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Hundreds from Kashechewan at Cornwall

Doobay stopped to speak with the Standard Freeholder minutes after he and a busload of Kashechewan residents arrived at Nav Centre Monday afternoon. He said he knew full well the possibility his classes would cancelled when the spring melt threatens the community near the mouth of the Albany River,replica cartier mens gold chain.

Doobay is among about 360 evacuees who have been forced to leave following the latest of several spring flooding episodes,replica cartier love necklace yellow gold. The first buses ferrying residents from the Cornwall Regional Airport near Summerstown Station arrived mid afternoon.

More evacuees came via the Macdonald Cartier International Airport in Ottawa during the evening.

It's second time in two years Cornwall and the Nav Centre have hosted these Northern Ontario compatriots. Although the flooding and subsequent evacuations are fairly normal events,replica love chain necklace, Doobay said, it's still a stressful time. He noted there was at least one of the residents who had to receive medical treatment to treat anxiety.

"I think they're excited to come," he said.

The flooding is the latest in the string of problems facing Kashechewan, but Doobay said better times could be around the corner.

The band is trying to secure grant in the neighbourhood of around $33 million to build a new school to replace dozens of portables.

Nav Centre is being assisted by the local Canadian Red Cross, which is looking after registration and other logistics. The City of Cornwall has also been contacted to provide specific services,replica cartier choker necklace, such as medical services and transit.

The Wall

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