
If you plan to attend the funeral of Runescape from bertramuzi's blog

As you mentioned, yew long bows are the most effective. It's fast and earns good cash. Selling them faster yields more profits than alching RS Gold 2007. So, unless you're going to use them for magic exp, just sell them. Although some might suggest magic long bows to speed up the process, it's difficult to get magic logs. Experiment radio is more efficient than selling yew-longs.

The only difference between purchasing logs and yew longers(u), is how much money you'll make. Depending on the price you can buy the yew longs(u) at you can make a lot more money using them, however it takes a lot more time (due to the string X option, and needing to earn twice the amount as you would with yew logs).

Do you suggest I make the Maple Longbow(u) until I am able to make Yew longbow(u) before just selling those? Are you suggesting that I string the Yew longbow (u) and then turn it into a product that can be sold? Or just sell the yew longbow(u)'s?

If you're not at all interested in the experience, but care about time and quality of life, then listen to the advice Cheezy offered. I'm only 81, but mainly because i lost interest in the game for a couple of months Buy RuneScape Gold. A friend of mine joined the member only after he'd attained 70 fletching.

The Wall

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