
I played Dofus Kamas as a child probably 12+ years ago from 's blog

I played Dofus Kamas as a child probably 12+ years ago, the past couple of decades wakfu on/off and I played, I'm wondering if my friend should jump into Dofus playing with 4 chars each. Whats Dofus classic, should we play that instead? Any thoughts are helpful, thanks.Honestly in a turn based game such as this I'd rather play numerous personalities. Many do my buddy and me need for a group for all content? I see 4 runs however I thought max party size was 8?

Dofus retro is Dofus 1.29 (old version with poor picture ) you should play with it if you feels nostalgic and would like to play Dofus game. But if you are not particularly nostalgic, you should definitely play on Dofus 2.0, that is better in many aspect. Dofus remains terrific. You need to jump, if you are on the fence. I played Echo (multi accounts server) for a long time, but recently changed to mono-server. Both are good for different reasons.

Perform on Dofus 2.0. It balanced. Dofus retro is for all those wanting to satisfy their nostalgia, imo.4 characters every is going to be a great deal. If you guys play together that is 8 total, which is a slew of characters running around. Some individuals are totally fine with this. But I've discovered that doing this may quickly lead to burnout. You're better off playing with 2 each. Also sure duo's can perform any dungeon in the Dofus match (like Iop+Elio). That's only my personal preference. If it won't burnt out you, then not anything wrong with you running 4.

What are the very best approach to produce alot of Dofus kamas on the Dofus retro Dofus 1.29? Farming anything that is needed in massive quantities. On the most basic level mobs will fall Dofus kamas.Gobball dungeon for example has around 2-3k raw Dofus kamas drops daily. And the key is only 1-2kk. And generally you fall your key (and also the mats to buy Kamas Dofus Retro craft another one) per run.

The Wall

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