept IS the personal perspective and thus is definitely on shaky ground. Decisions are continuous. The Holy Spirit is just a decision. The ego is just a decision. Atonement is your choice that ends all decisions, an acceptance of the changelessness of Mind. The ego is your choice to trust that your head could be separate from God. Once your head believed so it had separated and built this time-space world, this time-space world of bodies became its substitute identity, because it believed it'd discarded the Kingdom of Heaven. The world was created up as an alternative identity. The sleeping mind is split on your choice of identity. The Holy Spirit says, "This world isn't Identity. This world is an illusion." And thus the Holy Spirit reminds your head constantly, "This world isn't your Home. This world isn't your Identity. This world isn't real." Whilst the mind is split it is hearing another voice (the ego) that's saying: "You've done it. You've separated from God. You'd better make the very best of it and find something of the world to recognize with. You can never go back for God will punish you."
Thought-form associations seem to become substitute identity. The ego mind is apparently identified with your body, with family, with environments that appear to surround it (i.e., I'm an American, Japanese, I'm male, I'm female, I'm from a wealthy family, from an undesirable family, I'm Catholic, Jewish, Protestant, etc.) Most of these are thought-form associations. And these seeming other persons and places surrounding the small personal self are all part with this construction. The mind is extremely shaky concerning this small identity, this small self, this little me. So the small me is shaky, and it appears as though other persons give the small me reality and importance (i.e., you're my son, my daughter, you're my boss, you're a loving father, etc.) and all the different issues that these images be seemingly telling this little me be seemingly really important. Praise thus seems very important (i.e., you're an individual and you're a great one!).
Praise and acceptance from others SEEM to stabilize this very shaky thing (i.e., you're a good lover, you're a good provider, you're great with the children, you've a fine intellect, you've this type of heart, you help serve so many other folks, you're a good team-player, on and on). This aspect of the self-concept says that you are an individual and you've many of these positive attributes that actually cause you to an invaluable and worthy person, that make you stand out above the crowd. You're not only anyone—you're somebody special. The flip side is criticism, which directly reflects the shaky sense of self. Criticism could be: you're much less great as you think you're, you're not this type of good team player, this type of good provider, so good in bed—all the stuff that are taken as insults to the personal self-concept). That's the flip side of the strokes. To the ego self-concept that believes both sides (the positive and negative) of thinking are real, the Holy Spirit is perceived as a good threat, for the Holy Spirit leads to the experience of forgiveness or the realization that none of the tiny images perceived as separate have any reality.
Once the criticism seems ahead, the ego attempts a substitution. It thinks, "I don't need this. I'll go elsewhere and start other relationships with people who can appreciate my talents and skills and abilities, appreciate my personhood. I will avoid those negative influences on the planet and those negative people. I'll find another person or join friends where individuals are like-minded and overlook the remaining world. These new people will require to me and stroke me and praise me." The attempt at substitution is an attempt to maintain a sense of specialness, a sense of separation, a sense of individuality (a private mind with private thoughts). Those attempts are special love relationships. They seem to strengthen worth and value and to validate personhood. And they provide a false witness for clinging to the ego as identity. To the ego, past associations serve to provide personhood some sense of stability and consistency and value. Yet, the Holy Spirit shows that past associations offer nothing of value, for they were created by the ego to deny the reality of God's Love.
Holy relationship emphasizes and reflects Content (right-minded thinking) and posseses an awareness of the meaninglessness of form. Whilst the ego's believed relationships will be seemingly specific, yet each one of these will present a way to release the belief in specifics. Divine Mind is Abstract and Universal. Forgiveness may be the bridge to the remembrance of Christ and God, Divine Abstraction. Thus the Holy Spirit teaches in A Course in Miracles:
"Whenever you meet anyone, remember it is just a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you'll treat yourself. As you consider him you'll consider yourself. Remember this, for in him you will see yourself or lose yourself. Whenever two Sons of God meet, they are given another chance at salvation. Don't leave anyone without giving salvation to him and receiving it yourself. For I'm always there with you, in remembrance of you.
