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Passion ski de fond
Je me suis entretenu rcemment avec Pierre Lafontaine, Directeur gnral de Ski de fond Canada depuis dcembre dernier. Pierre n'est pas un nouveau venu en matire de sport. Avant son arrive SFC, il a dirig Natation Canada.
Pierre, qu'est ce qui t'a frapp ton arrive en poste SFC?
Une des premire diffrences que j'ai observe est qu'en ski de fond, le coach doit tout faire, surtout au niveau rgional, et le coach doit tre la fois farteur, psychologue, masseur, chauffeur et grant d'quipe. En natation, les clubs ont trs souvent un grant d'quipe, qui prend en charge toute la logistique (transport, hbergement, repas,replica love bracelet, etc.) lors des comptitions. Cela rend la tche beaucoup plus complique le coach de ski de fond. C'est difficile de se concentrer sur le coaching quand tu dois assumer toutes ces responsabilits.
La seconde chose qui a t marquante, c'est d'avoir eu la chance de prendre une part active dans le Ski Tour Canada. Ces deux semaines durant lesquelles les meilleurs au Monde ont ski chez nous ont t compltement magiques. Nous en avons profit pour amener beaucoup de jeunes en piste et aussi, nous avons mis plusieurs de nos entraneurs rgionaux en contact avec le personnel, les athltes et l'quipe technique de l'quipe nationale. Une opportunit incroyable de dveloppement pour nos gens.
Quel bilan fais tu de tes six premiers mois comme Directeur gnral de SFC?
Premirement, j'ai observ que les infrastructures requises pour le ski de fond sont normes, chaque quipe a besoin de beaucoup d'quipement et de beaucoup de personnel (fartage, testeurs, technique, etc.). Lorsque nous sommes en Europe,replica cartier full diamond love bracelet, l'quipe canadienne a des camions pour transporter les quipement,replica bangle cartier, les skis et le matriel de fartage.
Aussi, nos athltes et toute l'quipe canadienne doivent vivre en mode "voyage" tout le temps, alors que les Europens sont chez eux. la fin d'une comptition, la pluspart rentrent chez eux alors que nous, on doit s'arranger pour organiser notre vie dans nos bagages (lavage, etc.). Mme quand nous sommes l'tranger, les athltes et l'quipe ont leur vie au Canada et leur vie de famille continue: chauffe eau qui brise, enfants qui doivent faire leurs devoirs, etc. C'est un facteur important qui diffrencie la ralit de nos athltes de celle des Europens.
Je tiens aussi parler des quipes de soutien car eux aussi sont tout aussi impliqus que nos athltes. Ce sont des passionns de leur sport qui aiment gagner et qui sont affects par les contre performances de nos athltes et emballs par leurs succs.
Comment ton acquise avec la natation peut elle servir au monde du ski de fond?
De plusieurs faons, je crois. Premirement, les deux sont des sports individuels qui se pratiquent dans un contexte d'quipe (club). Par exemple, la majorit des entranements sont collectifs, mme si les preuves, sauf les relais, sont individuelles. Dans ce contexte, l'athlte apprend des choses importantes de la vie avec ses coquipiers: comment se fixer des objectifs, comment gagner, comment perdre aussi, et comment persvrer. Cela fait des athltes de ces sports, une fois qu'ils sont sur le march du travail, des employs de grande valeur.
Lorsque tu as t nomm, Jamie Coatsworth, prsident du Conseil d de SFC, a affirm "Nous comptons sur lui pour fournir la direction et l dont notre sport a besoin pour btir un programme gagnant qui saura aussi initier un plus grand nombre d au ski de fond." Quelles sont tes priorits pour SFC pour l'avenir?
Je veux d'abord m'assurer que nos athltes ont ce dont ils ont besoin pour les grandes preuves de 2018. Je veux aussi prparer nos athltes, ceux qui ont 15 ans aujourd'hui, pour les jeux de 2022 et 2026. Une autre de mes priorits est de renforcer notre programme fminin, notamment au niveau du sprint.
Comment comptes tu t'y prendre pour atteindre ces objectifs?
C'est trs important pour le ski de fond canadien de renforcer ses entraneurs car la force de notre mouvement doit passer par nos entraneurs rgionaux. Il faut galement regrouper nos meilleurs athltes plus souvent pour leur permettre de se mesurer entre eux et de se dpasser. En natation, les nageurs passent les jeudis, vendredis, samedis et dimanches ensemble trs souvent.
Je veux que nous nous rapprochions des Amricains en organisant des comptitions et des camps d'entranement conjoints. Je compte aussi crer des rapprochements nord sud avec eux dans l et dans l du pays. Nous pouvons faire a en nous rapprochant des programmes universitaires amricains (NCAA), qui sont trs solides.
J'aimerais aussi explorer la possibilit de crer une division "B" du circuit de la FIS. Les 100 meilleurs fondeurs au Monde concourent en Europe et les 100 200 pourraient concourir en Amrique du Nord. C'est nous, en Amrique du Nord de nous prendre en main si nous voulons rivaliser avec et devenir les meilleurs. Petter Nortug Jr a pris la seconde place et Emil Iversen a termin 3e. Les autres Canadiens qui participaient l sont Devon Kershaw 21e, Ivan Babokov 35e, Graeme Killick 49e, Kevin Sandau 57e, Len Valjas 63e, Andy Shields 65e, Patrick Stewart Jones 66e, Michael Somppi 67e, Jesse Cockney, qui avait surpris lors des sprints avec une 10e place, a termin 69e, Knute Johnsgaard 70e, Russel Kennedy 71e,replica sell cartier love bracelet, Bob Thompson 74e et Simon Lapointe 82e. Rsultats complets
Chez les dames, quatre Norvgiennes ont pass le fin d en premier de la poursuite de 10 km. Haidi Weng a remport la course, Therese Johaug a termin 2e, Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen 3e et Maiken Kaspersen Falla 4e. Emily Nishikawa a t la meilleure Canadienne avec une 45e place. Ses compatriotes ont t Sandrine Brown 49e, Olivia Bouffard Nesbitt 52e, Dahdia Beatty 57e, Katherine Stewart Jones 58e, Maya Massisaac Jones 60e, Annika Hicks 60e, Jennifer Jackson 63e, Allanah MacLean 64e et Sophie Carrier Laforte 65e. Marie Corriveau n pas pris le dpart. Rsultats complets
Ouf! Quelle journe! J tellement de choses vous raconter : un podium tout de Norvgiennes au 10 km classique; une une solide neuvime place pour Alex Harvey au 17,5 km pour lui permettre de se hisser au 6e rang du Tour avec encore plusieurs tapes dans ses propres terres faire; un vnement qui roule au quart de tour; une foule de plusieurs milliers de spectateurs enthousiastes; une rencontre tout fait inattendue avec Bernard Voyer, celui du Ple Nord (entre autres choses).
Trs impressionn par l bahi qu aient pu concevoir et prparer un parcours aussi excitant un mois de l Dommage que nous ne verrons pas revenir le Ski Tour du Canada Montral avant quelques annes. Heureusement qu y a vendredi et samedi!Voici programmation complte de la 38e dition du plus grand vnement international de ski de fond au Canada. 26, 27 et 28 fvrier prochains, les pistes de ski de fond du parc de la Gatineau abonderont des milliers de fondeurs provenant de plus d'une vingtaine de pays. Cette anne, l'vnement se tient deux semaines plus tard qu' l'habitude afin d'offrir une exprience de 5 jours de ski de fond avec la tenue du ski tour Canada 2016 au parc Jacques Cartier, le mars.
Horaire 2016 Inscriptions
Afin de satisfaire la demande, huit parcours pour tous les niveaux de skieurs seront encore une fois l'honneur cette anne. La journe du samedi 27 fvrier sera consacre au style classique avec les parcours de 5km Tourisme Outaouais, 15km, 27km Otto's BMW/SUBARU et le parcours linaire de 51km Swix qui partira de P17 Wakefield. Le dimanche 28 fvrier, la Mini 2km Sport change Outaouais, le 10km Ski Tour, le 27km Ski Trax et le 51km seront rservs au style libre. De plus, notons que trois parcours en raquettes, prsents par Atlas, seront offerts le dimanche 28 fvrier 2,5km (initiation), 5km et 10km.
Je me suis entretenu rcemment avec Pierre Lafontaine, Directeur gnral de Ski de fond Canada depuis dcembre dernier. Pierre n'est pas un nouveau venu en matire de sport. Avant son arrive SFC, il a dirig Natation Canada.
Pierre, qu'est ce qui t'a frapp ton arrive en poste SFC?
Une des premire diffrences que j'ai observe est qu'en ski de fond, le coach doit tout faire, surtout au niveau rgional, et le coach doit tre la fois farteur, psychologue, masseur, chauffeur et grant d'quipe. En natation, les clubs ont trs souvent un grant d'quipe, qui prend en charge toute la logistique (transport, hbergement, repas,replica love bracelet, etc.) lors des comptitions. Cela rend la tche beaucoup plus complique le coach de ski de fond. C'est difficile de se concentrer sur le coaching quand tu dois assumer toutes ces responsabilits.
La seconde chose qui a t marquante, c'est d'avoir eu la chance de prendre une part active dans le Ski Tour Canada. Ces deux semaines durant lesquelles les meilleurs au Monde ont ski chez nous ont t compltement magiques. Nous en avons profit pour amener beaucoup de jeunes en piste et aussi, nous avons mis plusieurs de nos entraneurs rgionaux en contact avec le personnel, les athltes et l'quipe technique de l'quipe nationale. Une opportunit incroyable de dveloppement pour nos gens.
Quel bilan fais tu de tes six premiers mois comme Directeur gnral de SFC?
