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I don't know how to mulligan miracle rogue

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Before submitting a thread, ensure your topic or question doesn belong in one of following threads:I made it to legend with miracle rogue last season with 90 games from rank 5 legend, so I guess I can give you some tips.

Against aggro = backstab, SI7 (this guy is the aggro killer when you have the coin), shiv, farseer, FoK, deadly poison (specially against zoo). About van cleef. usually setting up a huge van cleef early in the game against aggro wins you the game, except for shockadin or hunter because deadly shot/freezing/equality. Keeping him in your hand even with the coin might be a risk, but sometimes is worth it.

obs: Keeping Auctioneer is a risky thing if you don have any removals. Keep him at your own risk, but I would only do that if I had all the other cards to deal with the early aggression.

Against midrange/control If you think there is a chance of them rushing you down (midrange hunter, shaman,rolex submariner date replica, token druid), keep some removals/minions like backstab/poison/SI to deal with them until you get to turn 5/6. Always keep auctioneer. If you think you are facing a slow deck (priest,control warrior,ramp druid) is okay to keep things to support the auctioneer (conceal and prep), IF YOU HAVE HIM.

tech cards against some classes:

Sap is a decent keep against druid, specially ramp. If you already have auctioneer should be fine to keep it against handlock.

blade flurry is very good against shamans. Even if you are only going to use it later in the game, this is one of the most important cards in the matchup.

I can load the imgur link, but I used to run Tazdingo last season. There is a chance I will remove it now for Loatheb. Taz was great against aggro and OTK decks (like miracle and druid).

99% of the times you don keep shadowstep, coldblood and leeroy. I always keep it against ; Druid, Warrior (if I know it control), Paladin (if I know it not shockadin), Shaman,gold rolex submariner fake, Mage (again,replica used rolex submariner, if I know it not aggro), Priest, and other Rogues (Rogue is like warlock in that it is ambiguous with mulligans, you always keep it and assume they are also playing Miracle) This is because your opponent will never be flooding the board, but just playing one minion at a time, more than likely. You can keep his board clear (or close to) and still transition to turn 5 really easily, so I always keep it in those matchups. Same goes for Azure Drake, I always keep it in these matchups

For aggro you toss the slower drops and look for anti aggro cards, you wanna dig for SI, backstab, farseer, deadly poison eviscerate (evis is actually fine to throw back if the rest of your hand is garbage, but sometimes I will keep it because it relevant on turn 2 at killing a knife juggler. Not full efficiency, but hey), FoK. Against Zoo a big vancleef is almost impossible for them to deal with without chucking their whole hand/board at it, which is great for us. Deadly poison is great at keeping the board clean, and if you can combo into SI you doing great.

The Wall

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