
nikesasasassa's blog

Une porcelaine peut changer le nombre d'esclaves

Conseil de base: Au bout de la route de la soie maritime en Egypte et en Arabie, le prix des pièces de porcelaine équivaut au prix de plusieurs esclaves. Le processus de production de la porcelaine est également un secret pour l'Europe, quand les hommes d'affaires portugais devinent que les matières premières de porcelaine sont des coquilles, des coquilles d'oeufs et du plâtre. Par conséquent, une belle porcelaine en Europe, immédiatement recherchée par tous. Le nombre initial de porcelaine rare anormale et sont souvent traités comme le don le plus précieux pour les rois et les nobles, roturiers généralement tout simplement aucune chance de voir à la fin de l'Egypte et de la route de la soie maritime arabe,prix bague bulgari b zero faux, le prix d'un seul morceau de porcelaine est équivalent à plusieurs esclaves Prix processus européen de production de porcelaine est aussi un secret, lorsque le fournisseur portugais de matières premières est la spéculation des coquilles de porcelaine,pas cher bague bulgari homme prix, coquilles d'œufs et de gypse, car la porcelaine chère, européenne du 16ème siècle et même qu'il ya une magie surnaturelle, ils étaient convaincus que si la porcelaine chinoise La porcelaine se fissurera si elle contient du poison. Au milieu du 16ème siècle, suivie par les Portugais de la Chine a ramené beaucoup de porcelaine, collection de porcelaine chinoise des aristocrates européens deviennent une tendance au Portugal, reine, bracelet princesse premier et le commerce chinois sont la porcelaine chinoise, roi du Portugal a fait don de l'Italie les cadeaux du roi sont souvent donnés la porcelaine chinoise, et la reine mettre également le client doit brûler son portrait dans les plats chinois, cadeaux soldats méritants. 1662 Charles II d'Angleterre et le mariage royal portugais,bague bulgari prix b zero1 pas cher, princesse du Portugal pour apporter une dot porcelaine. 相关的主题文章:
Feb 1 '18 · 0 comments
Comment identifier les avantages et les inconvénients de jade

Intérieur d'or de la qualité de l'hôpital Mongolie et technicien centre d'essai de bijoux en argent ont fait remarquer que chacune de ces substances sont toutes les radiations, mais essentiellement se fission radioactifs et la fusion, et ont un risque radiologique, vous devez atteindre un certain le montant que vous achetez des pierres régulières ont été testés, de sorte que vous pouvez être assuré aux journalistes l'accès à l'information ont appris à porter, le matériel de bijoux est divisé en perles de matières organiques et inorganiques, organiques, corail, bijoux en ambre, etc. sont. minéral inorganique, roche, mais pas tous de la roche minérale peut être utilisé pour fabriquer des bijoux, seulement 200 types de matériaux peuvent être utilisés comme des bijoux, peuvent être identifiés à l'heure actuelle, plus de 200 sortes de jade où personne ne risque radioactif. Cependant, les 3000 types de minéraux naturels connus, il y a en effet des éléments radioactifs tels que, de petites quantités de fluorine spécial, feldspath, néphéline, orthose, feldspath, zircons et autres. De plus, les matières radioactives apparaissent souvent dans le magma acide. En outre, il existe des dangers radioactifs miniers pour le corps humain, tels que le cuivre, l'uranium, le mica, le pyrochlore, etc. Cependant, leur mal a été connu, ces minéraux ne seront jamais utilisés pour fabriquer des bijoux. En ce qui concerne le personnel technique avait pas de diamants traditionnels de pierres précieuses radioactifs, rubis, Lan Baoshi, émeraudes, jade et autres bijoux, centre d'inspection de la qualité de l'hôpital Mongolie intérieure pour rappeler aux consommateurs: l'achat de pierres précieuses, ou devrait essayer de choisir naturel, émeraude Par exemple, peut être divisé en A cargo, B cargo, C cargo. Une cargaison de jade Jade porte sans aucun problème, produits de jade B décapés procédé d'injection plastique blanchies, puis jade teint traitement des produits C, des moyens artificiels pour rendre ces aménagements paysagers des pierres précieuses, l'utilisation de produits chimiques pour le corps humain Il y a encore des risques de sécurité 2 comment identifier les avantages et les inconvénients de jade

