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A four week randomised control trial of adjunctive medroxyprogesterone and tamoxifen in women with mania,van cleef and arpels butterfly replica necklace.

Summary. Emerging research has suggested that hormone treatments such as selective oestrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) or progestins may be useful in the treatment of mania. The current pilot study compared the use of the SERM tamoxifen and the progestin medroxyproges terone acetate (MPA), as an adjunct to mood stabiliser medications, for the treatment of mania symptoms in 51 women in a 28 day double blind, placebo controlled study. The primary outcome was the change between baseline and day 28 mania scores as measured by the Clinician Administered Rating Scale for Mania (CARS M). Adjunctive MPA treatment provided greater and more rapid improvement in mania symptoms compared with adjunctive placebo and tamoxifen treatment. Adjunctive therapy with MPA may be a potentially useful new treatment for persistent mania,van cleef arpels replica necklace, leading to a greater and more rapid resolution of symptoms compared with mood stabiliser treatment alone.

Kulkarni J, Berk M, Wang W, Mu L, Scarr E, van Rheenan TE, Worsley R, Gurvich C, Gavrilidis E, de Castella A,van cleef arpels replica alhambra necklace, Davis SR. . Psychoneuroendocrinology 2014; 43:52 6

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