Premirement, j'ai observ que les infrastructures requises pour le ski de fond sont normes, chaque quipe a besoin de beaucoup d'quipement et de beaucoup de personnel (fartage, testeurs, technique, etc.). Lorsque nous sommes en Europe,replica cartier full diamond love bracelet, l'quipe canadienne a des camions pour transporter les quipement,replica bangle cartier, les skis et le matriel de fartage.
Aussi, nos athltes et toute l'quipe canadienne doivent vivre en mode "voyage" tout le temps, alors que les Europens sont chez eux. la fin d'une comptition, la pluspart rentrent chez eux alors que nous, on doit s'arranger pour organiser notre vie dans nos bagages (lavage, etc.). Mme quand nous sommes l'tranger, les athltes et l'quipe ont leur vie au Canada et leur vie de famille continue: chauffe eau qui brise, enfants qui doivent faire leurs devoirs, etc. C'est un facteur important qui diffrencie la ralit de nos athltes de celle des Europens.
Je tiens aussi parler des quipes de soutien car eux aussi sont tout aussi impliqus que nos athltes. Ce sont des passionns de leur sport qui aiment gagner et qui sont affects par les contre performances de nos athltes et emballs par leurs succs.
Comment ton acquise avec la natation peut elle servir au monde du ski de fond?
De plusieurs faons, je crois. Premirement, les deux sont des sports individuels qui se pratiquent dans un contexte d'quipe (club). Par exemple, la majorit des entranements sont collectifs, mme si les preuves, sauf les relais, sont individuelles. Dans ce contexte, l'athlte apprend des choses importantes de la vie avec ses coquipiers: comment se fixer des objectifs, comment gagner, comment perdre aussi, et comment persvrer. Cela fait des athltes de ces sports, une fois qu'ils sont sur le march du travail, des employs de grande valeur.
Lorsque tu as t nomm, Jamie Coatsworth, prsident du Conseil d de SFC, a affirm "Nous comptons sur lui pour fournir la direction et l dont notre sport a besoin pour btir un programme gagnant qui saura aussi initier un plus grand nombre d au ski de fond." Quelles sont tes priorits pour SFC pour l'avenir?
Je veux d'abord m'assurer que nos athltes ont ce dont ils ont besoin pour les grandes preuves de 2018. Je veux aussi prparer nos athltes, ceux qui ont 15 ans aujourd'hui, pour les jeux de 2022 et 2026. Une autre de mes priorits est de renforcer notre programme fminin, notamment au niveau du sprint.
Comment comptes tu t'y prendre pour atteindre ces objectifs?
C'est trs important pour le ski de fond canadien de renforcer ses entraneurs car la force de notre mouvement doit passer par nos entraneurs rgionaux. Il faut galement regrouper nos meilleurs athltes plus souvent pour leur permettre de se mesurer entre eux et de se dpasser. En natation, les nageurs passent les jeudis, vendredis, samedis et dimanches ensemble trs souvent.
Je veux que nous nous rapprochions des Amricains en organisant des comptitions et des camps d'entranement conjoints. Je compte aussi crer des rapprochements nord sud avec eux dans l et dans l du pays. Nous pouvons faire a en nous rapprochant des programmes universitaires amricains (NCAA), qui sont trs solides.
J'aimerais aussi explorer la possibilit de crer une division "B" du circuit de la FIS. Les 100 meilleurs fondeurs au Monde concourent en Europe et les 100 200 pourraient concourir en Amrique du Nord. C'est nous, en Amrique du Nord de nous prendre en main si nous voulons rivaliser avec et devenir les meilleurs. Petter Nortug Jr a pris la seconde place et Emil Iversen a termin 3e. Les autres Canadiens qui participaient l sont Devon Kershaw 21e, Ivan Babokov 35e, Graeme Killick 49e, Kevin Sandau 57e, Len Valjas 63e, Andy Shields 65e, Patrick Stewart Jones 66e, Michael Somppi 67e, Jesse Cockney, qui avait surpris lors des sprints avec une 10e place, a termin 69e, Knute Johnsgaard 70e, Russel Kennedy 71e,replica sell cartier love bracelet, Bob Thompson 74e et Simon Lapointe 82e. Rsultats complets
Chez les dames, quatre Norvgiennes ont pass le fin d en premier de la poursuite de 10 km. Haidi Weng a remport la course, Therese Johaug a termin 2e, Astrid Uhrenholdt Jacobsen 3e et Maiken Kaspersen Falla 4e. Emily Nishikawa a t la meilleure Canadienne avec une 45e place. Ses compatriotes ont t Sandrine Brown 49e, Olivia Bouffard Nesbitt 52e, Dahdia Beatty 57e, Katherine Stewart Jones 58e, Maya Massisaac Jones 60e, Annika Hicks 60e, Jennifer Jackson 63e, Allanah MacLean 64e et Sophie Carrier Laforte 65e. Marie Corriveau n pas pris le dpart. Rsultats complets
Ouf! Quelle journe! J tellement de choses vous raconter : un podium tout de Norvgiennes au 10 km classique; une une solide neuvime place pour Alex Harvey au 17,5 km pour lui permettre de se hisser au 6e rang du Tour avec encore plusieurs tapes dans ses propres terres faire; un vnement qui roule au quart de tour; une foule de plusieurs milliers de spectateurs enthousiastes; une rencontre tout fait inattendue avec Bernard Voyer, celui du Ple Nord (entre autres choses).
Trs impressionn par l bahi qu aient pu concevoir et prparer un parcours aussi excitant un mois de l Dommage que nous ne verrons pas revenir le Ski Tour du Canada Montral avant quelques annes. Heureusement qu y a vendredi et samedi!Voici programmation complte de la 38e dition du plus grand vnement international de ski de fond au Canada. 26, 27 et 28 fvrier prochains, les pistes de ski de fond du parc de la Gatineau abonderont des milliers de fondeurs provenant de plus d'une vingtaine de pays. Cette anne, l'vnement se tient deux semaines plus tard qu' l'habitude afin d'offrir une exprience de 5 jours de ski de fond avec la tenue du ski tour Canada 2016 au parc Jacques Cartier, le mars.
Horaire 2016 Inscriptions
Afin de satisfaire la demande, huit parcours pour tous les niveaux de skieurs seront encore une fois l'honneur cette anne. La journe du samedi 27 fvrier sera consacre au style classique avec les parcours de 5km Tourisme Outaouais, 15km, 27km Otto's BMW/SUBARU et le parcours linaire de 51km Swix qui partira de P17 Wakefield. Le dimanche 28 fvrier, la Mini 2km Sport change Outaouais, le 10km Ski Tour, le 27km Ski Trax et le 51km seront rservs au style libre. De plus, notons que trois parcours en raquettes, prsents par Atlas, seront offerts le dimanche 28 fvrier 2,5km (initiation), 5km et 10km.
Shopping Guide To Washington
sports fans. Our opinions are unbiased and unfiltered, and we never hold back. Destinations For Wine LoversCalifornia, Virginia, Oregon, and New York offer some of the nation top destinations for wine tourism in the USA, increasingly of interest to leisure travelers.
America 5 Best Waterfall HikesAn introduction to five of the very best waterfall hikes in America
Guide To Europe 5 Most Famous Gothic CathedralsA brief guide to five of the most famous Gothic cathedrals in Europe
When it comes to shopping,replica cartier love bracelet 16, the nation's capital doesn quite measure up to New York City in terms of fame and stature. is there's actually a wide variety of shopping options,replica cartier bangle bracelet, from unique vintage clothing stores to high end fashion boutiques. are obviously the national monuments, memorial parks and world class museums, time should be put aside to visit at least one of the many popular shopping neighborhoods. The following is a shopping guide to the five of the best in the District of Columbia. Capitol. But this historic neighborhood filled with 19th century brickrow housesand manor houses is also anexceptional destination for shopping. Just minutes southeast of the Capitol building is Eastern Market, the oldest continuously operated public market. Visitors can purchase fresh fruit and vegetables here, in addition to artisanal cheese, fresh seafood and delectable pastries. The historic structure built in 1873 also hosts a weekend farmer's market when local farmers and other food vendors showcase the freshest food in the District of Columbia. Also not to be missed is Barracks Row, the oldest commercial neighborhood one block over on Seventh Street, where a number of retailers and moderately priced restaurants can be found.
Situated just north of downtown and the White House, Dupont Circle is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the nation's capital . A mixture of businesses, shopping and an upscale residential area, the neighborhood name refers to the 19th century traffic circle bearing nine points, similar to the rotary that surrounds the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The vibrant neighborhood is filled with trendy boutiques, vintage clothing shops and national retailer, with the center of activity along Connecticut Avenue between R Street Northwest and M Street Northwest. most popular bookstores Second Story Books and Kramerbooks. and The Shops at Wisconsin Place and the Collection at Chevy Chase in Maryland. The latter is a great spot to begin a shopping excursion, with luxury retail stores like Cartier, Dior, Bulgari, Jimmy Choo, Saks Fifth Avenue and Tiffany and Company. Mazza Gallerie also features a number of luxury brands including Neiman Marcus, Ann Taylor and Saks Fifth Avenue Men's Store. Visitors hoping to use public transportation can take the R Line to the Friendship Heights Metro station.
If visitors have only a day to go shopping, some places like Union Station or downtown are convenient choices. But for the most complete shopping experience, a better option is in Georgetown, primarily along M Street Northwest and Wisconsin Avenue. Visitors will find a wide selection places to shop, from vintage clothing stores to fashionable boutiques, along with several sporting goods stores and a spacious shopping mall with a lovely atrium known as Georgetown Park. Among the recommended places to shop in Georgetown are vintage clothier Ella Rye, Anthropologie,replica cartier love bracelet diamonds, Barneys New York and the North Face. Although Georgetown is not served by MetroRail,replica cartier promise bracelet, visitors hoping to use public transportation can take a Circulator bus via Georgetown Union Station or via Dupont Circle Georgetown. Opened in 1907, Union Station is the primary transportation hub in the District but it also has a three level shopping center featuring fashion and accessories, specialty items and more than 30 places for casual dining. Popular brand names like Ann Taylor, Chico's, H and Victoria's Secret have retail stores, as well as chocolatiers likeGodiva and Neuhaus and accessory stores like Swatch, Claire's and Swarovski. Plenty of parking is available at Union Square and is also served by Metro buses, MetroRail's Red Line and Amtrak.
sports fans. Our opinions are unbiased and unfiltered, and we never hold back. Destinations For Wine LoversCalifornia, Virginia, Oregon, and New York offer some of the nation top destinations for wine tourism in the USA, increasingly of interest to leisure travelers.