Sur le marché du jade, il y a souvent du jade mélangé dans un superbe jade artificiel. Par conséquent, je suis plus préoccupé par l'identification de la méthode jade ou jade, cette relation ne sera pas trompée par le jade, nous avons un rôle important. méthode d'identification fiable: Regardez,bulgari prix bague imitation, écoutez, test pour voir, principalement pour voir la transparence cristalline, une véritable transparence de jade forts, reflets d'huile, écoutez, vrai son clair de jade, tandis que le son étouffant muet,bijoux bulgari occasion replique, test, vrai jade à travers du verre, laissant le verre rayures, tandis que le jade lui-même est faux jade commun intacte n'ont différents plastiques, verre teinté, marbre (marbre), la couleur électrique fausse équipe de synthèse de jade imitation de verre de jade et de la poudre de jade, ajouter cristal de sel en Fausses méthodes, les moyens d'identification sont aussi différents de la texture plastique que de la lumière de jade, une dureté médiocre, le général est également facile à identifier. La coloration est également facile à distinguer du travail. Tant que la lumière ou le soleil pour obtenir le contrôle, vous verrez qu'il ya beaucoup de bulles de verre sont relativement difficiles à distinguer la couleur électrique jade faux, qui vise par dépôt électrolytique, la couche de placage au jade de mauvaise qualité belle apparence vert émeraude, il est facile de se tromper Est-ce vrai jade. À ce moment, vous devez observer attentivement, s'il y a quelques petites fissures dans le vert avec du bleu, c'est faux jade. Parce que le placage laissera des fissures, les experts appellent 'griffe d'araignée'. Il a également été dit, le jade faux électrochromique placé dans l'huile chaude, la couleur galvanoplastie se fanent la synthèse ultérieure à ses origines poudre de jade jade, ajouter cristal de sel de jade imitation vieux cratère sombre. La méthode d'identification est très simple, c'est-à-dire, leur proportion de différents. La proportion de jade naturel 3,3 3,4, tandis que le jade synthétique synthétique seulement 2,8. Dispersés à la main, ou pèse-personne peuvent être utilisés pour distinguer entre le vrai et le faux avec l'imitation de jade jade, jade blanc que la recherche de jade. Les anciens ont dit: 'Le nitrate de Yusuetai doit être élevé.' C'est-à-dire que le jade blanc comme un verre doit être considéré comme élevé. Peut être vu, difficile à distinguer entre le verre et le jade. Cependant, après tout, la vérité est différente. En termes de couleur, blanc jade souvent blanc, très peu blanc, le verre est blanc pur blanc pur. Jade, jade Wenrun délicat, comme la graisse, comme la graisse, bien que le verre est humide, mais il y a inévitablement brillante lumière de voleur. Jade blanc est un produit naturel, le corps est difficile à tous les uniformes, dans le jade, le jade et ainsi de suite. Le système de verre artificiel, il n'y a pas d'apparence mentionnée ci-dessus. La texture de jade blanche est solide, aucune bulle ne peut être trouvée. Peu importe à quel point le traitement du verre, souvent des bulles, des yeux exposés. Comprendre ces quelques articles, il ne sera pas utilisé comme un jade jade bijoux pour identifier le jade bon ou mauvais, selon la couleur de jade, jade, jade et ainsi de suite. Que ce soit du jade blanc, de la topaze, du saphir ou du jaspe, sa couleur de jade doit être distincte, pas maléfique et grise comme le meilleur mélange. En termes de jade et de jade, il faut du blanc et du fin, pur et sans impureté. Peu importe la couleur de la gemme, plus la qualité est bonne, plus l'humidité est importante. Jade fait de bijoux, adapté à toutes sortes de personnalité et d'âge à porter. Que ce soit la belle jeune fille, demeure charmante et élégante jeune femme élégante, vêtue d'une chaîne de mousseux collier de diamants, puis porter Boucles d'oreilles pur bijou de cristal ou bracelet look glamour. Identifier le jade, principalement pour empêcher l'utilisation du verre comme jade blanc. L'identification peut être réalisée en termes de couleur, résistance Yu, fracture, les impuretés, la gravité spécifique et sons 1. Couleur: blanc en micro-pan blanc normalement cyan, blanc et blanc pur par très petit, et comme un verre uniforme sont de blanc pur Blanc Après plus Lampe en verre selon légère de jade de couleur orange de 2: Un jade est uniformément humide et grasse, pâteuse sous forme de graisse, et se sentir, tout en verre brillant, exposé, mais se sentir nu, mais être brillant 3. clignotant sentiment fracture voleur de lumière: cela est caractéristique évidente respectivement, aux caractéristiques de fracture blanc de la pierre, mat de ballast sombre, de forme irrégulière ou en dents de scie, et les caractéristiques de résistance à la rupture en verre de la matière, le ballast de lumière, coquille Forme. Bien que l'évaluation des bijoux pour les essais non destructifs, mais peut être lest tactile de temps en temps, sans meulage et le polissage des angles, etc. 4. impureté à respecter: il n'y aura pas de bulles d'air intra-oculaire Yu, mais le verre Il y a des bulles dans le corps. Parfois, en raison de la couleur translucide n'est pas facile à observer, et parfois en raison de la bonne qualité du verre et du petit œil. Mais comme identification, ne peut pas arrêter sans trouver la preuve. Parfois, nous pouvons être assurés de la surface, à savoir, s'il y a des bulles d'air dans la performance de la surface Chlamydia, il peut être en verre, parce qu'aucune caractéristique est blanc, pour l'intérieur de la bulle peut être dérivée à la lumière d'examiner si 5 poids spécifique: la densité entre 2.93.1 Yu, environ 2,5 verre, verre par rapport à une partie de la dynamique 6. son: Yu le son son digne, croustillant et verre,bague bulgarie femme prix pas cher, en frappant doucement dans certains cas , et le son du verre de jade émis par différents jade 3 pour reconnaître quelle famille Shangyu Min de la catégorie du monde, quels que soient les mayas des Amériques, les gens Aijisimo, les Incas ou la Nouvelle-Zélande Maori, et la Chine ne peut pas National longue histoire de jade gouvernance jade, variétés colorées de jade, par rapport à la taille de jade avec la catégorie de l'épaule. Les matériaux de jade chinois traditionnels sont principalement des amphiboles et des pyroxènes. Les gens disent souvent que la jade néphrite et dur jade She Tai Tsui

Dashetai Chui 1824 formé dans le dépôt de silicium fonds marins il y a des milliards d'années, après plusieurs mouvements tectoniques et de chrome infiltration hydrothermique, de chrome formée principalement texture quartzite, vert pâle à blanc, translucide, dur et compact, Poli délicate chaude, couleur lumineuse, il est agréable à l'œil. .... 1. dureté Mohs 7,12 Densité: 2,63 Indice de réfraction: 1,544 radioactive 3 5R (norme de sécurité 40R) 5 Propriétés optiques: transparent - translucide 6. Couleur: blanc lumière de couleur verte 1. 7. résistance à la corrosion de l'acide L'expert Jade attache une grande importance à la couleur. La couleur est non seulement un critère important pour évaluer la qualité de jade, mais aussi la base principale pour la classification de jade. Bien que la couleur de She Tai Tsui jade n'est pas le chef de file dans une variété de jade, mais ses couleurs riches uniques sont également très chéris. Elle Taicui couleur à la maison et à l'étranger par rapport à d'autres domaines de jade, plus de couleur, depuis la série. Elle aussi jade a blanc, cyan, Cuise trois couleurs de base, il y a quelques couleurs de transition, comme le bleu-blanc, gris, haricots verts, vert foncé, et ainsi de suite. Les initiés de l'industrie disent que trop blanc jade She Heitai blanc Wada a déclaré Jade Jade Johnson jade, est extrêmement précieux jade de haute qualité. 2. Dureté: la dureté est d'identifier l'un des signes importants She Tai Tsui. La dureté d'un minéral est une propriété mécanique du minéral contre l'intrusion d'autres objets. Il y a habituellement deux types de dureté: (1) La dureté relative, ou dureté de Mohs, est une dureté de notation. (2) La dureté absolue, également appelée pression dans la dureté. Est basé sur la surface du minéral pour supporter le poids à déterminer. Elle aussi dureté Tsui Mohs de 6,97,2, une légère différence entre les différentes espèces. En général, la dureté du jade blanc est légèrement plus grande que le jade. Dans l'industrie de la joaillerie, la dureté est généralement utilisée comme un indicateur important de la division des gemmes et du jade. Pierres précieuses dureté Mohs est généralement plus de 7,3 degrés, la dureté Mohs jade est généralement à 47,2 degrés, elle aussi la dureté Chui, bon polissage, facile d'enregistrer, avec une valeur de collection. 3. Densité: la densité est le poids du volume de l'unité de jade. Elle poids de corps Tai Tai par petite mesure de poids, était 2.652.85. variétés légèrement différentes, jade blanc 2,85, 2,65 jade vert, jade est 2.75.4 Transparence: La transparence est le degré de lumière visible a permis par jade, qui est principalement liée à la force de jade absorption Dan Duiguang, la minéralogie est généralement divisée corps transparent, translucide, légèrement transparent, quatre types de corps transparent non transparent micro dashetai appartenant Tsui, en général, le degré d'avancement, la lumière peut être transmise à travers, mais pas vu le perméat 0,5 brillance de l'image: la brillance est Dandui Guang Yu La capacité de réfléchir. Elle brillait en verre brillant de Tai Cui. Ce brillant est pas forte ne sont pas faibles, à savoir pas de lumière de l'inspiration du grain, il n'y a pas de texture de cire à faible lumière, un miroir 4 peut être nettoyée jade douce et lisse, brillant comment tremper 2 3 heures avec de l'eau à température ambiante (la surface devant être ramollie dépôt ), puis frotter avec une brosse à dents propre, puis ajouter de l'eau chaude (environ 70 Xinyu, 80 degrés) trempés dans l'eau chaude et de jade refroidissement naturel lentement, je place généralement été mis en incubation avec une mauvaise ventilation, donc L'eau chaude se refroidit lentement. Laissez également les pores de jade se détendre complètement, la saleté interne propre. Ceci est fait pour environ trois cycles, puis environ une fois tous les six mois pendant environ six mois, et pour environ un à deux mois pour l'été