I want to ask you about what A Course in Miracles means by Holy Relationship. In one the main book it covers "entering the ark" together, and it almost sounds like you will need an added specific person to be able to awaken. Therefore, I think I approach each new person with the expectation that maybe THIS might be the connection that reflects enlightenment to me, and I to them! Am I taking this too literally? Or do you really have to have another to help you awaken?
I appreciate your own time so much and many thanks for the help to me and others. I many thanks and I thank God for you. Namaste.
David Hoffmeister: Thanks for the openness and your willingness to appear deeply at what is underneath these topics and issues a course in miracles. A Course in Miracles teaches that the split mind contains both the situation (the ego) and the Solution (the Holy Spirit). When they are brought together, only One remains.
Your body and the planet are usually the focus of ego's perspective, because of it seeks to produce real problems and struggles in the world and to prevent the inner Healing Correction of the Holy Spirit. The ego's distorted world is the merchandise of identity confusion, an outpicturing of the belief that it's possible to produce an identity which God did not create. The ego is this identity problem and it absolutely was Answered or forgiven by the Holy Spirit the instant it seemed to arise. That one problem might be described as an authority problem or a confusion in who's the author of Reality. Your brain that believes in the fact of the time-space cosmos has a get a handle on issue, because of it believes so it can create itself. This ego mind also thinks it is in competition with God, although that is pushed out of conscious awareness. This unconscious ego thought system is exposed in the A Course in Miracles Workbook lessons, and for reference Workbook Lesson 13 contains a great example of the unveiling.
Is it helpful to really have a guru in your lifetime, especially if you have a black night of the soul to undergo? I have read that we all need some type of help to undo all that we have learned. That's where Intercessory prayer is available in or even a Guru with preferably a lineage that shows they've done this type of work through the generation of these family. It all has regarding the energy of the individual and the group they travel with in spirit.
I study A Course in Miracles and see that I have become tremendously in combination with the other spiritual books and work I have already been doing acim youtube. However, I see given that even my guru has some unlearning to do. The Course teaches us never put anyone on a platform and I see now. It has brought me annually and another dark night to see that I have put aside me comprehending that there is another way to handle my illness. It had been as a result of this guru that I postponed pursuing this. I think the lesson maybe that we all have the energy within us and when my guru speaks like any in life I must discern the info and go within for the ultimate answer. Whenever I push away that urge I find obstacles in my own path. So I'm confused, I view a major change in me with this specific guru but at the same time frame I find the advice can conflict with my most inner beliefs and am forced to listen. I thought I must listen for this is the lesson: Listen to the REAL SOURCE- the main one WITHIN. Please help me with see what else I may be missing.
Thanks for the heartfelt and sincere email. Role models (such as gurus or teachers or guides) are very helpful stepping stones since the ego is undone. They may be inspirational and very supportive witnesses to the mind's want to Wake Up. They are able to offer very helpful and practical advice, teachings, and examples. Yet accepting the Atonement (Correction) is THE sole responsibility and this can be a decision of mind that transcends the idea of personhood. Persons don't become enlightened, for your brain that believes itself to be a person is asleep and dreaming of exile from the Oneness of Spirit. While the deceived mind believes in linear time, Awakening will seem that occurs in stages. Throughout the seeming "process" of Awakening, symbols are used by the Holy Spirit as stepping stones that reflect higher or more expansive states of consciousness. A guru can be quite a symbol of the possibility of Enlightenment, yet the experience of Enlightenment is impersonal, unconditional, and abstract. The last dark night is always the temptation to retain an expression of individuality, privacy, autonomy, and uniqueness. All perceived darkness reflects the belief in private minds with private thoughts. Mind is one in forgiveness and One in Truth.
It's wonderful that you are since the lesson of discernment always rests with the perceiver. Use your feelings as a barometer in this discernment, for how you're feeling is the main one right use of judgment until it is apparent that any judgment is entirely impossible. Follow the Joy! Follow the Bliss! As you look within and make no attempt to safeguard or defend the ego, you'll feel the Love the ego was created to hide. Love simply Is, and when the obstacles to the awareness of Love's Presence have already been removed only Love remains.