America 5 Best Waterfall HikesAn introduction to five of the very best waterfall hikes in America
Guide To Europe 5 Most Famous Gothic CathedralsA brief guide to five of the most famous Gothic cathedrals in Europe
When it comes to shopping,replica cartier love bracelet 16, the nation's capital doesn quite measure up to New York City in terms of fame and stature. is there's actually a wide variety of shopping options,replica cartier bangle bracelet, from unique vintage clothing stores to high end fashion boutiques. are obviously the national monuments, memorial parks and world class museums, time should be put aside to visit at least one of the many popular shopping neighborhoods. The following is a shopping guide to the five of the best in the District of Columbia. Capitol. But this historic neighborhood filled with 19th century brickrow housesand manor houses is also anexceptional destination for shopping. Just minutes southeast of the Capitol building is Eastern Market, the oldest continuously operated public market. Visitors can purchase fresh fruit and vegetables here, in addition to artisanal cheese, fresh seafood and delectable pastries. The historic structure built in 1873 also hosts a weekend farmer's market when local farmers and other food vendors showcase the freshest food in the District of Columbia. Also not to be missed is Barracks Row, the oldest commercial neighborhood one block over on Seventh Street, where a number of retailers and moderately priced restaurants can be found.
Situated just north of downtown and the White House, Dupont Circle is one of the oldest neighborhoods in the nation's capital . A mixture of businesses, shopping and an upscale residential area, the neighborhood name refers to the 19th century traffic circle bearing nine points, similar to the rotary that surrounds the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. The vibrant neighborhood is filled with trendy boutiques, vintage clothing shops and national retailer, with the center of activity along Connecticut Avenue between R Street Northwest and M Street Northwest. most popular bookstores Second Story Books and Kramerbooks. and The Shops at Wisconsin Place and the Collection at Chevy Chase in Maryland. The latter is a great spot to begin a shopping excursion, with luxury retail stores like Cartier, Dior, Bulgari, Jimmy Choo, Saks Fifth Avenue and Tiffany and Company. Mazza Gallerie also features a number of luxury brands including Neiman Marcus, Ann Taylor and Saks Fifth Avenue Men's Store. Visitors hoping to use public transportation can take the R Line to the Friendship Heights Metro station.
If visitors have only a day to go shopping, some places like Union Station or downtown are convenient choices. But for the most complete shopping experience, a better option is in Georgetown, primarily along M Street Northwest and Wisconsin Avenue. Visitors will find a wide selection places to shop, from vintage clothing stores to fashionable boutiques, along with several sporting goods stores and a spacious shopping mall with a lovely atrium known as Georgetown Park. Among the recommended places to shop in Georgetown are vintage clothier Ella Rye, Anthropologie,replica cartier love bracelet diamonds, Barneys New York and the North Face. Although Georgetown is not served by MetroRail,replica cartier promise bracelet, visitors hoping to use public transportation can take a Circulator bus via Georgetown Union Station or via Dupont Circle Georgetown. Opened in 1907, Union Station is the primary transportation hub in the District but it also has a three level shopping center featuring fashion and accessories, specialty items and more than 30 places for casual dining. Popular brand names like Ann Taylor, Chico's, H and Victoria's Secret have retail stores, as well as chocolatiers likeGodiva and Neuhaus and accessory stores like Swatch, Claire's and Swarovski. Plenty of parking is available at Union Square and is also served by Metro buses, MetroRail's Red Line and Amtrak.
Tiffany lamps highlight New Year Day sales
While most of us are running out the clock on 2012 and seeking antidotes to the day after New Year Eve, the folks at BHD Auctions and Constantine Pletcher are prepping for their annual Jan. 1 sales to ring in 2013. So, while you draw up that list of resolutions for the coming 365 days, you might just put attending a New Year Day sale in the top spot and stick to it for at least a day. Dill Auction building in Zelienople, where he conducted Jan. 1 sales over the past few years.
For the back story on this sale, about 60 percent of the merchandise traces its roots to a weekend retreat log cabin in the mountains near Somerset. With that kind of provenance, the sale packs a strong emphasis on primitive and country goods.
Furniture from the cabin provides a strong foundation for the sale. The highlights of the group are a circa 1850s primitive stepback cupboard, a pie safe showing its first coat of paint and a tall, two piece corner cupboard with a blind door. These early pieces display plenty of well earned, age appropriate wear that infuses them with authentic character.
A passel of primitive paintings are from an attic in Waterford, Erie County. According to the consignor, the disarmingly simple, yet enchanting, oil on board and canvas works are in the public eye for the first time in many decades. Though the works are unsigned, the quality is such that bidding could deliver a few surprises at hammer time.
Tiffany lamps continue to be a hot cartier love bangle price replica commodity locally, with several table models from the famed New York studios fetching hammer prices in the low to mid five figure range. BHD could start 2013 with an electrifying jolt if a Tiffany table lamp with a 16 inch, emerald green, leaded glass, acorn pattern shade follows that trend. In decent shape, the lamp comes with its original light bulb socket and heat cap. And, yes, it is signed.
Another glowing find is an Arts and Crafts lamp from the Charles Limbert Co. Less ornate than the Tiffany, the understated elegance of this sturdy oil lamp and its caramel color leaded glass shade holds a timeless appeal. Though Limbert was born in Pennsylvania in the mid 1850s, he migrated across the Midwest to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he established his furniture making company and radiant reputation.
Slightly out of the sale rustic Americana flavor is a collection of Asian rugs. Hailing from the Middle to the Far East, the floor coverings come in a variety of styles and sizes from hall runners to room size carpets measuring nearly 11 feet by 18 feet. Osgood Wholesale Liquor Dealer of "Pittsburg," Pa. Civil War to World War II German army equipment. All sorts of old time kitchenware from butter presses to a hand forged, wrought iron fireplace toaster are perfect for cooking a home style breakfast your great grandma might have made. And a stash of old fashioned metal toys are perfect gifts for those kids who never grow up.
The sale is at 2341 Evans City Road, Zelienople. Details: 412 816 0683
Ladies and gentlemen, Constantine Pletcher cartier bracelet love price copy is ready to start your engines on New Year Day with a sale that features a large selection of antiques and collectibles that includes a group of high end Tiffany lamps and a trio of luxury cars.
First up, those Tiffany lamps, which seem to be a staple of C sales over the past year or so. With the company almost routinely realizing hammer prices in the mid to high five figures, the trend should continue when three more lamps from the Tiffany Studio go up for bid. One of the prettier lamps to hit the scene of late is a flowery model that features a dozen lily shape shades gracefully drooping to provide a soft halo of light below. Another table lamp features a leaded glass shade decorated in a geranium motif atop a bronze oil burning vase. Finally, a green and yellow iridescent, leaded glass, turtleback shade on a floor lamp delivers the classic Tiffany look. In addition, a Tiffany chandelier will be up for bid.
Sure, some folks say they too big and that they use too much gas, but a Cadillac of any color still ranks as one of America sweetest rides. So, Caddy collectors might want to check out a 1997 Deville with 53,000 miles or a 1985 Seville commemorative model with 40,000 miles. If a little foreign number is more your style, a red hot 1998 Mercedes SL 500 coupe will certainly ratchet up your RPMs. Decked out with a slew of luxury options, this German made classic checks in with 90,000 miles.
With two significant estates contributing to the bulk of the sale merchandise, the auction features a strong second line of goods to follow the Tiffany lamps and autos. One particularly robust category is jewelry, where a 5.5 karat diamond solitaire ring sparkles brightest. Also sure to attract attention are an 18 karat white gold and diamond bracelet, 14 karat gold and diamond omega pendant necklace, a Tiffany there that name again gold and sapphire brooch and a 14 karat Cartier gold and aquamarine broach. A nice selection of Native American copy love bracelet cartier price silver jewelry provides a subtle, yet elegant, alternative to the shiny baubles.
The big names in silver are all here, including Tiffany and Gorham, in the form of flat and hollowware.
A 14 karat gold cigarette holder lights up images of long gone sophistication. Victorian style reigns in the furniture group, where a triple bookcase and washstand from the era retain their regal stature. Decorative stoneware makes an impressive showing with pieces from Moorcroft and Royal Copenhagen. Asian and African ivory figures carved from tusks bring an exotic touch to the proceedings. Other art includes several bronzes by Norm Fugeues, watercolors by several Italian painters and prints by Picasso and other notables.
Befitting the passing of the old year, a collection of clocks includes two Mission Oak grandfather models, a Black Forest three piece carved set, eight day clock and an Oswald skull clock.
The bill of miscellaneous goods features a large collection of Asian and Turkish rugs, cast iron toys and bisque dolls, Native love cartier price copy American pottery and fur coats.
Along with starting the New Year, the sale marks C annual Customer Appreciation with free food and beverages and a special raffle with prizes that include one no buyer pass that can be used at the sale. Tuesday, followed by the auction, at 1306 Pittsburgh St., Cheswick.
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While most of us are running out the clock on 2012 and seeking antidotes to the day after New Year Eve, the folks at BHD Auctions and Constantine Pletcher are prepping for their annual Jan. 1 sales to ring in 2013. So, while you draw up that list of resolutions for the coming 365 days, you might just put attending a New Year Day sale in the top spot and stick to it for at least a day. Dill Auction building in Zelienople, where he conducted Jan. 1 sales over the past few years.