Le jour suivant a commencé à jouer

Tout d'abord, choisissez un article corde noeud chinois, les morceaux de jade lien entre « à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur de la taille du pantalon (s'il vous plaît noter pas de jade contact direct avec la peau), peut épargner le disque dans votre main pour jouer, mais rappelez-vous que les mains sont propres. Il se souviennent généralement toujours de ne pas mettre de jade sur le visage et le nez essuyer l'huile (souvent vu), que l'huile n'est pas un soi-disant jade nourriture liquide Oh, mais tout le contraire sera Yumen (pores) a scellé la Sur le lustre de jade est très ennuyeux. Et je n'ai pas de brosse à poils, parce que la brosse de la pulpe sentira les voleurs. Il est suggéré que la plaque de serviette longue 'coton blanc' doux habituel, mais pas avec un chiffon teint ou un chiffon en fibres chimiques pour essuyer. 相关的主题文章:
Feb 1 '18 · 0 comments
CES Asia 2016 Thirteen Best Product Awards Announced

Beijing time May 13, CES Asia 2016 CES Asia is about to come to an end, while the Zhongguancun Online hosted the official award 'Asia's CES Asia Best Product Award (Best of CES Asia Award') list of winners.

The 2016 Best of CES Asia Award was selected by Zhongguancun Online, a media partner of CES Asia.

Small group 4K is the first with 4K resolution equipped with VR equipment, dual gyroscope configuration, delay control in 18ms, field of view 110 degrees, 53mm industry's largest diameter double aspherical lenses, 220g weight in the PC VR head display Should be regarded as the lightest one. In addition, the small camp science and technology still in the CESA booth layout of a virtual capsule, VR immersive experience has increased one step further.

Best wearable devices: Lenovo F2 smart shoes

Lenovo's smart running shoes have unique product ideas. Instead of starting with knock off van cleef flower necklace regular exercise monitoring, Lenovo's smart running shoes are linked with devices such as mobile phones, tablets and PCs to control other devices through the movement of smart shoes. Live experience, I continue to move through to PC PC Parkour runner in the dodge children dodge and jump up and down.

Best Vehicle: BMW i Vision Future Interaction

The car has two bright spots, the first is the large screen across the center console, and support for body gesture gestures, very avant-garde; 2 has a variety of driving modes, support for automatic driving, but also their own free family, still did not abandon BMW finally purely driving the heart. This car represents the concept of making a car for the next 100 years BMW, intelligent, technological, BMW unchanged flavor.

The best smart home equipment: Ding Dong smart speakers

The highlight of DingDong smart speakers is voice interaction, which is an important way of human-computer interaction of smart products in the future. It has got rid of the complicated installation, registration and operation of existing APPs. Trigger by voice to give better instructions. In addition, this is not only a speaker, but also integrated with the weather broadcast, taxi guide and other lifestyle information, become an important home intelligent future entrance.

Best UAV: ​​Yuneec Typhoon H

Hao Xiang Chevrolet H UAV is launched by Hao Xiang and Intel with automatic tracking obstacle avoidance UAV devices, the realization of this function depends on Intel's RealSense technology, through the infrared camera, infrared generator and the RGB standard Camera to achieve the construction of three-dimensional space model, combined with the ultrasonic sensor on the obstacle distance judgment, so as to achieve active obstacle avoidance. In the outdoor demonstration, the Hao Xiang Typhoon H UAV can easily avoid the trees and track the demonstrator, and in flight showed good stability and power performance, the overall performance is very prominent, and active obstacle avoidance and intelligence Tracking is also likely to be the foundation for future UAV deployments.

Best Digital Audio Device: Philips Fidelio E6

Philips Fidelio home theater products CES Changsheng generals, last year E5 won the best home theater equipment awards, also won the nomination at CES Asia Awards. This year, the E6 has gained a lot of upgrades and enhancements compared to the previous generation. Both main boxes have added a three-inch full-range unit to significantly improve the sound quality. Two detachable rear satellites can also be used independently as a Bluetooth speaker and supports fast pairing of NFC, van cleef and arpels necklace clover copy the added reflector below the subwoofer ensures better low-frequency experience on any material floor . The increase in the main box on the LCD matrix also allows users to state the state of the speaker well van cleef and arpels necklace alhambra imitation known. Of course, this product is the best place for its compact size, and a second multi-channel design. E6's comprehensive upgrade also makes this product more comprehensive.

Best TV technology: Hisense 100-inch laser cinema TV Ultimate

This laser cinema TV Ultimate screen imported Fresnel passive imitation sound screen, can effectively shield the ambient light, and the projection of different, even in the bright environment can also be normal viewing. At the same time the thickness of the screen is only 15mm, greatly enhance the presence. But not new technology.

Best personal computing device: Huawei P9 phone

Huawei P9, one of Huawei's latest flagship models, whether it is the Leica dual camera or unicorn 955 processor, stylish and slim appearance and more optimized EMUI4.1, so that the overall ability of the mobile phone is very prominent. At present, mobile phones blindly accumulate hardware on the hardware and lead to serious homogeneity and lack of innovative breakthroughs. Huawei P9 continues the succession of dual cameras after the previous glory of 6 Plus, which can be said to lead the trend of mobile phone camera revolution.

Best Startup Project: Avaz FreeSpeech

This is a graphical language learning app, using the image memory method, beautifully designed, cleverly designed, contextual story, the user can choose the appropriate vocabulary through a variety of actions, but also help to remember. It is worth mentioning that, this app also has the ability to learn independently, according to user habits to adjust the learning model. In the future, more languages ​​and fields will be supported.

Best business project: totwoo

When gold and jewelry became synonymous with local tyrants, technology fashion has become a trend. The current wearable products are mostly functional. This smart necklace and bracelet made by a famous Italian designer has a built-in self-developed chip. The main user group is the female user pursuing fashion. Swarovski and smart chips with, who can not tempted yet.

Best Breakthrough Innovation: Green Research EyeControl eye control virtual reality technology

Green Research EyeControl eye control virtual reality technology using high-performance image rendering engine with immersive helmet display, Youth Research EyeControl eye VR technology is integrated in the VR helmet precision infrared miniature camera device to capture the eye of high-speed activities, and through advanced Image recognition algorithm real-time calculation of the human eye VR scene to see the location.

Best Manufacturer Technology: Ultra Low Resistance, High Through ITO Film

As a provider of innovative ultra-low resistance and high transmission ITO film, Kang Dexin uses interlayer doping to greatly improve the conductivity of the film system to a low resistance that can not be achieved by ITO film of the same thickness , Can be applied to a large area touch screen, electromagnetic pulse shielding film and other fields. With high precision, high sensitivity, anti-damage, easy to clean, good visibility in the sun, multi-touch can achieve unique advantages.

