
RuneScape has been accomplishing increasingly more animal updates recently from Nfkjasfas's blog

I had 1.5m of cash in the bank at the moment and I've definitely never thought about making too the amount OSRS Gold; therefore, I'm going to try and slay I'm guessing. 241k maple longs calling for being alched. Go for it, man. Slayer is excellent money provided it is done well. Make use of this and you will become one with your money pile.

There's no such thing as excessive money. Don't be afraid to walk an extra step in money is being made. If you're looking to make money however I'd never recommend using slayer since that will drastically reduce the xp/hr in slayer. Use the best you can to powertrain with slayer and use Frosts/Barrows and Frosts to earn more money. When you Frost enough, you'll profit despite the losses from the powertraining slayer.

Slayer isn't currently one of his most important goals. He's just in need of that additional dollar to pay for the summoning and prayer levels. I never once spoke on Slayer XP. I stated powertraining. This refers to his CB stats, not Slayer level. He should be using other methods besides slayer to earn his money. Slayer should be used only to earn XP.

I'm not sure why people are buying corrupt dragons in the first place. It seems like a waste of cash to me. Since Corrupt dragon is the best F2P armour, PKers buy these weapons due to their aid in getting kills and clanners buy the armor in order to hold their tank for longer Buy RS 3 Gold. Doesn't it vanish after something like 30 minutes?

The Wall

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