For the back story on this sale, about 60 percent of the merchandise traces its roots to a weekend retreat log cabin in the mountains near Somerset. With that kind of provenance, the sale packs a strong emphasis on primitive and country goods.
Furniture from the cabin provides a strong foundation for the sale. The highlights of the group are a circa 1850s primitive stepback cupboard, a pie safe showing its first coat of paint and a tall, two piece corner cupboard with a blind door. These early pieces display plenty of well earned, age appropriate wear that infuses them with authentic character.
A passel of primitive paintings are from an attic in Waterford, Erie County. According to the consignor, the disarmingly simple, yet enchanting, oil on board and canvas works are in the public eye for the first time in many decades. Though the works are unsigned, the quality is such that bidding could deliver a few surprises at hammer time.
Tiffany lamps continue to be a hot cartier love bangle price replica commodity locally, with several table models from the famed New York studios fetching hammer prices in the low to mid five figure range. BHD could start 2013 with an electrifying jolt if a Tiffany table lamp with a 16 inch, emerald green, leaded glass, acorn pattern shade follows that trend. In decent shape, the lamp comes with its original light bulb socket and heat cap. And, yes, it is signed.
Another glowing find is an Arts and Crafts lamp from the Charles Limbert Co. Less ornate than the Tiffany, the understated elegance of this sturdy oil lamp and its caramel color leaded glass shade holds a timeless appeal. Though Limbert was born in Pennsylvania in the mid 1850s, he migrated across the Midwest to Grand Rapids, Mich., where he established his furniture making company and radiant reputation.
Slightly out of the sale rustic Americana flavor is a collection of Asian rugs. Hailing from the Middle to the Far East, the floor coverings come in a variety of styles and sizes from hall runners to room size carpets measuring nearly 11 feet by 18 feet. Osgood Wholesale Liquor Dealer of "Pittsburg," Pa. Civil War to World War II German army equipment. All sorts of old time kitchenware from butter presses to a hand forged, wrought iron fireplace toaster are perfect for cooking a home style breakfast your great grandma might have made. And a stash of old fashioned metal toys are perfect gifts for those kids who never grow up.
The sale is at 2341 Evans City Road, Zelienople. Details: 412 816 0683
Ladies and gentlemen, Constantine Pletcher cartier bracelet love price copy is ready to start your engines on New Year Day with a sale that features a large selection of antiques and collectibles that includes a group of high end Tiffany lamps and a trio of luxury cars.
First up, those Tiffany lamps, which seem to be a staple of C sales over the past year or so. With the company almost routinely realizing hammer prices in the mid to high five figures, the trend should continue when three more lamps from the Tiffany Studio go up for bid. One of the prettier lamps to hit the scene of late is a flowery model that features a dozen lily shape shades gracefully drooping to provide a soft halo of light below. Another table lamp features a leaded glass shade decorated in a geranium motif atop a bronze oil burning vase. Finally, a green and yellow iridescent, leaded glass, turtleback shade on a floor lamp delivers the classic Tiffany look. In addition, a Tiffany chandelier will be up for bid.
Sure, some folks say they too big and that they use too much gas, but a Cadillac of any color still ranks as one of America sweetest rides. So, Caddy collectors might want to check out a 1997 Deville with 53,000 miles or a 1985 Seville commemorative model with 40,000 miles. If a little foreign number is more your style, a red hot 1998 Mercedes SL 500 coupe will certainly ratchet up your RPMs. Decked out with a slew of luxury options, this German made classic checks in with 90,000 miles.
With two significant estates contributing to the bulk of the sale merchandise, the auction features a strong second line of goods to follow the Tiffany lamps and autos. One particularly robust category is jewelry, where a 5.5 karat diamond solitaire ring sparkles brightest. Also sure to attract attention are an 18 karat white gold and diamond bracelet, 14 karat gold and diamond omega pendant necklace, a Tiffany there that name again gold and sapphire brooch and a 14 karat Cartier gold and aquamarine broach. A nice selection of Native American copy love bracelet cartier price silver jewelry provides a subtle, yet elegant, alternative to the shiny baubles.
The big names in silver are all here, including Tiffany and Gorham, in the form of flat and hollowware.
A 14 karat gold cigarette holder lights up images of long gone sophistication. Victorian style reigns in the furniture group, where a triple bookcase and washstand from the era retain their regal stature. Decorative stoneware makes an impressive showing with pieces from Moorcroft and Royal Copenhagen. Asian and African ivory figures carved from tusks bring an exotic touch to the proceedings. Other art includes several bronzes by Norm Fugeues, watercolors by several Italian painters and prints by Picasso and other notables.
Befitting the passing of the old year, a collection of clocks includes two Mission Oak grandfather models, a Black Forest three piece carved set, eight day clock and an Oswald skull clock.
The bill of miscellaneous goods features a large collection of Asian and Turkish rugs, cast iron toys and bisque dolls, Native love cartier price copy American pottery and fur coats.
Along with starting the New Year, the sale marks C annual Customer Appreciation with free food and beverages and a special raffle with prizes that include one no buyer pass that can be used at the sale. Tuesday, followed by the auction, at 1306 Pittsburgh St., Cheswick.
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We welcome strong opinions and criticism of our work, but we don't want comments to become bogged down with discussions of our policies and we will moderate accordingly.
Spy camera 'used at naturist resort' From Worcester News
A BUSINESSMAN and father of four from Inkberrow, who took photos of children at a French naturist resort using a spy camera will appear in Worcester Magistrates Court later this month, after an application for orders in his name fake price of cartier love bracelet was adjourned.
Adrian Harvey, aged 42, of Stonepit Lane, Inkberrow, near Worcester, replica cartier bracelet screwdriver was convicted in the summer after admitting possessing pornographic images of minors following the visit to the French beach.
The director of firm Common Nonsense appeared at the High Court of Beziers, France, on June 2, this year where the court was told he had sneaked up on children and teenagers at the naturist resort in Cap d'Agde, France.
Harvey is said to have bought a mini spy camera hidden in a key fob before the holiday and he claimed it was to take photos of model aeroplanes, despite photographic equipment and the use of it being banned at the beach.
But he was spotted pointing the device at groups of youngsters and when the French police were called, they found images of naked or nearly naked minors aged between six and 18.
He told the court he visited the resort for its beauty during a break from replica screw love bangle work and while he and his wife Kate were experiencing difficulties.
When asked why he took the images, he said it was out of curiosity adding that he planned to delete them.
He said he was ashamed fake cartier bracelet love price of his behaviour, and that he understand the gravity of the situation, which would never occur again.
Harvey, who had no previous convictions, admitted possessing pornographic images of minors and was given a six month prison sentence, which was suspended for five years.
Yesterday he was due to appear at Worcester Magistrates Court for an application for a notification order on the ground he had been convicted of a relevant offence, and an interim order to be until the main application is determined.in relation to cartier ring classic clou copy up to the minute fad press recommend Notice
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A BUSINESSMAN and father of four from Inkberrow, who took photos of children at a French naturist resort using a spy camera will appear in Worcester Magistrates Court later this month, after an application for orders in his name fake price of cartier love bracelet was adjourned.
Adrian Harvey, aged 42, of Stonepit Lane, Inkberrow, near Worcester, replica cartier bracelet screwdriver was convicted in the summer after admitting possessing pornographic images of minors following the visit to the French beach.
The director of firm Common Nonsense appeared at the High Court of Beziers, France, on June 2, this year where the court was told he had sneaked up on children and teenagers at the naturist resort in Cap d'Agde, France.
Harvey is said to have bought a mini spy camera hidden in a key fob before the holiday and he claimed it was to take photos of model aeroplanes, despite photographic equipment and the use of it being banned at the beach.
But he was spotted pointing the device at groups of youngsters and when the French police were called, they found images of naked or nearly naked minors aged between six and 18.
He told the court he visited the resort for its beauty during a break from replica screw love bangle work and while he and his wife Kate were experiencing difficulties.
When asked why he took the images, he said it was out of curiosity adding that he planned to delete them.
He said he was ashamed fake cartier bracelet love price of his behaviour, and that he understand the gravity of the situation, which would never occur again.
Harvey, who had no previous convictions, admitted possessing pornographic images of minors and was given a six month prison sentence, which was suspended for five years.
Yesterday he was due to appear at Worcester Magistrates Court for an application for a notification order on the ground he had been convicted of a relevant offence, and an interim order to be until the main application is determined.
Media Musings Blog Archive Human rights issue on asylum seekers
Selamat Datang! Or Welcome to Malaysia!
That's the welcome that the next 800 asylum seekers expecting to arrive in Australia will be greeted with under the Gillard' government's bold new "get tough" plan on asylum seekers.
Followinga series of riots, arson, and protests atAustralian detention centres, the Government has announced that the next 800 asylum seekers to arrive in Australia will be taken to Malaysia, where they will join a long queue to have their claims processed by UN officials.
In return, Australia will accept 4,000 refugees from Malaysia.
The number of boat people has dropped sharply this year.
940 arrived in the first four months of 2011, compared with more than 2,100 in the same period last year.
However, many Australians are convinced the country is being "swamped" by asylum seekers.
Julia Gillard says the new deal will be a "major blow" to people smugglers who ship asylum seekers to Australia via Malaysia and Indonesia.
"The key message this will deliver to people smugglers and those seeking to make the dangerous journey to Australia is: do not get on that boat," she said.
"Under this arrangement, if you arrive in Australian waters and are taken to Malaysia, you will go to the back of the queue."
However the plan has been condemned by the human rights organisations.
An Amnesty report last year said Malaysia's detention centres were filthy and overcrowded. "Detainees lack proper healthcare, sufficient food and clean drinking water," it said.