Garmin fenix3HR fenix3HR based on the optical heart rate sensor with 7x24 hours of uninterrupted measurement and recording heart rate, technology to view changes in daily heart rate fluctuations, and exercise heart rate situation.
Jan 16 '18 · 0 comments
Cats see the third season people

Hangzhou teacher made anger anger 'king of glory': hand travel has become a new era 'black cafe'

Phone is a double-edged sword, for us adults, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, we can control, we will not indulge, we will not fight the game until 3:00, we will not spend a lot of money to buy game equipment , We do not always feel someone in the phone is calling for their soul. But what about children? Mr. Jiang said with no worries that in the era when there was no smart phone, 'black cafe' was the 'killer' who persecuted children. Now that the popularity of smart phones and the prosperity and development of the mobile game industry, smart phone games have become the 'black cafe' . Jiang admitted that the Chinese game where to go, this is not parents, teachers can solve the problem. 'But we have to reflect on what children are thinking, what to play, what to talk about, are you concerned about, and when you talk to your child, give your child a suitable position? In addition to the scores for games and studies, the child's personality education, We attach importance to it? 'As a teacher, Jiang said sincerely:' Our understanding of education, not just the surface should be confused President: how many children will be destroyed in this! In the class issued a ban van cleef flower necklace fake on 'the glory of the king.' 'But there are still students similar to play games after school, some parents feedback, a student secretly playing in the bed in the morning, his eyes flushed in the morning. Teacher: If the parents did not pay attention in time, the child is easy to fall into indulgence, the consequences are serious.

13:14 today from the Sogou high-speed browser

U.N. Chief Military Prosecutor Anatoly Matios revealed that Colonel Scharboval, a member of the Ukrainian Special Forces, participated in the Battle of Donetsk Airport in 2014 and was the first conductor to lead the 'Semi-Machine Warrior' official. The Matios also said that the president will hold a closed-door meeting with the relevant security officials. The investigation process and progress will not be public. Can be used as absolute evidence of Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine, especially in Russia's production of intelligent Russian systems that use its personnel and weaponry. In addition, some intelligence operations of his intelligence service focused on the early warning of the deployment of Russian artillery, including long-range artillery , Which has greatly reduced the losses of van cleef and arpels necklace clover imitation Ukrainian soldiers and civilians. June 28, it is understood that Ruili Gem Association according to the current Ruili bracelet market assessment, the damaged emerald bracelet market value of 180,000 yuan. Currently, both parties are actively negotiating the compensation issue 'bracelet incident' continued: the two sides can not agree on conditions of compensation will go through the judicial process of third-party assessment, the broken bracelet worth 180,000. Earlier media reports said the family members fainted were willing to pay 70,000. After many mediations, both parties failed to reach agreement on the terms of compensation, signed the 'Mediation Agreement' and decided knock off van cleef and arpels necklace alhambra to bring the civil lawsuit in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. Thank you!
Dec 28 '17 · 0 comments
Aunt do not love gold love stock gold counters sales sixty-seven into bracelets

Although already retired at home, Aunt Dong recent life can be a little leisure time. Working 9:00 in the morning, carrying a warm cup of her punctuality in Hangzhou Caoying Lane, a securities firm's retail hall, and the old sisters come here every day after a lap greeting, turn on the computer, pour the tea side Chat waiting for the stock market opened. The bull market came, the original cut the stock not only back to this, but also a lot of growth, Dong Sister enthusiasm for the stock market has finally come back. 'Bad time simply do not read, and now the stock market is good, but also come to work here ah.' Aunt Dong laughed, watching the account number rolling in the day, the mood is not bad, less than half a year earn a few One hundred thousand yuan, yield more than Liu Cheng, have spent what point? 'There is time to spend, usually to see the plate, the weekend a little rest, there is no time to spend.' Aunt Dong said. Unspeakable is that this finally ran into a wave of the bull market, first seize the time to make money to say, consumption, buy gold, and then wait because less like aunt Dong join in the mall, the gold counters countervailing A lot Yesterday at noon, gold counters in the first floor of a shopping mall in Hangzhou west, although each counters are standing two or three salesperson. Most customers are just 'passing', hurriedly walked from the front of the gold counter, towards the clothing counter, restaurant, stopped to ask less, the real order to buy even less 'just after a good New Year business is good, this year Are very general. 'Salesman Li said young people are not interested in gold, those who love to buy gold aunt recently came less. Weekend is not very hot, usually even more light. One day did not do a single business day a lot of 'This year's gold sales are not very good, in fact, look at the popularity will know, even if like 51 small holiday, the popularity is not very busy.' Hangzhou Tower, the relevant person in charge Told reporters, 'Like 100 grams, 200 grams, 500 grams of gold bullion, last year, almost every day can move, and now not necessarily sold for a week.' The main reason is the price van cleef and arpel necklace fake of gold is lower, such as yesterday's Ming licensing gold is 300 yuan per gram, a drop of fifty or sixty yuan per gram over last year. 'A lot of people buy gold bullion is also for investment purposes, the value of preservation and appreciation.'

Less easily tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of gold bullion, Decoration consumption, many gold counters now rely entirely on the consumption of gold jewelry to save performance, despite the need to sell a gold jewelry can withstand the sales of a gold bar. 'This time is better to sell small pieces of gold, a good match, the unit price is relatively low.' Wanda Plaza official told reporters. Last year, but also from time to time around the local tyrant customers suddenly bought 400,000 yuan of gold in Jiebi, Intime and other shopping malls, gold bracelets became the best-selling gold jewelry. 'Mainly married customers, buy more bracelets.' Shopping malls told Qianjiang Evening News reporter. Some counters, because the sales of gold bracelets the mainstream, the brand in the kind, replenishment are van cleef and arpel clover necklace replica based on the bracelet, performance in the sixty or seventy-one Chengdu made by the bracelet Gold and the wave of the bull seems to be a little bit rhythm, but the opposite Come. Since September last year, the international yellow price has been hovering in the range of 1100 dollars to 1300 dollars per ounce for nearly a year. During this period, China's stock market is rising all the way. As the Chinese aunt re-enter the arms of the stock market, the demand for gold has declined. World Gold Council chief analysis, the overall smooth picture of the global gold market, hidden between regions and industries Various differences. One of the highlights is the substantial rise in demand for gold ornaments in India, compared with the apparent decline in demand for gold ornaments in China. Data show that in the first quarter of gold consumption in China and India accounted for 54% of the total global gold consumption, of which the demand for gold jewelry in India up 22% to 151 tons, while China's demand for gold ornaments is still as high as 213 tons, but year on year is Significant decline of 10% The World Gold Council's analysis said that the continued rise of China's stock market has an impact van cleef and arpels necklace alhambra imitation on gold demand, especially investment and gold demand. By the impact of the stock market bullish, consumers will shift their attention to the stock market China Securities Regulatory Commission also has data show that in the first quarter China opened about 8 million new stock accounts, an increase of 433%, although most of the newly opened stock account Of the owners are 'after 80s' but also include the most purchasing Chinese aunt in 2013 gold rush.
Dec 28 '17 · 0 comments
6-year-old woman wearing gold and silver cites neighbors were brutally killed