When you consider the idea of guru consider this:
Gee YoU aRe YoU
This is the gentle reminder: I'm as God created Me.
This is the Power of Now.
This is the simplicity of Being.
Truth is simple. The ego was the illusion of confusion and complexity.
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Set aside a second and inquire about any of it very important question: Where do I believe my safety lies? This whole world—everything that people perceive through the five senses—is made on unconscious fear. Just how can this be? By the power of our mind. Your head simply can just only see what it believes, which is why we must release false beliefs. In the long run, the spiritual journey becomes all about facing this unconscious fear acim. This is actually the transformation of the projected world into peace. Whenever we perceive something fearful, we can always allow ourselves to take the time to pause as opposed to react. By having a moment to open our minds and invite Holy Spirit into our perception, we invite a miraculous shift in how we see things, and we can begin to let go of habitual reacting and conditioned behaviors. We then begin to open up to inspiration. Fears Can Become PossibilitiesWhen there is fear in your brain oahu is the ego actively attacking your peace of mind. This results in a lot of attack thoughts and doubt. In those moments, it's crucial that you manage to face the fears and really ask, “What am I afraid of?” When you're able to see your fears and what's behind them, you are able to really enter the potency of choosing to be with the Spirit and realizing there's very little that may threaten you. Then the fear inevitably has to leave. When everything you are frightened of sometimes appears, you will undoubtedly be in a space to tell the Holy Spirit, “Just show me Your Will for me.”Please give us your thoughts, inspirations, experiences in the comment section below!
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The particular obtain of your residence, regarding almost all men and women, could be the individual largest economic selection manufactured in their particular lifestyles. Plainly, next, that will become obvious in which selecting an agent can be a significant thought which usually really should not be obtained casually. Yet just what aspects is highly recommended inside selecting an agent?
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Geographical Specialization
It's important at the same time to make certain you might be working with an agent that is any "local specialist". Several declares theoretically enable accredited real estate professionals to be able to be involved in real-estate purchases everywhere inside express. Nonetheless, a nearby expert can be aware of neighborhood marketing procedures. As an example, house exchange fees fluctuate simply by place, since carry out the particular get together in charge of spending these. In a few places, there could be diverse persuits for your split regarding metropolis and also state house exchange fees. You would like to make certain that you might be working with a realtor common inside neighborhood custom made to be able to steer clear of spending needless charges.
A single thought is always to canvass the particular local communities where you are looking for getting. In the event you notice a lot of lawn indications to get a distinct realtor inside people local communities, this is a excellent guess the realtor can be a neighborhood expert.
A nearby expert is likewise capable of give you information on universities, adventure, places of worship and also synagogues, purchasing and also enjoyment alternatives in your community.
The way to Pick an agent
Recommendations is normally the most effective and a lot trustworthy way to obtain details relating to virtually any distinct agent. This sort of details will be trustworthy because that will not be "spun" from the realtor as well as the way to obtain the data does not have any distinct determination a proven way or perhaps one other, with the exception of to be able to bring up their activities.
Make sure you meeting multiple realtor. Ahead of performing a realtor meeting, help make a listing of things that are very important for your requirements. These products may well contain distance to be able to freeways or perhaps commuter railroad traces, design of residence, age group regarding residence, distance to be able to universities, neighborhood duty costs, or perhaps any variety of goods that may well or perhaps is probably not "deal breakers" in your head. In addition, you may well be serious to learn whether or not the agent provides help employees that may help out with the particular managing of varied areas of purchases. In addition, creating a listing of these kinds of things can assist the realtor to locate the right residence to your household.
Question the particular agent you are looking for regarding testimonials to be able to some other real estate professionals so that you can meeting. A realtor which is protected inside their top quality regarding program and also popularity could have simply no concern to offer the particular brands regarding fighting real estate agents so that you can take into account. A realtor that delivers these records for your requirements is probable a realtor together with which an individual would like to work.
Some other things to consider are usually if real-estate could be the agent's regular job, how many decades regarding feel the agent provides, and also virtually any real-estate designations held from the realtor.