"Children under 18 are held with adults, and abuse by detention staff is rife."
The UN refugee agency says refugees in Malaysia are vulnerable to arrest, and "may be subject to detention, prosecution, whipping and deportation".
Malaysia is not a signatory to the United Nations Refugee Convention and has a record of mistreating refugees.
It's nice to see that we are meeting our humanitarian obligations.
Companies work with a beneficial fortune on the advancement of their items. The typical preferred conclusion is appropriation involving giveaways, identifications, books and so on in the entrance or even in shopping centers. On the other hand a big portion of the periods they may be discovered inside dustbin or maybe laying on to the ground after the celebration has ended. This unmistakably demonstrates that it really is useless promoting, disaster of greenbacks, some time fake shop cartier love bracelet to property. In lieu of viewing this particular atrophy, supporters can make make use of very limited time Bags that is displaying sufficient. They may be available in interesting collections and therefore are known as a good apparatus intended for marketing as well as growth of scars. Backpacks are generally very interesting along with stylish. People are more likely to mention these phones far better sites. This means your company logo are going to be shown everywhere in the buyer moves. Most of these bags may be higher priced than these yet the consumer could keep that along with your pet with an remarkable period of time. This carrier bag exclusive eventually ends up getting very suitable while they expedite your preserving ebooks, clothes and other factors. Numerous beneficial agencies appropriate Back packs on their college students using the groundwork emblem printed on the back. Alongside these lines they showcase their symbol generally. Advertising cooler is usually a diverse course pertaining to agencies advertising the company. These are the basic form of particular items that customers can count copy cartier love bracelet with diamonds price on use on trips or maybe interpersonal situations. There are several centers that has to be considered beneath contemplations ahead of buying the kind of Brand chilly. Provided your target consumer is definitely associated with jr age group, the idea receives important to give a fashion aspect of that. Strange cooling bags could possibly be useful Hermes belt for this kind of era gathering. Although given that you would like to provide these items to senior citizen people a obstruct regarding colder bag are often more suitable as it features larger deals with cartier love bracelet with diamonds price fake that adorn stronger store and causes it to be a smaller amount requiring to download this promotional product in all places. Sexual intercourse is usually a distinct critical thing to be regarded while using this particular. You be able to select chillier bags together with calfskin match for young women. Whilst for gentlemen, much cooler bags together with seat will probably be a better decision. This will likely promise appropriateness. The previous however 1 major viewpoint to be managed is the setting of cooler bag. Improved much cooler is coming to end up being dominant as they allow unique magnet illustrations. By simply producing catching expressions along with subscribing to the theifs to ones level label will certainly undeniably grow the consent ability in the merchandise. Chillier bags offer a wonderful produced as well as thick covering. They maintain items on the inside securely. A great ice cubes Three dimensional sq usually stay inside identical design whatever the chance that the temperature around is actually substantial. Individuals go on it around to be able to day out places. This batches your plausibility involving tag name acquiring factor perhaps crosswise more than geologies.
Artist bags carry big cost, getting these individuals after dark attain on most persons. Even so, not every excellent bags usually are expensive. You can find websites that supply great bags by 50 percent and even lower selling price. Read on to recognize how looking about this sort of stores is helpful. Given an option, every woman will favor purchasing artist bags. Nonetheless, many cant do that will seeing that custom bags are very high priced, far Hermes Birkin bag more their own pouches allow. The answer will be purchasing from your sellers that aside together with the middlemen and shift the purchase price good things about the actual buyers. With the amount of choices about the choice of handbags, looking for a bag makes for an enjoyable exercise. Searching for bags on the net much easier because it takes out enough time as well as group factor that is usually part of shopping on the web. Customers can select from their own spending budget in addition to personal preference of favor. You find things if you wants to invest in a top quality artist bag. Grabs tend to be bustier totes which are transported through the girls on hand or his or her equip. These little bags are utilized to hold the total essentials including dollars, mobile phone in addition to secrets. Hobo bags tend to be oversized bags with plenty of storage area within their crescent molded figures. Very handy, these kinds of bags can be used causal work with. Cross punch human body bags simply leaves the hands cost free. An extended band helps women to wear the idea diagonally across the girl human body. Their own bags are produced from top notch supplies and a spotlight pays to depth. Including custom made bags, they in addition perform the duties of a stylish in addition to purposeful object. However, shop cartier love bracelet fake making use of their price ranges reduced straight down, they can be merely add ons for your wealthy. Usual shoppers can obtain them also now. Customers can find these types of bags on the web and get them cheap. This is because an internet bag keep don encounter problems including the store dimensions, rent, etcetera. Working away at the online world, it could possibly organize several products mainly because it involves. Searching as well as making payments can be as easy as clicking the mouse.regarding cartier ring rose gold love replica Latest fashion Administrivia present Notice
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Selamat Datang! Or Welcome to Malaysia!
That's the welcome that the next 800 asylum seekers expecting to arrive in Australia will be greeted with under the Gillard' government's bold new "get tough" plan on asylum seekers.
Followinga series of riots, arson, and protests atAustralian detention centres, the Government has announced that the next 800 asylum seekers to arrive in Australia will be taken to Malaysia, where they will join a long queue to have their claims processed by UN officials.
In return, Australia will accept 4,000 refugees from Malaysia.
The number of boat people has dropped sharply this year.
940 arrived in the first four months of 2011, compared with more than 2,100 in the same period last year.
However, many Australians are convinced the country is being "swamped" by asylum seekers.
Julia Gillard says the new deal will be a "major blow" to people smugglers who ship asylum seekers to Australia via Malaysia and Indonesia.
"The key message this will deliver to people smugglers and those seeking to make the dangerous journey to Australia is: do not get on that boat," she said.
"Under this arrangement, if you arrive in Australian waters and are taken to Malaysia, you will go to the back of the queue."
However the plan has been condemned by the human rights organisations.
An Amnesty report last year said Malaysia's detention centres were filthy and overcrowded. "Detainees lack proper healthcare, sufficient food and clean drinking water," it said.
"Children under 18 are held with adults, and abuse by detention staff is rife."
The UN refugee agency says refugees in Malaysia are vulnerable to arrest, and "may be subject to detention, prosecution, whipping and deportation".
Malaysia is not a signatory to the United Nations Refugee Convention and has a record of mistreating refugees.
It's nice to see that we are meeting our humanitarian obligations.
Companies work with a beneficial fortune on the advancement of their items. The typical preferred conclusion is appropriation involving giveaways, identifications, books and so on in the entrance or even in shopping centers. On the other hand a big portion of the periods they may be discovered inside dustbin or maybe laying on to the ground after the celebration has ended. This unmistakably demonstrates that it really is useless promoting, disaster of greenbacks, some time fake shop cartier love bracelet to property. In lieu of viewing this particular atrophy, supporters can make make use of very limited time Bags that is displaying sufficient. They may be available in interesting collections and therefore are known as a good apparatus intended for marketing as well as growth of scars. Backpacks are generally very interesting along with stylish. People are more likely to mention these phones far better sites. This means your company logo are going to be shown everywhere in the buyer moves. Most of these bags may be higher priced than these yet the consumer could keep that along with your pet with an remarkable period of time. This carrier bag exclusive eventually ends up getting very suitable while they expedite your preserving ebooks, clothes and other factors. Numerous beneficial agencies appropriate Back packs on their college students using the groundwork emblem printed on the back. Alongside these lines they showcase their symbol generally. Advertising cooler is usually a diverse course pertaining to agencies advertising the company. These are the basic form of particular items that customers can count copy cartier love bracelet with diamonds price on use on trips or maybe interpersonal situations. There are several centers that has to be considered beneath contemplations ahead of buying the kind of Brand chilly. Provided your target consumer is definitely associated with jr age group, the idea receives important to give a fashion aspect of that. Strange cooling bags could possibly be useful Hermes belt for this kind of era gathering. Although given that you would like to provide these items to senior citizen people a obstruct regarding colder bag are often more suitable as it features larger deals with cartier love bracelet with diamonds price fake that adorn stronger store and causes it to be a smaller amount requiring to download this promotional product in all places. Sexual intercourse is usually a distinct critical thing to be regarded while using this particular. You be able to select chillier bags together with calfskin match for young women. Whilst for gentlemen, much cooler bags together with seat will probably be a better decision. This will likely promise appropriateness. The previous however 1 major viewpoint to be managed is the setting of cooler bag. Improved much cooler is coming to end up being dominant as they allow unique magnet illustrations. By simply producing catching expressions along with subscribing to the theifs to ones level label will certainly undeniably grow the consent ability in the merchandise. Chillier bags offer a wonderful produced as well as thick covering. They maintain items on the inside securely. A great ice cubes Three dimensional sq usually stay inside identical design whatever the chance that the temperature around is actually substantial. Individuals go on it around to be able to day out places. This batches your plausibility involving tag name acquiring factor perhaps crosswise more than geologies.
Artist bags carry big cost, getting these individuals after dark attain on most persons. Even so, not every excellent bags usually are expensive. You can find websites that supply great bags by 50 percent and even lower selling price. Read on to recognize how looking about this sort of stores is helpful. Given an option, every woman will favor purchasing artist bags. Nonetheless, many cant do that will seeing that custom bags are very high priced, far Hermes Birkin bag more their own pouches allow. The answer will be purchasing from your sellers that aside together with the middlemen and shift the purchase price good things about the actual buyers. With the amount of choices about the choice of handbags, looking for a bag makes for an enjoyable exercise. Searching for bags on the net much easier because it takes out enough time as well as group factor that is usually part of shopping on the web. Customers can select from their own spending budget in addition to personal preference of favor. You find things if you wants to invest in a top quality artist bag. Grabs tend to be bustier totes which are transported through the girls on hand or his or her equip. These little bags are utilized to hold the total essentials including dollars, mobile phone in addition to secrets. Hobo bags tend to be oversized bags with plenty of storage area within their crescent molded figures. Very handy, these kinds of bags can be used causal work with. Cross punch human body bags simply leaves the hands cost free. An extended band helps women to wear the idea diagonally across the girl human body. Their own bags are produced from top notch supplies and a spotlight pays to depth. Including custom made bags, they in addition perform the duties of a stylish in addition to purposeful object. However, shop cartier love bracelet fake making use of their price ranges reduced straight down, they can be merely add ons for your wealthy. Usual shoppers can obtain them also now. Customers can find these types of bags on the web and get them cheap. This is because an internet bag keep don encounter problems including the store dimensions, rent, etcetera. Working away at the online world, it could possibly organize several products mainly because it involves. Searching as well as making payments can be as easy as clicking the mouse.
