
Missing the one of your choice from Smarthuiyuan's blog

There is a mountain in the wilderness called Blood Mountain. Its from the Wilderness therefore its a PKing Zone. Theres a torso at the very top and it requires 5-10 keys (depending on the amount of players around ten) to wow gold classic start it and you get a ticket based on the amount of keys you receive. Theres a waiting space to get certain lvl players you will find 7 in lvl 60-70 71-80 81-90 91-100 101-110 111-125 and one for 126 players only.

You are provided a key either blue, red, green, white, yellow, gray, white, black, orange, purple, or pink.

Missing the one of your choice.

OR If You're lvl 126 and completed each of Free Play quests you can select 1 quest to complete entirely (you MUST have started it)

Zammorak was searching for more folks killing each other so he created the Blood mountain. He thought that more people would kill each other from the mountain so that he made it out of their blood and bones of monsters and adventurers. Guthix helped create Blood Mountain so individuals would get a fair reward everywhere. Saradomin helped produce Blood Mountain since he'd help all the adventurers in combat there.

Negative Notes: Its in the middle of the Wilderness. Read all this manual before posting because: The benefits from the Blood might not be fair as well as the prerequisites might tell why (100 qp and recepie for catastrophe ) so that you may view the Side Notes.

Anyway I haven't had a big proposal, but while lieing on the trampoline, I had been considering Zogres, disease and the glistening red weapons known as dragon. Idea 1:Dragon claws. Ok dragon claws, claws are relativly new, seem super cool and cheap classic gold wow move around rune. They aren't used because: Rune claws need to be made. Not very powerful, about dagger rate but can not be disputed. A sheild can not be used together. The rune spec is not very good.

The Wall

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