
that it's a dagger RS gold from 's blog

In addition, Kara-Meir does not say she utilized sunspear and that it's a dagger RS gold, she says that she HAS sunspear and it looks familiar into the Sunspear (Sword) we've. Evidently, if the second portion of sunspear has been Wolfbane it would be impossible for Kara-Meir to own it, as well as it looks like Sunspear (sword). Does this mean there was two sunspears? Does this imply that wolfbane is not actually the ending of Sunspear and we can get Kara-Meir to a part of her end of their spear to reform it?

Some can have figured that Jennica Bonde from Summer quest series' Spirit may be the Barrows Sister with evidences. But, let's go to another direction.Camorra is a hero out of the Fourth Age. She murdered a dragon named Garak, who destroyed villages. Her statue resides in the Heroes' Guild, along with her grave marker is located beneath the hill from the Wilderness.

Isn't it odd, the mountain have flowers grow, and is grassy and skinnier compared to other areas of the Wilderness atop it! Looks strange with all the wastelands around Forinthry should you inquire me.Back into the subject, all of us know is that Camorra was a capable fighter, since she slain the dragon Garak herself. But the histories of her feats written are small to none, which is a bit strange since her statue stands with the hero Arrav, meaning that she gained a similar status to Arrav. Can it be Sliske's doing, wiping out cheap OSRS gold all her background, making her presence nearly forgotten to the folks of Gielinor, so he could retain her for another purpose?I'm not good in theories, so discuss!

The Wall

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