Suspected escort suspects Sumou scene. Figure / correspondent Wang Jianjun

Changde Newspaper this newspaper there is a popular saying is 'money does not reveal the white,' you are not malicious to others, but there may be some people will be malicious to you. Changde, a kind-hearted old lady because of wearing silver and gold jewelery by his neighbors, and eventually killed at home This year, at 13 o'clock on the March 28, rented in Dingcheng District Yushu Street Shuangtan Road left a (female, aged 63, Dingcheng District people) were found dead at home According to the neighbors, said Zuo Moumou living with his family rented living in Wuling Town, Dingcheng District, Tan Tan Road, 3rd Floor, No. 1, operating a small teahouse. Elderly woman likes to wear gold and silver jewelry in her lifetime, usually kindness received the alarm, Dingcheng District Public Security Bureau Criminal Investigation Brigade and police station Yuxia quickly rushed to the scene and work. After investigation and investigation, it was confirmed that the deceased was killed by him. The gold necklaces, gold bracelets and gold rings worn by him were also missing. The initial judgment was that the death was about 1:00 to 3:00 on the 28th After several days of investigation, Sumou, a neighbor of the victim, entered the police sight. At about 18:00 on April 27, the special police summoned Sumou to the District Public Security Bureau van cleef and arpels necklace alhambra copy Criminal Investigation Brigade. Sumou soon recognized the crime of robbery and murder by his own investigation by the fact that the investigation: Sumou usually do a water and electricity installation for a living, and the victim left a neighbor, are very familiar with each other, Sumou see victim Zou usually wear gold Silver, that its 'very rich', combined with the two had a small debt disputes, plan to the left home van cleef and arpels necklaces replica in the theft of its property at 1 o'clock on the March 28 Xu Sumou sneaked into the victim's house in advance and hide Under the bedside table, ready to take advantage of the van cleef arpels clover necklace copy left after a stolen his gold jewelry. A moment later, the victim left the room back to the room ready to go back to sleep, found in the table under the Sumou and shouted Sumou name, Sumou see things come to light, then left a trip to the ground, forced pinch neck cover According to the handling of police reports, Sumou actually have thousands of dollars a month in revenue, because the mortgage to buy a house and car, the days have passed More nervous Pakistan, coupled with playing cards gambling lost money, sprouting accidental idea of ​​fat point. April 28, Sumou suspicion of intentional homicide has been Dingcheng District Public Security Bureau criminal detention, robbed jewelry has been fully recovered, the case is being further processed.
Dec 28 '17 · 0 comments
Episode 9 Episode 1

Lara to the rest day but also work overtime, leaving her no way to go to her husband and her husband to discuss the issue of marriage. Her mother stubbornly waiting for the wedding company waiting for Lara, so belly, wedding company employees asked her if she can not be the first to set things down, her mother said angrily, not the bride, she does not come, she At this time, a burst of 'Oh' laughter came, Lara's mother came, she said with a smile, the bride did not come, but the bride's mother, it is better to let them Two elders negotiate wedding matters on behalf of newcomers. Miss wedding company so that the two mothers choose between the two hotels as a wedding venue, the two selected at the same time, but were selected a different two, Lara's mother chose the first, and Wang Wei's mother But chose the second one. Lara Ma see the second hotel price cheaper than the first on the hotel, it said to Wang Weimai, pro-mother if it is because the first hotel is more expensive to choose the second, then the first expensive out of that part Money, they are willing to go out. Wang Wei mother heard Laramu said so, good face, she said that he has some money, do not care about that money, the first one on the first years of staggering, Du Lala has long been the only way to prostitution Career rookie, she sat town manager has been familiar with the SH personnel, sooner or later have to ask the director level; and Wang Wei's sweet romance, the wedding of the married couple happy world, a simply tailor made for Du Lala Kathy Casey turned out to be the enemy, Airborne Company and Larra competing HR Director. Casey twenty young, thirty-year-old Lala miserable be placed on the old woman camp. Brave win on the narrow road, Du Lala decided to bet on the dignity of 30-year-old woman and Casey fight! But let Du Lala never imagined that Casey's violent whirlwind actually swept into her family life that Casey and Wang Jia met for a long time, she is the prodigal Wang Wei Ma, Wang Wei's mind Meng sister , More reason coincidentally moved to Lara downstairs. 'Didi Di' Super alarm rang, try to see how the female man Du Lala beat rival, Du Lala's workplace marriage dual battle laughter debut!

Energetic morning, energetic Lara while enjoying her husband Wang Wei love to make breakfast, while charming Johnson said to her husband tonight to go to the company's promotion will be Pharaoh, it may come home later , Wang Wei is a special addicted to his wife, he also knows that his wife is also for work, just told Lara do not drink at night. The couple are chatting about the day, the doorbell suddenly 'Ding Dong' sounded, Xiaowei to open the door, his company's employees came to him to pick up customers by car, so Xiaowei looked helplessly, Lala also immediately understand My husband's meaning, sensible response: go to work on their own!

On Monday morning, usually a particularly bad taxi, Lala finally stopped a car, but was a young woman robbed Xilala alone to the station then her mother, which made her mother a little lost, because Xiao Wei and Her sister, Wang Li, did not pick her up, and Lara explained that it was because they did not know she was in Shanghai yet. Lala with her mother returned to her home and Xiaowei, her mother let Lara casually give her something to eat to fill the stomach, the result will not cook Laola really casually to her mother-in-law up a bowl of instant noodles , Her mother saw Lala rush to go to work is not much good to say anything, just let Lala night give her dew again, a complete meal in the food before pulling to go to work, her mother suddenly pulled her account of One thing she cares about her students 'Qianqian', she will start today to Lara's company 'SH' to work. Although Lara was the manager of their company's personnel department, the 'care' proposed by her mother-in-law also made her feel embarrassed. However, in order to find her mother-in-law, she was full of promises. Lara came to the company to see the company's staff recruitment there is a 'Zhang Qian' candidates, thinking that this is her mother to explain her 'care' of 'Sissi', give priority to hiring the young girl graduated from college Lara anxiously told colleagues that they were a major event in the morning that the dismissed cleaner Li aunt, dismissed because of discontent is holding a fruit knife forced Anwei it too! Lara rushed rushed to the scene, dismissed all around the office, to appease their emotional Aunt Lee, she followed to induce Aunt Lee to remain calm, anything can discuss with her, but these words Aunt Lee this time Have not heard of it. Later, Aunt Lee accidentally said that her daughter was admitted to their 'SH' internship, but because there is no background at any time may want to leave, this time, Jin Jing also take the initiative to stand up to mothers do not impulse, pull more so agreed In their Ministry of Personnel to Jin Jing to stay a permanent post, so, Auntie Lee mood eased to the Public Security Bureau, asked her husband how to talk about the work of the Public Security Bureau, Wang Wei anxiously explained that because of that Not fly the customer not only has been dragging does not sign the contract, but also halfway to bring a young girl, did not expect that girl just sat down, the client's wife came, but also a snap that the little girl is a small three, so two People fight, and he was innocently involved in this 'fight.'