Pomellato profile
Daring to be different is encoded in Pomellato's DNA. The Italian jewellery house can afford to push the boundaries, according to CEO Andrea Morante, because "by traditional jewellery standards it's a young house, founded at a time of great innovation and change. Iconoclasm is in its spirit and archives, which help drive its designs today. Houses which have been going a century or more have their foundation in a different time and attitude and cannot take the same approach."
In its 46 years of existence, Pomellato has been at the forefront of change in jewellery design, both in the making and the marketing. In the early 1980s, it was the first house to run an advertising campaign that didn't focus on the product, hiring the provocative photographer Helmut Newton to shoot a series of mould breaking adverts including the one on this page that concentrates more on the charms of the well appointed model and her bulldog than the jewellery itself.
Newton was followed by a roll call of top photographers, including Paolo Roversi and Javier Vallhonrat, who set the pace for advertising in the jewellery field, using personalities from Boy George to Tilda Swinton, as well as models. Another radical idea was to photograph a new collection each year, an cartier love bracelet 4 diamonds price copy innovation for jewellers, who had traditionally produced new pieces as and when.
In the 1990s, Pomellato pioneered taking mixes of unusual coloured stones out of the realm of replica his and hers love bracelets high jewellery into more accessible pieces such as single stone rings that could be worn alone or stacked in different colour combinations.
It is also one of the few houses to blur the distinction between high jewellery and more affordable pieces, working equally with silver and gold and using materials such as jet or rock crystal alongside conventional stones.
Renowned for its bold styles and chunky chains, Pomellato has more recently adopted synthetic stones in order to produce large, striking pieces at relatively accessible prices. Last year's gold collection, Rouge Passion, for example, is something of a coup, using synthetic stones in several shades of rich red that could only be achieved otherwise with rubies at stratospheric cost . Now Pomellato has taken the same principle cartier bracelet gold and worked it into its big silver pieces, using opulent looking synthetic amethysts and marcasite instead of mined stones and diamonds. Retailers, witnessing the popularity of the collections with clients, are now clamouring to stock the jewellery.
Morante, who joined Pomellato in copy shop cartier love bracelet 2009, knows that the brand does not yet have the same global signature as some other luxury jewellers. "At the moment there are only three truly global jewellery brands: Cartier, Tiffany and Bulgari," he says. "When Pino Rabolini founded Pomellato in 1967, France and Italy were the height of elegance and the world's wealthy came there; if you succeeded in those markets, as he did, you had made it."
Nearly 50 years later, the jewellery industry inhabits a very different world. Countries that were virtually unheard of back then have burgeoning luxury markets now. "The industry is there to be taken advantage of," says Morante, pointing out that, unlike watches, a significant chunk of jewellery is unbranded. He estimates only five per cent of the 150billion global total bears a well known name. "Even a five per cent shift would make a huge difference," he says.
As a relatively "secret" brand, Pomellato is in an ideal position, believes Morante. Its wide ranging designs spring from its highly creative ethos but the unifying factor is craftsmanship, which is the same for the accessible range as it is for its handmade, one off pieces. Everything is made by a hundred artisan jewellers in Milan; the same people working with 18th century techniques to fashion a sumptuous Tango piece one week could be making a modern, hollow silver chain bracelet the next.
Nothing illustrates this better than Pomellato's signature Nudo stacking ring, with its almost invisible setting where the precious stone seems to float effortless in appearance but complex to make. Exactly the same techniques are employed for its Rouge Passion pieces and they are only half the price. A clever double strategy that's already made Pomellato the fifth biggest luxury jewellery brand in Europe.About some cartier bracelet rose gold nail replica up-to-date mode Administrivia introduce pass
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Daring to be different is encoded in Pomellato's DNA. The Italian jewellery house can afford to push the boundaries, according to CEO Andrea Morante, because "by traditional jewellery standards it's a young house, founded at a time of great innovation and change. Iconoclasm is in its spirit and archives, which help drive its designs today. Houses which have been going a century or more have their foundation in a different time and attitude and cannot take the same approach."
In its 46 years of existence, Pomellato has been at the forefront of change in jewellery design, both in the making and the marketing. In the early 1980s, it was the first house to run an advertising campaign that didn't focus on the product, hiring the provocative photographer Helmut Newton to shoot a series of mould breaking adverts including the one on this page that concentrates more on the charms of the well appointed model and her bulldog than the jewellery itself.
Newton was followed by a roll call of top photographers, including Paolo Roversi and Javier Vallhonrat, who set the pace for advertising in the jewellery field, using personalities from Boy George to Tilda Swinton, as well as models. Another radical idea was to photograph a new collection each year, an cartier love bracelet 4 diamonds price copy innovation for jewellers, who had traditionally produced new pieces as and when.
In the 1990s, Pomellato pioneered taking mixes of unusual coloured stones out of the realm of replica his and hers love bracelets high jewellery into more accessible pieces such as single stone rings that could be worn alone or stacked in different colour combinations.
It is also one of the few houses to blur the distinction between high jewellery and more affordable pieces, working equally with silver and gold and using materials such as jet or rock crystal alongside conventional stones.
Renowned for its bold styles and chunky chains, Pomellato has more recently adopted synthetic stones in order to produce large, striking pieces at relatively accessible prices. Last year's gold collection, Rouge Passion, for example, is something of a coup, using synthetic stones in several shades of rich red that could only be achieved otherwise with rubies at stratospheric cost . Now Pomellato has taken the same principle cartier bracelet gold and worked it into its big silver pieces, using opulent looking synthetic amethysts and marcasite instead of mined stones and diamonds. Retailers, witnessing the popularity of the collections with clients, are now clamouring to stock the jewellery.
Morante, who joined Pomellato in copy shop cartier love bracelet 2009, knows that the brand does not yet have the same global signature as some other luxury jewellers. "At the moment there are only three truly global jewellery brands: Cartier, Tiffany and Bulgari," he says. "When Pino Rabolini founded Pomellato in 1967, France and Italy were the height of elegance and the world's wealthy came there; if you succeeded in those markets, as he did, you had made it."
Nearly 50 years later, the jewellery industry inhabits a very different world. Countries that were virtually unheard of back then have burgeoning luxury markets now. "The industry is there to be taken advantage of," says Morante, pointing out that, unlike watches, a significant chunk of jewellery is unbranded. He estimates only five per cent of the 150billion global total bears a well known name. "Even a five per cent shift would make a huge difference," he says.
As a relatively "secret" brand, Pomellato is in an ideal position, believes Morante. Its wide ranging designs spring from its highly creative ethos but the unifying factor is craftsmanship, which is the same for the accessible range as it is for its handmade, one off pieces. Everything is made by a hundred artisan jewellers in Milan; the same people working with 18th century techniques to fashion a sumptuous Tango piece one week could be making a modern, hollow silver chain bracelet the next.
Nothing illustrates this better than Pomellato's signature Nudo stacking ring, with its almost invisible setting where the precious stone seems to float effortless in appearance but complex to make. Exactly the same techniques are employed for its Rouge Passion pieces and they are only half the price. A clever double strategy that's already made Pomellato the fifth biggest luxury jewellery brand in Europe.
Rainbow Stage's Sister Act is an upbeat
The surprise, it seems, is that underneath those black habits and wimples are people just like you and me.Leading this conversion is Deloris Van Cartier (Saccha Dennis), who goes on the lam after she walks in on her mobster boyfriend Curtis (Michael Lamont Lytle) executing a suspected stool pigeon. She goes to the cops and her former high school crush, Officer Eddie (Aadin Church), protects her by stashing her where no one would think of looking: a convent.The black lounge singer,cartier love bracelet rose gold price, who is struggling to make it as part of a Supremes like trio in Philly, takes sanctuary or goes "incog Negro" as one sister suggests in the Queen of Angels convent, which is also struggling to make it.Predictably, Deloris comically disrupts the sisters cloistered life with her tempting worldly ways, much to the disapproval of no nunsense Mother Superior (Donna Fletcher), who fears what goes on outside the convent walls. They clash, but it turns out Deloris needs them as much as they need her.The brash infiltrator is put in charge of the convent tuneless choir, which, with some divine exhortation, turns them into disco divas channelling their inner John Travolta to perform what else? Sunday Morning Fever. It a miracle, so no use asking too many questions.Why the audience leaves Kildonan Park feeling upbeat is easier to understand when you take into consideration the flock of talented leads, backed by an ensemble with oodles of girl group gusto.Dennis, an out of towner,cartier love bracelet pink gold replica, leads the cast, and she thrills with an exuberant, big voice performance. Her sparkling stage presence is only overshadowed by her dome rattling showstopper Raise Your Voice.All the leads get a musical moment to shine, and they do, with Alan Menken imitation tunes that sound familiar and remind boomers of the Bee Gees, the Spinners or Donna Summer.As the meek sister in training Mary Robert, Colleen Furlan sings a sensational The Life I Never Led, in which she questions her dedication to convent life with the line,cartier love bracelet white replica, "I won go on playing dead." Fletcher brings gravitas and confusion to Mother Superior, beautifully captured in her solo Haven Got a Prayer.In I Could Be That Guy, Church reveals another side of Eddie, as he changes from cop uniform to strutting disco star and back in the blink of an eye. Sarah Lynn Strange as Sister Mary Patrick and Katherine Krueger as Sister Mary Lazarus supply light hearted comedy.Director/choreographer Ray Hogg offers a cheery populist confection that moves well and attempts what looks like Busby Berkeley configurations. Sister Act only cardinal sin is the tune When I Find My Baby,cartier love bracelet pink gold fake, in which the thuggish Curtis, dressed like Superfly, gleefully promises to shoot and stab Deloris. Although well performed, applauding seemed to make light of violence against women.
