
How to get more OSRS gold? from Smarthuiyuan's blog

You should now get a set of Ghostly Robes (Top, Bottom, Hood, Gloves, Boots, and Cloak). (Side Note: You do not have to OSRS gold wear the robes once within the crypt but if wearing them Damis' prayer drain rate is cut in half.) Take the Ghostly Set and get your sanctity to 100 percent and use a peice of it with the holy fire to acquire a ghostly peice(e). You must do this over again till you get a comprehensive set of enlightened ghostly robes. Now wind up on prayer potions( About 24) and prepare for a very long fight. Enter the Crypt and run past the level-110 Zombies and open the gate. You should now be in an area full of level-128 ghosts. Run past them and open the gates, you're currently in Damis' Crypt.

All that's in there's a coffin. Open up the coffin and it'll explode dealing 20 damage to you along with the level-100 Damis will attack you. His first form can't drain your prayer. After you kill him he will dissolve into a shadow and then look again as his second more potent level-200 form. This type drains 4 prayer points pevery time he hits you (Even if it's a 0) and is very strong (All forms use new spells earned, the very first uses shadow pummel, the second utilizes shadow smash and the third uses shadow quake.) ( the second and first forms seem to be the original Damis out of DT pt1).

After murdering him he'll, like his initial form, dissolve into the shadows. Out of this shadow will come his 3rd form. The 3rd type is a level-300 black demon weilding two iron 2-handed swords. This monstrosity strikes twice and may hit up to 40 damage. He also drains 20 prayer points per strike (even if it's a 0). Additionally on his 3rd form his body releases poisonous fums which poisen you coping 10 poisen and may only be healed with anti inflammatory posisen. After you kill his 3rd form he'll drop two things, the world of darkness and Damis' stays, take them Both!!!!! After the two items are picked up 10 level-153 shadow warriors will appear.

Run out of the gate, the shadow warriors will accompany, keep running till your the ladder up (Huge Note: A powerful aura lingers in the crypt, and Buy RS gold that means that you can't teleport .) The ladder will disappear. Imediatly lender the orb and corpse or else a level-653 vengful spirit of Damis will strike you. After banking congradulations you've got among the four orbs.

The Wall

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