La La Huang participation at night to attend the promotion reception, Xiaowei sister, her sister Wang Li met her warmly say hello to her and chat with her, and chat content is about that great 'airborne' Casey , Lala looked down the direction indicated by Wang Li in the past, Casey is promoting the promotion of Huang and their general manager Huang Guodong very much. Everyone is drinking and chatting, the reception suddenly burst into a rather sweet piano sound, and everyone gathered in front of the piano. The original person who played the piano was the daughter of Aunt Lee, a cleaning lady who was in trouble at the company during the day. Live for her superb piano drummer. Huang Guodong took the opportunity to announce to everyone a new resolution of the company to appoint newly appointed Casey as the Personnel Manager and to go through a three-month study tour with Du Lala before deciding to have one of them promoted to the director of personnel department. Lala also felt the crisis came After the reception, Lara returned home, pleasantly surprised to find her husband prepared for her romantic candlelight dinner, the candlelight swaying, the two slowly taste the fried steak with Wang Wei, together Drinking mellow wine, the couple's newlywed life is really sweet Lara spirited to the company to work, but found the company up and down people with a strange look at her, she full of confusion on the floor, into her Manager's office, came to understand why everyone saw her reaction is so strange, her office appeared another new desk, do not think this new addition to the desk is the new personnel manager Casey's Lala after a day of restless work in the company to go home, her husband Wang Wei has ended work ahead of waiting for her at home, and her mother went out this time square dancing, the couple can have a sweet two world together This is finally the only good thing on this day. Tired Lazarus spoiled her husband to make dinner, Wang Wei, there are no other words, put on apron went to own wife, mom cook, he skillfully to wash vegetables, there is no strange. It was at this time that his mother suddenly came back and she was quite surprised to see her son Wang Wei wearing an apron cooking like a cook at home. At that moment, her hair was curly like 'charter woman' Lala is taking a shower down from the upstairs, but also to explain Wang Wei to help her to the clothes to wash, but also underwear and coat wash separately, Wang Wei desperately make her look, and when Lara finally react, her mother is Extremely dissatisfied to look at her Lara is worriedly asked her husband, mother-in-law will not live in their home forever, lived for ten years and eight years, then the end of the story, her mother knocked on their young couple's door, Her mother told them in a sensible way, she plans to get down in Shanghai, do not leave. After announcing this major decision, her mother-in-law abandoned her study bed again and said she slept uncomfortably. Wang Wei was so entertained that she slept with him and Lara's bedroom so that Mom could sleep with Lara while he went Sleep study. Although Wang Wei has set a new bed for Mom on the Internet, Lara as long as her mother-in-law slept the night, but that night her mother-in-law deafening grunts also Lara enough to choke her van cleef gold ring knock off mother came home at the third day, Lara was compelled to show off her cooking skills to her mother-in-law and did not cook at all. She thought of a way to deal with her mother-in-law to bring a few dishes to a restaurant and take it home. At dinner time, Lara cooperated with Wang Wei to successfully bring several packed dishes to the table. Her mother-in-law saw the braised fish on the table burned so well. After she had tasted it, it was more Lala's cooking is full of praise. Just when the family was enjoying the meal, 'Ding Dong' soon as the doorbell rang, the restaurant's tiger to pull her to send her to the soup in the restaurant, her mother know Lala actually lying to hide that she will not cook The fact that what they say do not want to eat this meal, Lara said good and evil, mother promised to drink a cup of her squeezed juice, Lara to squeezed juice, carefully asked her mother there is no what to eat fruits and vegetables, her mother said Own 'Strawberry' allergy, pull pull to go after squeezed juice. Lara will be freshly squeezed juice to her mother drink, her mother drink, I feel good taste, so forgive a little Lara. However, not long after, my mother suddenly felt the whole body itchy, very uncomfortable, looking like an allergic reaction, Wang Wei in the mother's call came to see and asked what are the fruits and vegetables in Lara, Lara said Strawberry, Wang Wei and her mother are greatly surprised, that is strawberry, strawberry allergy to strawberry. In this regard, Lara is very puzzled, but before the mother-in-law said she is allergic to pear Yeah, 'Strawberry' is not pear? Wang Wei whispered to remind her that 'strawberry (strawberry)', Lara suddenly realized this, hey, this foreign mother, actually said English. Wang Wei finished to send mom to the hospital Lara order to forgive her mother accidentally hurt her allergic thing yesterday, to the little Wang Li to find out about her mother's preferences, Wang Li said that although her mother considered her elegant taste, But in fact, or a Chinese aunt, like nothing more than the usual Chinese aunt like things, so Lara thought of gold. After get off work, Lalat went to the jewelry shop to pick a gold ring, intends to go home later gave her mother-in-law. However, when Lara took the ring out as a gift of apology to the mother-in-law, the mother-in-law said for a moment that Lara could not give her a gift because of her criticism. Suitable for her to wear, Lara therefore very frustrated Wang Wei came home from work, one door to see Lara is sitting on the sofa eating fruit, a computer, but the mother was alone in that busy cooking, he was surprised Endless, Lala today is a great courage? Actually let the mother cook in that, in this leisure, Lala told him that she is also very puzzled about this, but her mother would not let her help. Wang Wei went curiously next to her mother, doubting her mother's abnormal behavior. When she saw that she was cooking but she was wearing a dishwashing glove, she even did not understand it. However, Mom said she was willing to wear That wearing a mother-in-law dressed for dinner, a family of three ready to eat, Wang Wei also noticed that the mother today suddenly unshakably eat with his left hand, while actually wearing the right hand that plastic gloves. See his son suspicion, Wang Wei and his excuse hand injured anger, wearing gloves because of fear of infection, it is fair to say. However, most let Wang Wei feel puzzled, or my mother today on the attitude of Larra took a 180-degree shift, he asked Lara today in the end to the mother irrigated any ecstasy soup. Lara depressed to tell him that she was mothers ring today abandoned by the mother yet. As a result, Wang Wei was a little understood this matter, he picked van cleef ring replica knock off up the hands of his mother hidden in plastic gloves, and really find hidden mystery ah Wei smile off his mother's gloves, the new ring in the hands of the mother Comments Some time, wang wei embarrassedly did not embarrassed to say how he just tried on the ring and then off. See son, daughter-in-law did not over-ridiculed himself, Wang Wei mom again looked at the new ring pretend to carelessly say that this ring is a bit lonely, Lala immediately understand the meaning of her mother-in-law, hurriedly bought out before And ring a set of bracelets to give her mother-in-law, my mother-in-law behind the laughter get so close, so my mother-in-law is not picky Lala will not do housework, however, think of one is a She put Wang Wei and Lara's 'production' plans on the agenda, hurriedly Lara hurriedly gave birth to her a grandchildren, Lara had wanted to tell the truth her mother and Wang Wei had no plans to have children, but Cleverly, Wang Wei has repeatedly promised Mom's request, but privately intends and drag La dragged one day dragged one day, first coaxed her mother to say Casey ready to do a new project in the Ministry of Personnel, and her proposal is General Manager Huang Guodong that passed, but she did not have the ulterior motives to name the ability to borrow Lara Zhang Xinqian Zhang Xiao Qian. However, Lara obstructed Huang Guodong's pressure and promised to transfer Xiao Qian to Casey, but she also said that she lent her to Casey for only five days and van cleef and arpels lotus ring knock off was calculated strictly on working hours. As for the music box, he really could not think of where to put it back in the box, and Casey stole La Xie and Xiao Qian's conversation. She heard La Lao Yue Si Qian after get off work one to experience their 90's life. In the heart secretly together not let them make the trip. Unexpectedly, Casey put the little cicada called in the past, suddenly added to her a sudden a lot of unwarranted work, so Cathy can only be reluctantly canceled and Lara Kathy please pull a dinner, during the dinner, She deliberately said that when she and Wang Wei were in the United States, how did her Viagra take care of her, take care of her, protect her, and pull her aside to hear full of jealousy. Subsequently, Kathy Lama Lama again invited by the invitation Lama home, she elaborated on the well-deserved review of Lara home, well-meaning to have such a tasteful decoration must be done by her brother Viagra, and pull Pull but politely told Casey said that their home decoration is her own design, and some awkward Casey had to say, because her brother Viagra was so good to marry Lara so capable daughter-in-law. Lara's mother-in please Casey tea, Wang Wei also accompanied them to drink tea, but Lara was her mother-in-law to call them cut the fruit, Lara watched her husband and her husband and another woman laughing like , My heart can not help but whispered, this god, she was cut into the hands of watermelon knife cut. However, she was injured, but also attracted a meal of her mother-in-law, saying that she started doing housework, it is indeed also done well, it did not do well, making Lara Kathy in front of a very faceless finish After Casey, Wang Wei was back home very late, Du Lala's mood is very bad, the two you a statement I made my first quarrel. The next day when eating, still in the Cold War, all this is Lu Aihua look in the eyes, asked his son, Wang told his mother he and Du Lala well, without any problems, do not need to worry about travel in Suzhou, Wang Li Accidentally encountered a hero to save the United States of the sea of ​​returnees Richmond handsome Isen Chan, four relative, love at first sight, Wang Li was fascinated by confusion in the unit, Du Lala's situation has improved. Cathy finished the work plan to take the opportunity to find Duolala's right-hand man Zuo Xiaoxi help, only to smoothly complete the nuclear salary and other work at hand Du Lala to retreat into Casey need not help yourself, In order to maintain the face, Casey finally know how to quit. Win this one 'small war', Du Lala happily go home. When found near the house, a rental ads just want to rip it away, was ripped off by the landlord, the original house has been rented. Du Lala felt happy when she learned that the tenant was a family of three instead of a young girl. However, the very next morning, Du Lala who wanted to sleep late was awakened upstairs.
Dec 28 '17 · 0 comments
e de Cartier series achievements of high jewelry style legend