The surprise, it seems, is that underneath those black habits and wimples are people just like you and me.Leading this conversion is Deloris Van Cartier (Saccha Dennis), who goes on the lam after she walks in on her mobster boyfriend Curtis (Michael Lamont Lytle) executing a suspected stool pigeon. She goes to the cops and her former high school crush, Officer Eddie (Aadin Church), protects her by stashing her where no one would think of looking: a convent.The black lounge singer,cartier love bracelet rose gold price, who is struggling to make it as part of a Supremes like trio in Philly, takes sanctuary or goes "incog Negro" as one sister suggests in the Queen of Angels convent, which is also struggling to make it.Predictably, Deloris comically disrupts the sisters cloistered life with her tempting worldly ways, much to the disapproval of no nunsense Mother Superior (Donna Fletcher), who fears what goes on outside the convent walls. They clash, but it turns out Deloris needs them as much as they need her.The brash infiltrator is put in charge of the convent tuneless choir, which, with some divine exhortation, turns them into disco divas channelling their inner John Travolta to perform what else? Sunday Morning Fever. It a miracle, so no use asking too many questions.Why the audience leaves Kildonan Park feeling upbeat is easier to understand when you take into consideration the flock of talented leads, backed by an ensemble with oodles of girl group gusto.Dennis, an out of towner,cartier love bracelet pink gold replica, leads the cast, and she thrills with an exuberant, big voice performance. Her sparkling stage presence is only overshadowed by her dome rattling showstopper Raise Your Voice.All the leads get a musical moment to shine, and they do, with Alan Menken imitation tunes that sound familiar and remind boomers of the Bee Gees, the Spinners or Donna Summer.As the meek sister in training Mary Robert, Colleen Furlan sings a sensational The Life I Never Led, in which she questions her dedication to convent life with the line,cartier love bracelet white replica, "I won go on playing dead." Fletcher brings gravitas and confusion to Mother Superior, beautifully captured in her solo Haven Got a Prayer.In I Could Be That Guy, Church reveals another side of Eddie, as he changes from cop uniform to strutting disco star and back in the blink of an eye. Sarah Lynn Strange as Sister Mary Patrick and Katherine Krueger as Sister Mary Lazarus supply light hearted comedy.Director/choreographer Ray Hogg offers a cheery populist confection that moves well and attempts what looks like Busby Berkeley configurations. Sister Act only cardinal sin is the tune When I Find My Baby,cartier love bracelet pink gold fake, in which the thuggish Curtis, dressed like Superfly, gleefully promises to shoot and stab Deloris. Although well performed, applauding seemed to make light of violence against women.
The famous images of photojournalist Marc Riboud
Anti Vietnam protest Flower Child World renowned French photographer Marc Riboud, who died on Aug. 20,cartier love bracelet pink faux, 2016 at age 93, was most recognized for two very famous photographs: the girl with the flower facing National Guardsmen poised with bayonets during an anti Vietnam march on the Pentagon; and the whimsical image of a painter balancing precariously on the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Over the years,cartier love bracelet pink gold fake, Riboud globetrotting and keen eye produced a wealth of imagery from China to Iran to West Africa. war in Vietnam.
In an interview with The Guardian years later, Kasmir said she didn consider herself fearless: was before Kent State, so who would ever think that they would kill me?
of them made eye contact. They stonewalled me,cartier bracelet 2016 faux. But the photographer later told me he noticed them shaking. I think they were afraid they were going to be told to fire at us. Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
Beijing street life A street in Beijing as seen from inside an antique dealer shop in China, 1965.
Riboud first worked as an engineer before turning to photography and moving to Paris. The legendary street photographer Henri Cartier Bresson, and co founder of the collective, Magnum Photos, was a mentor for Riboud in the City of Light.
Riboud was one of the first Western photographers allowed into China after the country Cultural Revolution in 1957.
Much of his work over the years focused on daily life. In places like China and India, that meant often capturing people impacted by major cultural and industrial transformation in the and
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
India People dress after bathing in the Ganges in Benares, India, 1956.
In 1955, Riboud used an old Land Rover to travel from Paris to Calcutta with stops in Istanbul and Afghanistan. He spent a year photographing and traveling through India before eventually making his way to China and Russia.
His 2012 book, Riboud Into the Orient, was born out of his three year sojourn.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
Great Wall The Great Wall, China, 1971.
Riboud made repeated trips to China over a 40 year period. Many of his images were published in the book, Riboud in China: Forty Years of Photography in 1996.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
Eiffel Tower Painter Zazou, the Eiffel Tower painter, in Paris, 1953.
This photo (Riboud first published one) debuted in Life magazine. The Eiffel Tower image prompted an invite from his mentor and war photographer Robert Capa to join Magnum Photos. Riboud remained a member of Magnum until 1979.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
China A statue of Chinese leader Mao Tse Tung stands before billowing smoke in the industrial center of Wuhan, China, 1971.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
Afghanistan A tribal munitions factory near Kohat Pass on Afghanistan lawless border with Pakistan, 1956.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
China Steel factory engineer in his office in Anshan, China, 1957.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
Marc Riboud (1923 2016) Marc Riboud was born on June 24, 1923 in Saint Genis Laval, France. He died at age 93 on August, 30,cartier love bracelet rose gold price, 2016 from Alzheimer
During his 60 year career, Riboud work was published around the world, including in Life, National Geographic and Paris Match; exhibited in numerous museums; and appeared in several books.
Anti Vietnam protest Flower Child World renowned French photographer Marc Riboud, who died on Aug. 20,cartier love bracelet pink faux, 2016 at age 93, was most recognized for two very famous photographs: the girl with the flower facing National Guardsmen poised with bayonets during an anti Vietnam march on the Pentagon; and the whimsical image of a painter balancing precariously on the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Over the years,cartier love bracelet pink gold fake, Riboud globetrotting and keen eye produced a wealth of imagery from China to Iran to West Africa. war in Vietnam.
In an interview with The Guardian years later, Kasmir said she didn consider herself fearless: was before Kent State, so who would ever think that they would kill me?
of them made eye contact. They stonewalled me,cartier bracelet 2016 faux. But the photographer later told me he noticed them shaking. I think they were afraid they were going to be told to fire at us. Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
Beijing street life A street in Beijing as seen from inside an antique dealer shop in China, 1965.
Riboud first worked as an engineer before turning to photography and moving to Paris. The legendary street photographer Henri Cartier Bresson, and co founder of the collective, Magnum Photos, was a mentor for Riboud in the City of Light.
Riboud was one of the first Western photographers allowed into China after the country Cultural Revolution in 1957.
Much of his work over the years focused on daily life. In places like China and India, that meant often capturing people impacted by major cultural and industrial transformation in the and
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
India People dress after bathing in the Ganges in Benares, India, 1956.
In 1955, Riboud used an old Land Rover to travel from Paris to Calcutta with stops in Istanbul and Afghanistan. He spent a year photographing and traveling through India before eventually making his way to China and Russia.
His 2012 book, Riboud Into the Orient, was born out of his three year sojourn.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
Great Wall The Great Wall, China, 1971.
Riboud made repeated trips to China over a 40 year period. Many of his images were published in the book, Riboud in China: Forty Years of Photography in 1996.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
Eiffel Tower Painter Zazou, the Eiffel Tower painter, in Paris, 1953.
This photo (Riboud first published one) debuted in Life magazine. The Eiffel Tower image prompted an invite from his mentor and war photographer Robert Capa to join Magnum Photos. Riboud remained a member of Magnum until 1979.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
China A statue of Chinese leader Mao Tse Tung stands before billowing smoke in the industrial center of Wuhan, China, 1971.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
Afghanistan A tribal munitions factory near Kohat Pass on Afghanistan lawless border with Pakistan, 1956.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
China Steel factory engineer in his office in Anshan, China, 1957.
Credit: Marc Riboud/Magnum Photos
Marc Riboud (1923 2016) Marc Riboud was born on June 24, 1923 in Saint Genis Laval, France. He died at age 93 on August, 30,cartier love bracelet rose gold price, 2016 from Alzheimer
During his 60 year career, Riboud work was published around the world, including in Life, National Geographic and Paris Match; exhibited in numerous museums; and appeared in several books.
Bike wreck that became a car
You're sitting in the nose of a long, thin projectile, feeling as exposed as Marat in his bath waiting for Charlotte Corday to strike,cartier bracelet screwdriver imitation, then the engine fires up and everything vibrates. As Mike, sitting behind you, engages drive, your field of vision blurs violently. It's rather like those scenes in Star Trek where Scottie turns on the warp drive. And then you're moving at what seems like an almost uncontrollable speed.
In reality, the Bedelia is probably doing only 30mph or so, but it feels a lot faster. As Mike has his hands full driving the beast, the passenger's job is to clear people out of the way by winding the handle of a fearsomely loud Klaxon.
The Bedelia is unlike anything else you're likely to see on the road. For a start, it's tandem seated,cartier love bracelet yellow price, with the driver at the rear, peering anxiously round the passenger's head. The front axle, controlled by spring loaded cables, pivots on a central steering post, while the basic functions of going and stopping are controlled by a hefty lever moving in a viciously toothed rack. The rack has to be massive, for the neutral position is achieved by moving the rear axle forward bodily to free the long, flapping drive belts from their pulleys.
