
a ritual to bless the salve RS gold from 's blog

Ivandis Seergaze, how you may inquire? From the book you get from the bookshelf in Paterdomus, Ivandis states that after a ritual to bless the salve RS gold, it cost him his humanity, and he transformed into a vampyre. With associates and all of his friends he travelled into Morytania although that he couldn't harm anyone else, but returned to Paterdomus after unsuccessful attempts to save himselfrestraining himself at the coffin. He had been living all this time, and after you emphasise the Salve to ensure Ms **inates become feral, his coffin begins vibration, meaning that he turned feral. He dies in his coffin, possibly from reverting just reverting and suffocating, or maybe because he had been old after getting a human again after you bless the Salve with the capacity to revert Vyres into humans. Text wow.

What Rock is Drakan, although this may have been answered already? Where you have been gone all these 11, so that's? We believed you secluded obsessing over that'rock'. "Drakan:"Do I look a moody vyreling to youpersonally, sulking in my room? No, that'rock' showed me how - its loss delayed my aims. "To me, that seems like the Rock of Jas, but that I may have forgotten something out of the prior quests that this is a mention. And I mean, the dialog does seem like the way the users felt across the Rock (obsessed, educated ). So, ideas? Did I overlook something?

So after I completed the quest, I decided to depart the castles roof and visit the Museum, however when I did I got a text stating my body abandoned the castle but my head did not, I dont know if this is a bug or not, but if it's not then is our heads stuck in the castle? What are your ideas? Has this happened to any of you or is buy OSRS gold only me?P.s I got exactly the exact same text even before completing it during while making the supreme/extreme guthix balance serum.

The Wall

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