Netease Hebei News As a forerunner of fine jewelry and art, Cartier has always maintained its inner desire for opening up and exploring the aesthetics transcending time and space. The entire world is thus suspended above the workbench of the jeweler. L 'The Odysse de Cartier collection of fine jewels epitomizes the beauty and sophistication of craftsmanship while drawing inspiration from the city and Africa - two great lands of different origin, with a unique perspective Out of a high jewelry tribute, stretching out an extraordinary journey of style modern city creative sweet charm of fertile soil

City is the center of the world, a microcosm of modern society: fast-paced, streamer of light and shadow concentrated in the limited van cleef and arpels frivole ring knock off space, turned into a distinctive symbol, in which the traveler branded under the inspiration of the mark. Soon after the opening of Peace Street No. 13, Louis Cartier was keen to explore the city's lines. The designs and details that originated in the building have long been one of the basic elements of jewelry style. With the development of urban modernization, Cartier captures the new symbol in the city and deepens the understanding of the city. It is a wonderful and magnificent stage to interpret the style and style of the modern era with full of dynamic works. It carries cultural exchange and integration and maintains rapidity The development and abundance of vitality has always been the theme of the city. In addition, deep perspective conversion, the use of perspective and anti-perspective, symmetrical structure and a variety of elements mix and match, clever color collocation, this kind of design details make L 'Odysse de Cartier series of high-level jewelry is full of dynamic beauty, but As a result, the visual image of the contemporary city is perfectly presented like a modern urban-themed painting, which is harmonious and orderly as a whole but with details hidden in the mood of conflict and fast-paced state , To pay special attention to is how natural and clever to express the speed and movement, so magical magic glow of the city's magic charm .As the L 'Odysse de Cartier series of high-level jewelry bracelet, like a flying bridle: The pink topazes cut from the cutting process are neatly arranged, while the double-ribbon design studded with diamonds and onyx surrounds the bracelet. The two ends of the bracelet are opposite each other and are designed as a rounded, drop-shaped arc. Pink, white and black clever impact, so that the overall tone showing a wave graceful gradual effect. The same earrings use a similar design, the end complemented by inlaid white gems, such as the bustling traffic pouring out. Another high-end jewelry necklace and earrings are designed to create a well-proportioned overall geometric shape: the necklace is made up of three thin chains, alternating with round cut diamonds and cylindrical onyx, the middle of the two sides also inlaid There are two carved red tourmaline, the warm colors and black and white contrast echoes; the same pattern repeated regularly, different elements of the build to create a perfect geometric shape, as the lush urban landscape, fascinating wild Africa to release the wild Passion of the area

Vast expanse of earth, abundance and moving colors and precious rare materials ... Africa, with its primitive strength, meets Cartier, who is familiar with the French elegance, and burst into a glittering intersection. Africa is the cradle of gems. Gold red hair crystal, obsidian, gold topaz ... ... nurturing warmth and life of rare gems, reproduce the African charm. Similarly, the colors of the sun and the earth, beautiful traditional patterns, sturdy animal images behind these elements hide Cartier's core craft. L 'Odysse de Cartier series of high-level jewelry designer accurately capture the charm of Africa, designed to cross the light and shadow jewelry: moon like obsidian flowing layers of waves, falling into the bottom of the bright red gold crystal. Gem inlaid in the cycle of repeated geometric shapes, the formation of a layer of layers of rings, like the sun shines on the African continent, the general glamorous jewelry master need to overcome numerous constraints before finally in the form and meaning, flexibility And the light texture to achieve the perfect balance of access to a perfect work.Cartier jewelry necklace with brown diamonds and paved stones, seemingly simple, but in fact sophisticated and complex as the whole replica van cleef and arpels diamond ring necklace of the center of the convex gold-red hair Crystal surrounded in a circle of gray gold, as if suspended in the air in general. Without any pawl or the end of support, the only outstanding design in the background elegant presentation, filling the balance of the material and form, beautiful, bright bracelets and rings Also continued the same form: the central main stone and the metal bottom care separation, eye-catching stands on the top of the dome-shaped dome above. Paved with diamonds, the edge of the mosaic dark Obsidian Another high jewelry bracelet exaggerated the interpretation of the traditional African patterns, realistic fine craft perfectly reproduce the zebra fur real texture. Meticulous carved, showing a dizzying visual Effect. The whole work using 'fur mosaic' paving made, jewelry master must be as puzzle in general, in the middle of irregular onyx stripes, a grain of bright cut diamonds embedded in interwoven mesh, combined into extremely complex Of the fur pattern.On the agate surface polishing, the ridge embedded bright circle of garnet, gives a rich and delicate emotional experience.How to find the right ratio, not only intact hollow precious metal light and shadow effect, but also harmoniously embedded paved diamonds And onyx elements are the number one challenge the jeweler has to face. Each black streak is unique and consists of tiny onyx, each individually cut and mounted on a base. Gray lace hollow metal base , Paved with different sizes of diamonds on the surface. Onyx cutting perfect to ensure that the whole piece seamless whole world Journey achievement Thatcher style

