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Applause KIDS! is a free program being offered at Yuba Sutter Arts this fall that encourages young people from 8 – 13 to either get up on stage for the first time or work on any performance skills they may already have. Led by two Marysville Charter Academy for the Arts graduates, Julian Barkley-Brinson and Megan Molly O’Shea Enderton, Applause KIDS! will provide students with a safe, enriching educational environment.
“I am passionate about arts education in this community, and it is my goal to be able to provide quality programs to our youth for free,” said Julian, Founder of Rise Up! Youth Program for the Performing Arts. Julian, Megan, and an entire group of hard working volunteer artists are contributing their time and talents to get the much-needed program off the ground.
Tryouts will be held at the Burrows Theater at 630 E Street in Marysville on Thursday, August 30 and Friday August 31 from 5:30 to 8pm. Classes will be held on Mondays and Thursdays starting on Thursday September 6 from 6 – 7:30pm through November 13th. Four public performances will be held between November 15thand 18th.
Students will learn character development through voice and movement work, develop fundamental acting skills, practice singing and dancing and help create whole scenes with other students.
Applause KIDS! will be held indoors and outdoors in a beautiful setting at Yuba Sutter Arts’ main campus in Marysville. Students will enjoy playing theatre games and learning theatre exercises.
Apparently surviving the thin air of educational high pursuit, Kyrene Middle School has planted its own flag of super-achievement in the form of the prestigious International Baccalaureate program, meaning that students promoted there can be recognized worldwide at any school they attend.Incoming principal Scott Maxwell explained that KMS’s IB certification represents an offshoot of the 51-year-old international organization’s mission to maximize multidisciplinary student learning within a global context, which emphasizes cross-cultural influences.
That perspective, says Maxwell, fits the school’s regional identity perfectly. Maxwell, who takes his new job starting July 1 following former principal Julio Martinez, says achieving such prestigious recognition was no cakewalk.
“Getting this designation was a demanding two-year process that involved every aspect of what we do at the school,” says Maxwell, noting that the school will operate under the auspices of IB’s Middle Years Programme.“Leading up to the final designation, IB personnel came onsite to visit classrooms, meet with parents and students, talk to teachers and take a look at our course offerings, to confirm we were ‘IB ready,’” Maxwell said.“The actual certification also required a major reconfiguration of our curriculum.”
“In all my years in education, I don’t know that I’ve ever encountered a school and area that’s so unique,” Maxwell declared.“We have kids from the Guadalupe neighborhoods, the African-American, Asian, and Native American communities, and others from fairly affluent areas, all learning together under the globally defined umbrella that IB provides.”
Fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Maxwell grew up in Boston, studied in Beijing, taught in China and South Africa, and went on to earn a master’s degree in International Studies and Special Education from Middlebury Institute of International studies in Monterey, Calif.His international background in education makes Maxwell particularly enthusiastic to oversee the implementation of the IB program at the school.
“I’m so glad we were able to bring Mandarin into our language offerings, which now also include American Sign Language and Spanish,” Maxwell says, adding the IB system’s international perspective makes it unique in the world of education.
“What I’ve been delighted to learn about IB is that it’s universal,” Maxwell notes.“You can take it anywhere, in any local context, and succeed with it.”Founded in 1968 in Geneva, Switzerland, the program now operates in 3,460 schools across 143 countries at 1,370 public and private schools, and emphasizes creative and critical thinking as its educational core.The organization’s Middle Years Programme was first offered in 1994, and by 1999 was operating in 51 countries.
Instituting the IB program at KMS is part of what Kyrene Unified School District Superintendent Dr. Jan Vesely calls a “redesign” of the district’s schools and curricula, aimed at enhancing enrollment. That new curricular perspective, Maxwell notes, is not narrowly conceptual, but encourages students to find real-world applications for their classroom discoveries.“Students in the program must complete what we call ‘Service Learning’ projects,” he explains— projects that take them out of the school and into the community.
“Participants take the skills they’ve learned in the classroom and apply them to a project. So you might see kids helping clean up a neighborhood, raising money for a community need, or helping out at an area that needs work—things like that.” Even routine classroom skills, within the IB concept, Maxwell insists have a practical application.“Consider something like note-taking: the IB curriculum has units on even that—you know, what’s the most effective way to do that—but the most important, the unique thing IB does is apply that lesson in a practical way. It teaches how to utilize the notes you’ve taken, such as writing a paper.”The new principal declares the school’s success in achieving the IB certification lies squarely with the years-long work put in by the teachers and administrators involved. get more ciie china 2019, you can visit shine news official website.