It's a real juggling act, for the initial part of that forward axle movement allows the belts to rise up the vee of the driving pulleys, which close under centrifugal force to give high gear.
The genesis of the Bedelia was as unorthodox as its specification. In the spring of 1909, two 18 year old French enthusiasts, Robert Bourbeau and Henri Devaux the "Be" and the "De" of its name were on a nocturnal excursion to Dieppe aboard their ancient motorcycle and trailer when they collided with a lamp post, reducing the outfit to a tangle of tubes.
They hauled what was worth saving back to Paris and created a car out of the remains, using wood found around Devaux pre's coalyard for the chassis and coal sacks for the hammock seats. The steering wheel rim had previously served to unite the legs of a bentwood chair in the Devaux household, and was laced to the steering column by spokes.
With backing from Devaux senior, the young entrepreneurs went into production in 1910, setting off a "cyclecar" craze in France,cartier love bracelet men faux, which was echoed in England after the construction of a light three wheeler by HFS Morgan. The demand for cheap, fast motoring led to the birth of dozens of tiny cyclecar companies from 1910 14, but most were just memories by the mid 1920s.
At this spring's Vintage Montlhry meeting, the event's creator, Jacques Potherat,cartier love bracelet pink gold copy, reunited no fewer than six Bedelias, one of which was being restored as the weekend progressed.
British enthusiasts could have seen one of those Bedelias and other bizarre cyclecars in the Cartier Style et Luxe display at the Goodwood Festival of Speed at the weekend.
You're sitting in the nose of a long, thin projectile, feeling as exposed as Marat in his bath waiting for Charlotte Corday to strike,cartier bracelet screwdriver imitation, then the engine fires up and everything vibrates. As Mike, sitting behind you, engages drive, your field of vision blurs violently. It's rather like those scenes in Star Trek where Scottie turns on the warp drive. And then you're moving at what seems like an almost uncontrollable speed.
In reality, the Bedelia is probably doing only 30mph or so, but it feels a lot faster. As Mike has his hands full driving the beast, the passenger's job is to clear people out of the way by winding the handle of a fearsomely loud Klaxon.
The Bedelia is unlike anything else you're likely to see on the road. For a start, it's tandem seated,cartier love bracelet yellow price, with the driver at the rear, peering anxiously round the passenger's head. The front axle, controlled by spring loaded cables, pivots on a central steering post, while the basic functions of going and stopping are controlled by a hefty lever moving in a viciously toothed rack. The rack has to be massive, for the neutral position is achieved by moving the rear axle forward bodily to free the long, flapping drive belts from their pulleys.
It's a real juggling act, for the initial part of that forward axle movement allows the belts to rise up the vee of the driving pulleys, which close under centrifugal force to give high gear.
The genesis of the Bedelia was as unorthodox as its specification. In the spring of 1909, two 18 year old French enthusiasts, Robert Bourbeau and Henri Devaux the "Be" and the "De" of its name were on a nocturnal excursion to Dieppe aboard their ancient motorcycle and trailer when they collided with a lamp post, reducing the outfit to a tangle of tubes.
They hauled what was worth saving back to Paris and created a car out of the remains, using wood found around Devaux pre's coalyard for the chassis and coal sacks for the hammock seats. The steering wheel rim had previously served to unite the legs of a bentwood chair in the Devaux household, and was laced to the steering column by spokes.
With backing from Devaux senior, the young entrepreneurs went into production in 1910, setting off a "cyclecar" craze in France,cartier love bracelet men faux, which was echoed in England after the construction of a light three wheeler by HFS Morgan. The demand for cheap, fast motoring led to the birth of dozens of tiny cyclecar companies from 1910 14, but most were just memories by the mid 1920s.
At this spring's Vintage Montlhry meeting, the event's creator, Jacques Potherat,cartier love bracelet pink gold copy, reunited no fewer than six Bedelias, one of which was being restored as the weekend progressed.
British enthusiasts could have seen one of those Bedelias and other bizarre cyclecars in the Cartier Style et Luxe display at the Goodwood Festival of Speed at the weekend.
Martin Parr's strange and familiar faces of Britain at the Barbican
Strange cartier love style bracelet copy and Familiar examines how 23 international photographers from the 1930s to the present have captured the social, cultural and political aspects of "Britishness". All are foreign visitors who have come to observe what Parr describes as "our strange land" starting with Austrian migr Edith Tudor Hart's 1930s images of poverty in London's East End, right through to Dutch conceptual photographer Hans Eijkelboom's digital slideshow of milling crowds in the Bullring shopping centre of 21st century Birmingham.
In between there are many predictable depictions of British life: slum squalor, toffs in hats, milk bottles on doorsteps and craggy country folk. But viewed with outside eyes often those belonging to documentary photography's all time greats even the most stereotypical subjects are given new depth.
Henri Cartier Bresson chronicles the spontaneous public celebrations of royal coronations, weddings and jubilees with a keen humanity and formal acuity; Paul Strand records the doughty timeless communities of 1950s Outer Hebrides in the shadow of the Cold War; while Robert Frank provides an equally bleak dual portrayal of the streets of London and the mines of south Wales. Viewed by the Chilean photographer Sergio Larrain, who came to London in 1958 on a British Council grant, the mundanities of the city's transport system are hauntingly poetic, and the pigeons of Trafalgar Square transformed into ominously beautiful spectres.
We see London swinging and protesting courtesy of little known German photographer Frank Habicht, and the architecture of replica cartier new bracelet a changing Liverpool through the eyes of a young Candida Hfer. There's also an extraordinary series juxtaposing trauma and everyday life on the streets of Belfast and Londonderry taken by Japanese war photographer Akihiko Okamura, who came with his family to live in Ireland in the late Sixties and Seventies at the height of the Troubles. Another revelation for me at least are the dramatic images of Glasgow taken by French photographer Raymond Depardon in the 1980s in which sparks of levity and vivid colour alleviate and animate the grit and gloom.
But not only is this exhibition a multifaceted history of Britain charted by very different sensibilities through the decades, it also charts the developing medium of photography itself, as various strands of social documentary give way to fine art photography and colour floods in. In the show's later rooms, places and people are increasingly given separate portrayals, whether Rineke Dijkstra's 1990s teenage girls all togged up for a night out in Liverpool's Buzz Club, or Jim Dow's rammed shop window displays and his empty Edward Hopper esque Peckham eel and pie shop.
The upper classes pose in their comfortable surroundings for American Tina Barney; while the room lined with Bruce Gilden's huge, excruciatingly detailed faces of battered Britishers who have fake cartier love bracelet for cheap seen much better days offers a more unsettling encounter. Things are less up close and personal in the final flowing procession of Hans Eijkelboom's Birmingham shoppers, in which all ages and replica new cartier love bracelet nationalities are categorised according to the details of their clothes, accessories and body adornment. Here the photographer, rather than being an outsider in our strange land, instead melts into the global crowd.About some cartier bracelet rose gold nail knockoff up to th
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Strange cartier love style bracelet copy and Familiar examines how 23 international photographers from the 1930s to the present have captured the social, cultural and political aspects of "Britishness". All are foreign visitors who have come to observe what Parr describes as "our strange land" starting with Austrian migr Edith Tudor Hart's 1930s images of poverty in London's East End, right through to Dutch conceptual photographer Hans Eijkelboom's digital slideshow of milling crowds in the Bullring shopping centre of 21st century Birmingham.
In between there are many predictable depictions of British life: slum squalor, toffs in hats, milk bottles on doorsteps and craggy country folk. But viewed with outside eyes often those belonging to documentary photography's all time greats even the most stereotypical subjects are given new depth.
Henri Cartier Bresson chronicles the spontaneous public celebrations of royal coronations, weddings and jubilees with a keen humanity and formal acuity; Paul Strand records the doughty timeless communities of 1950s Outer Hebrides in the shadow of the Cold War; while Robert Frank provides an equally bleak dual portrayal of the streets of London and the mines of south Wales. Viewed by the Chilean photographer Sergio Larrain, who came to London in 1958 on a British Council grant, the mundanities of the city's transport system are hauntingly poetic, and the pigeons of Trafalgar Square transformed into ominously beautiful spectres.
We see London swinging and protesting courtesy of little known German photographer Frank Habicht, and the architecture of replica cartier new bracelet a changing Liverpool through the eyes of a young Candida Hfer. There's also an extraordinary series juxtaposing trauma and everyday life on the streets of Belfast and Londonderry taken by Japanese war photographer Akihiko Okamura, who came with his family to live in Ireland in the late Sixties and Seventies at the height of the Troubles. Another revelation for me at least are the dramatic images of Glasgow taken by French photographer Raymond Depardon in the 1980s in which sparks of levity and vivid colour alleviate and animate the grit and gloom.
But not only is this exhibition a multifaceted history of Britain charted by very different sensibilities through the decades, it also charts the developing medium of photography itself, as various strands of social documentary give way to fine art photography and colour floods in. In the show's later rooms, places and people are increasingly given separate portrayals, whether Rineke Dijkstra's 1990s teenage girls all togged up for a night out in Liverpool's Buzz Club, or Jim Dow's rammed shop window displays and his empty Edward Hopper esque Peckham eel and pie shop.
The upper classes pose in their comfortable surroundings for American Tina Barney; while the room lined with Bruce Gilden's huge, excruciatingly detailed faces of battered Britishers who have fake cartier love bracelet for cheap seen much better days offers a more unsettling encounter. Things are less up close and personal in the final flowing procession of Hans Eijkelboom's Birmingham shoppers, in which all ages and replica new cartier love bracelet nationalities are categorised according to the details of their clothes, accessories and body adornment. Here the photographer, rather than being an outsider in our strange land, instead melts into the global crowd.