In the view of Cartier, the Odyssey of fine jewelry goes beyond just one trip. It spans more than 100 years of space and time and spreads all over the world. Under the baptism of time, it slowly carves out the L 'Odysse de Cartier Fine Jewelry Series Unique and Valuable Personality - Displaying pure Cartier-style oriental kingdom through superb combination of multiple inspiration has replica van cleef arpels ring always been a well-known and loved Muse of Cartier, a journey beyond time and space passing through India and China Geometrical patterns, Star design, luxurious grid structure, playful permeability and material, blue and green contrast, Cartier's Oriental palette continue to grow rich ...... Has a long history of India for the Cartier style tour adds a touch of rich color. Ruby ball, emerald carved, magnificent gemstones created a unique 'fruit kit' style and a variety of huge volume of jewelry works, while silk, ceramics and lacquer ware ... ... these exotic exotic originated in China are also lit Western creative wave Cartier is deeply Chinese material, design and image are attracted to a professional and unique Angle, re-examine the inherent beauty of this ancient kingdom, with pioneering spirit of superb craftsmanship and China's profound cultural commonalities, so that Western decorativeism and traditional Oriental art harmony L 'Odysse de Cartier fine jewelry series in the field of successful oriental achievements Further exploration, once again interpretation of ancient ceremonial jewelry, these luxurious necklaces exquisite, inlaid bright diamonds, Cartier is another design masterpiece long journey of style, Cartier's exploration footprint and Odyssey alike. Whether in the modern city or in the African land full of wild charm, Cartier can take a brand new material, grasp the pulse of the times, with gems as the language, craft as the song, the inspirational hymns to all over the world. As a leader in the fine jewelery world, Cartier is still in the creative journey to continue to explore and challenge themselves, leading the trend of style, the creation of unlimited possibilities!
Dec 28 '17 · 0 comments
Which jade bracelet in the end is valuable

Collection jade bracelets need to look at the material head is good, good color of the material side is good

Description: The works identified in this section are based on the original photos provided by the reader, for further identification need to view the physical question and answer Note: This column identification experts were from Guangdong Provincial Museum, Guangzhou City Cultural Relics Headquarters, Most people think that bracelets are accessories, not collectibles. However, in fact, as a high-end collector of emerald, at least a good collection of material jade bracelets. Many people think that the jadeite bracelet is an ordinary people can have the jewelry, but in fact, appear in the auction jade bracelet there is no shortage of high-priced van cleef wedding ring copy auction items, such as the Hong Kong Christie's auction in October 1999 appeared a jade bracelet, a transaction The price of 18.82 million Hong Kong dollars, setting a record of the world auction of jade bracelets at the time. Any high-quality collector's 'housekeeping' should not lack a high-end jade bracelet. Current issuers: Shen Yongmei, deputy general manager of Guangzhou Cultural Relics Headquarters

Readers: Please help me identify experts jade bracelet jade kind of how, the color is not real. A goods or B goods?

Identification: From the picture point of view, this bracelet is quite good jade, with a little purple, more natural, no signs of add color. But the head is not enough, not enough transparent, can only be considered in the jade jewelry medium, the market price of a few thousand dollars to ten thousand yuan, not good collection level jade bracelets on what basis so expensive? Why high-end collectors want to spend at least have a good bracelet? Shen Yongmei said in an interview that it is because the production of bracelets need large jade material, and can not be used with other small pieces of jewelry or carving supplies, such as the use of more than expected scrap. Second, the jade bracelets and white jade bracelets are different, mostly 'prime' (that is, not engraved on the surface of any pattern), for its material quality, even if not experts can also be clear at a glance, so you need to choose the best material expensive bracelet expensive material

'Good emerald bracelets need good head and good color materials.' Ms. Feng, who has been collecting emeralds for many years, said she collected a few good bracelets and occasionally used them for decoration, but more importantly she enriched van cleef gold ring copy her collection, The Tibetan friends around him, in addition to collecting jade carving pieces, but also collection of pendants, rings, bracelets, etc., 'porcelain paintings can only display the fun, can not hold the streets, jade jewelry can be used with both decoration, but also collection I think it's more fun. '

Some collectors believe that, since the collection of jade bracelets is more for the material, the collection of stones is not more effective? In this regard, Shen Yongmei believe, less risk of collection of the finished product: 'jade jewelry production process demanding, understand it or not is expected to open, open well or not, it is expected to open the master key to why we say Jieyang businesses to bid for Burma original stone. the most competitive, is expected to open up because the local technology to maximize the use of the original stone. For example open a common material master, can only make five bracelets, and a good teacher on the same piece of material can be opened sixty-seven bracelet This is why Jieyang merchants dare to offer. 'But the collectors themselves may not know how to master the processing of the bracelet production process is not difficult, but consumables. Carved jade bracelets generally not processed egg noodles emerald ring also generally prime the body, and the traditional white jade bracelet is more work, often carved above some of the poems or traditional themes such as 'Double Dragon thomsonae' to match the white culture Connotation. But now the new white jade craft is also more than the pursuit of the result of 'vegetarian' value does not lose 'flower'

'In a sense, the value of the body jade products do not lose flowers.' Shen Yongmei introduction said that the current jade pendant trend is 'Hing' leaves, gourds, but the real good van cleef and arpels butterfly ring copy material will not be used for carving flowers Such as the previous 'longevity Shuangquan', 'every year more than', are the use of technology to emerald jade picked out the problems, 'especially in the case of today's material is so expensive, the engraver will not easily waste. '

'So I think the bracelet more collectible.' Miss Feng said. However, not all jade bracelets have collectible value. Shen Yongmei told reporters, good jade bracelets price of at least several hundred thousand dollars or even millions of dollars, the head of those good old crater material on the market, even if no green, but also the price of 10 million: 'Now a lot of collectors like play old jade, of which there are many old pit, relatively delicate material, although colorless, but also tens of thousands. collection of jade bracelets price level of at least 5 million or more, 'of course, there are some tens of millions on the market Jade bracelet. At the 2010 Hong Kong Christie's auction saw jadeite bracelet auction said at least 30,000 yuan valuation, and this is the collection of 'starting price.' If it is hundreds of dollars on the market jade bracelet, Shen Yongmei that its 'stone' heavy, very coarse particles; and really good jade bracelet jade is very strong, the structure is very delicate. Round bar bracelet collection potential

Before buying bracelets, first carefully observe whether there are cracks bracelets, bracelets to the front, the negative, in particular, should pay attention to check the bracelet of red line shelter crack or damage. Find flaws in the bracelet, including black or yellow spots on the bracelet, white 'stone flowers,' and native ruffles that are not broken. Good bracelets should be 'a kind of non-ferrous.' 'Species' refers to the exquisite crystal clear and transparent of jade. 'Colored' mainly refers to emerald, violet, cyan and chic 'three-color jade' or 'four-color jade.' Today, a good head bracelet color better bracelet collection value higher In addition, the market now Jade bracelet more than flat mouth (flat within the circle also known as flat), round (cylindrical circle) points. 'Round bar' jade body cross section is approximately circular, both beautiful and generous, but it takes more jade raw materials, and because the inner diameter is curved, easy to handle. 'Flat mouth' bracelet is circular arc jade bracelet large diameter inside the mill, the inner diameter of the bracelet is just like the same, not only save the raw materials, and comfortable to wear, not handcuffed. Some raw materials as a standard round very reluctantly, even made possible due to the inner diameter is too small to fit the wearer to very few, then it will be a number of flat bracelet do to ensure that does not affect the purpose of wearing while achieving savings of raw materials This bracelet is called 'Royal bracelet.' Round bar bracelet which is more expensive and wear better, with considerable collection potential.
Dec 28 '17 · 0 comments
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Dec 28 '17 · 0 comments
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