
It's possible to get the nats from Smarthuiyuan's blog

Thats right! Icup1121 is supplying No-cost (except your expenses) pursuit aid for most freeplay quests! Why? For the heck of it (and becuz im bored) Need proof that ive completed every pursuit? Meet me see me wear my rune plate! icup1121 ingame. Or cant get Silverlight to OSRS gold kill Delrith in Demon Slayer? Well, just post here with this type: Sals name: RS name: Forum or Ingame or equally: Wat quest/s? : When? (Ingame or both only): Can you cover ur own expenses (such as you utilizing the al-kharid toll gate or buying a wizzy mind bomb: Can you honor me and not be slow to do things and adhere to all of my directions: Requirements (if the pursuit isn't recorded here, there are no prerequisites ) Ensure u have around 2k for every pursuit except dragon slayer and imp catcher.

20m is much more than potential for 99 magic. It's possible to get the nats and bodies in the expansive exchange. The most you may get from that, is earning 20 gps each alch, though the maximum you'll lose would be 100gps per alch. By 55 to 99 high alching would cost you +3.9m to -19.8m together with 198k alchs to do it would take approximately 200hours. Though, you would have to get to 55 magical first. I would suggest spending about 200-300k on fire or earth attack, and utilizing them up on lessers.

You could use fire strike or firebolt on monsters to get there. I have no clue just how much that could price or create, due to Buy RS gold monster drops being arbitrary and all. You might also use curse to level up. To get 99 that will cost you a total of 17.9. You'd want to buy 449k bodies and 898k waters (dont use earths, as you want 3 instead of the two seas, so it'll be cheaper that way). Be sure to wear a lot of thick metal armour, and any thing else that gives a NEGATIVE (-) magic bonus. ) You dont need your curses to impact the critters, so you may throw it again and again on him. You still receive the same exp for falling out.

The Wall

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