According to officials, the reservation window has expired and about 400,000 people have booked visits already.A total of 64 countries in the National Pavilion will offer exciting and abundant cultural experiences to visitors.
The China booth covers 1,500 square meters and focuses on the dramatic changes the country has accomplished over the 70 years since the founding of the People’s Republic of China. The France booth has several large screens and VR equipment for visitors to experience French culture. The Greece booth recalls ancient splendor with wine and Greek goat cheese.
Apart from the National Pavilion, some of the intangible cultural heritage exhibitions, introduced as a first at this year's expo, will open to the visitors as well. During the extended exhibition, people can enjoy intangible cultural heritage from Zhejiang, Shandong, Fujian and Shaanxi provinces as well as Shanghai.
The two plazas of the National Exhibition and Convention Center also offer great fun. The south plaza of the center shows off the grand architecture of the expo venue and a glorious display of flowers and greenery.The north plaza has an ice and snow experience zone to promote the upcoming Winter Olympics in 2022. Visitors can ski or play curling in this area.
After leaving the expo, visitors can go to the Greenland Global Merchandise Trade Center or the Hongqiao Import Commodity Exhibition and Trade Center to do some shopping. Here visitors will find most of the items showcased by exhibitors at the CIIE. get more ciie shanghai, you can visit shine news official website.
The two upgraded restrooms feature an automatic seat cleaning system made in Germany, foldable cubicle doors developed in Japan and interior decor from Italian designers, the Shanghai Airport Authority said on Monday.
The renovated "model" facilities are near the departure-entrance and arrival-exit areas for international flights at the airport's T2 terminal.“The first batch of renovated toilets aim to offer good bathroom experiences at the beginning and end of a travelers’ journey,” an official with the airport authority said.
Inside the renovated bathrooms, an automatic cleaning system can wash and sanitize toilet seats within 15 seconds. The German design has won a Red Dot Design Award.The folding door can also provide more space in each cubicle for large baggage.
In the female restrooms, a dresser has been installed with a professional lighting system that can simulate natural light. Additional hook racks have also been installed beside the basins.
The renovation project will continue to cover more lavatories at the Pudong airport, the airport authority said.“The renovation has included the latest designs from across the world to demonstrate the spirit of the CIIE and share global wisdom,” the airport official said.
Memiliki kulit wajah yang putih saja tidak cukup. tentunya kamu tidak inginkan memiliki kulit yang belang, wajah putih tetapi tangan hitam. Sehingga tak hanya memutihkan wajah, cara memutihkan kulit tangan kini juga mulai banyak diburu oleh para wanita untuk mempercantik dirinya.cara agar pori pori wajah tertutup
Ada banyak faktor yang dapat membuat kulit tangan terlihat lebih gelap dari pada wajah, salah satunya yaitu karena sering terpapar sinar matahari namun tidak melindunginya dengan tabir surya. Selain itu, kurangnya melakukan perawatan juga dapat membuat kulit tangan menjadi tidak sehat. Jadi, mulai sekarang jangan hanya wajah saja yang perlu dirawat dan dijaga tapi kulit lain seperti tangan juga perlu lho.
Nah, untuk cara memutihkan kulit tangan dengan cepat dan ampuh kalian bisa simak langsung dibawah ya!.Lemon dipercaya dapat menjadi bahan alami utama untuk memutihkan kulit tangan paling ampuh. Hal ini karena Lemon kaya akan kandungan antioksidan dan vitamin C. selain itu, Lemon juga mengandung asam alpha hidroksi yang berfungsi untuk menangkal radikal bebas yang ada didalam kulit.
2. Kunyit
Cara memutihkan kulit tangan yang terbukti ampuh selanjutnya yaitu
dengan menggunakan Kunyit. Bumbu dapur yang berwarna kuning ini telah
dipercaya bisa memutihkan kulit wanita yang gelap dengan cepat bila
digunakan secara benar.
3. Jeruk Nipis
Sama seperti lemon, Jeruk Nipis pun juga kaya akan kandungan vitamin C
dan antioksidan. Kandungan tersebut dapat berguna untuk memutihkan
kulit serta mencerahkan dan menyehatkan kulitmu.
