
Runescape is best experienced as a never-ending RPG from Sletrry's blog

Among my favourite quests is One Little Favor, which is essentially a string of fetch quests during which each person you ask to help with some thing consequently asks you to help with something different. This continues until you have a laundry list of favors to cash OSRS gold, and after the sixth or fifth request, your character is completely fuming. "

Oh let me guess," my avatar hissed as the umpteenth NPC stammered something about a lost whatchamacallit. If I wasn't keen to see together, One Little Favor could have bored me to tears, but that I was always looking forward to my next chance to be a smartass.

Before I could begin my saga, howeverI had to make money and buy some basic supplies. My shopping list included potions to boost my abilities, food to recoup my health, accessories to teleport to significant areas, and magical stones called runes which are used to fuel spells, most notably handy teleport spells.

I opted to earn money by training Hunter, one of Runescape's new abilities. The fundamentals of Hunter are simple: you set traps to capture little NPC critters and then harvest their carcasses for tools. It's among the most life sim-like abilities, and developing cheap Runescape gold was pleasurable for all the little subgoals involved.

From start to finish, I spent about 20 hours searching, and by the end I had a tidy cash pile to finance my questing and coaching. It was a long grind which took me a couple of days, however I liked Hunter because I used different procedures and seen several locations.

The Wall

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