
RuneScape - Some people sell their logs at the general store from MMOgrfy's blog

The only issue is. It's very popular and RuneScape gold is often packed. There are other locations to trim your willows don't want to be cut or you prefer a longer walk. A few trees can be found just north of Draynor. They are usually not very busy.

Alternativly, you could choose to cut near Rimmington. Some people sell their logs at the general store. Ask any questions you may have in the forum. There will be more feedback. The Suggestions forum doesn't allow you to solicit suggestions from other players. You are able to post anything that you feel would improve the game.

Hi, I'm one of those who must know what's happening in their area (not their company I'm not one of them) however, I'm not sure how it functions. I've sold willow bows (u) to stores that sell general merchandise because no one wants to purchase them for 83gp each. So, I get 16 gp per willow long (u) however, the store sells it for 64 gp ea. What is the general store's work? Is it possible for it to sell for four times the price it was originally paid?

Also, I noticed that fansites have items listed to have the same profit margin that general store sales. This is due to the fact that you can low alch these items for 64 gp per item when selling them to the general store customers gets 16 gp ea. STORE however, is sold for 64 gp ea. I'm wondering if there's an established formula that is applicable to all items for general stores, or whether there are any some exceptions.

I was wondering about that and looked through the item databases of many websites...This one website stated that it costed zero gp to purchase an Armadyl godsword at the general store, which is definitely not possible so I guess they were referring to N/A, or were they saying that you can't buy it from the general store? Other common items, such as bows, seem to cheap RS gold follow the "multiply-by-4" rule. This means that if you sell something for 1 gp they will sell it at 4 and the list goes on.

The Wall

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