4. Bengkoang
Telah banyak produk kecantikan yang menggunakan Bengkoang sebagai
pemutih alami. Bengkoang mengandung banyak vitamin B dan C yang berperan
penting untuk memutihkan dan menjaga kulit agar tetap bersih putih
5. Beras
Beras sejak dulu telah dipercaya khasiatnya bisa memutihkan kulit secara aman dan ampuh. Tak hanya efektif untuk memutihkan tangan, tapi juga bisa memutihkan kulit lainnya seperti wajah dan kaki. Untuk mendapatkan khasiat Beras untuk memutihkan tangan kamu bisa menjadikan beras sebagai lulur alami untuk kulit mu.
Memiliki kulit putih bersinar adalah keinginan semua orang, terutama kaum wanita. Kulit putih bersih adalah cerminan wanita cantik.Banyak metode yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk mendapatkan kulit putih, bahkan dengan cara instan. Tetapi, memutihkan kulit dengan cara instan memiliki banyak dampak negatif. Seperti timbul bintik-bintik hitam dan lain sebagainya, yang sifatnya bisa saja permanen.cara agar kulit tetap putih walau terkena sinar matahari
Selain metode instan dalam memutihkan kulit, ada juga metode secara
alami. Metode secara alami ini lebih aman dan sehat bagi kulit kamu.
Berikut adalah beberapa cara memutihkan kulit tubuh secara alami dan
cepat dalam 1 hari.
Banyak cara yang bisa kamu lakukan untuk memutihkan kulit. Berikut adalah beberapa cara memutihkan kulit tubuh secara alami.
Lidah Buaya
Cara memutihkan kulit tubuh pertama yaitu dengan lidah
buaya. Lidah buaya mengandung aloesin, yaitu zat yang berfungsi untuk
menghambat pembentukan melanin pada kulit, sehingga mencegah kulit
menjadi gelap.
Karena itulah mengapa lidah buaya banyak dimasukkan ke
dalam komposisi dari berbagai produsen obat pencerah kulit.Pakai gel
lidah buaya, lalu oleskan pada tubuh secara merata. Biarkan selama 15
menit kemudian bilas dengan air bersih.
Minyak Zaitun
zaitun merupakan minyak yang kaya akan nutrisi, nutrisi yang terdapat
didalamnya sangat bermanfaat untuk kesehatan kulit.Vitamin E, vitamin D,
vitamin A dan vitamin K yang terkandung didalam minyak zaitun kadarnya
cukup tinggi sehingga membantu dalam meningkatkan kecerahan kulit wajah.
omega 3, 6 dan 9 serta zat besi yang terdapat dalam minyak zaitun baik
dalam menunjang kesehatan kulit, dan mampu meregenerasi sel-sel kulit
yang mengalami kerusakan. Maka dari itu, minyak zaitun sangat cocok
sebagai cara memutihkan kulit tubuh.
Putih Telur
Putih telur
mengandung protein yang tinggi. Fungsinya meregenerasi kulit agar sel
kulit mati terkelupas dan diganti sel kulit baru lebih sehat. Maka dari
itu putih telur sangat cocok sebagai cara memutihkan kulit tubuh.
juga bisa menjadi cara memutihkan kulit tubuh. Kunyit mengandung
kurkumin yang berfungsi untuk menetralkan radikal bebas. Caranya cukup
mudah, campurkan susu dan bubuk kunyit. Lalu oleskan pada tubuh. Biarkan
selama 15 menit kemudian bilas dengan air hangat.
avokad berfungsi untuk menjaga kelembapan kulit sehingga terhindar dari
keriput dan mencegah penuaan dini. Karena avokad mengandung banyak
karotenoid anti-oksidan, vitamin E, dan vitamin C.Vitamin E berguna
untuk mencegah penuaan dini akibat terkena paparan sinar matahari,
sedangkan vitamin C merupakan zat yang dibutuhkan untuk membuat elastin
dan kolagen pada tubuh. Maka dari itu avokad sangat cocok sebagai cara
memutihkan kulit tubuh.
Ruam pada wajahnya tak kunjung membaik meski telah melakukan perawatan. Ia pun meminta saran pada followers untuk mengatasi permasalahan di wajahnya tersebut. Banyak yang memberikan saran agar Jedar segera memeriksakan diri saja ke dokter. Mengalami kondisi wajah memerah, Jedar mencoba beraktivitas seperti biasa. Ia tetap menjalani beberapa syuting. Untuk menutupi ruam di wajahnya, Jedar menggunakan makeup tebal.
Namun tetap saja, ruam tersebut masih terlihat jelas. "Guys, jadi ini wajah aku udah pake foundation, udah tebel banget, tapi merah-merahnya masih kelihatan. Kalau kalian ada ide atau tips boleh ya ditulis di kolom," ujar Jedar. Terakhir pada unggahan terbarunya, kondisi kulit wajah Jedar terlihat dipenuhi bercak merah. Dalam unggahan tersebut, Jedar juga mengungkapkan bahwa dirinya tidak bisa melanjutkan syuting. Ia mengatakan izin untuk tidak syuting karena kondisi wajahnya.
Due to the numerous complaints from professionals, the PRC in coordination with several members of professional groups, including the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) were present at a Senate Committee on Civil Service, Government Reorganization and Professional Regulation last February 4 to find solutions. On February 7, PRC issued Resolution No. 2019-1146 that outlined the new Implementing Regards and Regulations (IRR) of the CPD Law.
While the senators agreed that majority of the local professionals seek the repeal of the CPD law, it would only take too much time and agreed to make amendments on the rules and regulations instead.
Among the significant provisions under the new IRR include:
CPD is still a mandatory requirement for the renewal of the PRC ID of all registered and licensed professionals.Significant decrease in the number of required CPD units for the renewal of professional license. From 45 units, it’s now down to 15 units every three years.
In-house trainings and capacity-building activities of government agencies and corporations, including local government units and private employers shall be credited and considered as CPD compliance.
A transition period will be implemented while the PRC is working with CPD councils to fulfill the “pre-conditions” required from them.The following will be observed during the transition period:
Professionals working abroad shall not be covered by the CPD requirement during the period of their employment abroad
Newly licensed professionals shall be exempted from CPD requirements for their first renewal
CPD councils shall reduce the required CPD units to a minimum which shall not be more than 15 CPD units
All seminars attended by licensed professionals should be recognized as CPD units and shall be accepted as valid for the renewal of their licenses.Professionals who renewed their PRC ID's by signing an Undertaking shall only comply the required 15 CPD units, in pursuant to the Resolution.PRC Chairman Pilando earlier shared that he is hopeful that the new provisions will help ease the burden on our professionals while they iron out the CPD Law. He said, “Hopefully once all of these things are met then we will be prepared the mandatory character of the law.”
The wall complements PNC Bank's signature philanthropic initiative, PNC Grow Up Great, which is focused on early childhood education and school readiness for preschoolers in underserved communities. The PNC Grow Up Great Gallery at the Kauffman Center is part of an effort to inspire great futures for local children through memorable arts experiences.
PNC Bank is the Kauffman Center's exclusive bank sponsor for the Kauffman Center's Ensemble business membership program and the Grow Up Great Gallery art installation. In addition, PNC is a key sponsor of the Kauffman Center's programming series Kauffman Center Presents.Reveal of the newest addition of 112 children's handprints the PNC Grow Up Great Gallery, a mural showcase of kids' handprints that creates a special connection between children, their families and the performing arts.
Brandmeyer Great Hall, Helzberg Hall and Plaza Lobby Level at the Kauffman Center for Performing Arts, 1601 Broadway Blvd, Kansas City, MO 64108
Who: More than 100 four-year old children and their families, community leaders, PNC leadership, Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts leadership, Growing Futures Early Education Center, El Centro Academy for Children and UICS St. Mark Center leadership and staff.
Visuals: Participating families and children, Saint Mark Child and Family Development Center, Metro Early Learning Center, Growing Futures Early Education Center and El Centro Academy for Children. Pre-K students proudly showcasing their handprints in a gallery setting. Interactive arts experiences including roving performers by StoneLion Puppets, block-building with Planet Play in Brandmeyer Great Hall and performances in Helzberg Hall by Drum Safari.
The Middle School years are full of changes for our students, both physical and emotional. In order to best support our students during these critical stages of their academic and personal growth, a faculty advisor guides each student during the Middle School years. Students meet with their advisors on a daily basis and discuss academic, social, and emotional development, as well as any issues the students wish to share.
The Middle School advisory program is designed and led by our Middle School Counselor, who offers added support to students, parents, and faculty. This support also includes a comprehensive program to assist students with high school applications and placement.
Through this robust, progressive educational program, ISB students become driven explorers and passionate communicators with skills that open up options and opportunities for high school and beyond.