
Appearing to be the focus in MapleStory M from Sletrry's blog

Your thoughts about current damage cap system and course balance at cap degree.But exactly the same time, before people hit the cap, class balance appeared ok but today with the time, or even before now, folks make Maple Mobile Mesos their course decisions according to a lot of criterias. Mainly number of strikes per second, the problem to control them, benefits which other classes do not have, etc.. But a huge part of the community makes the decision to select numbers of strikes per seconds or courses being at very top of DPS chart (NW as instance, NL can be great but not as much) and more.

There are numerous people saying this present damage system and this unlimit power from funding create unbalance and it's unfair. I state unbalance here however it isn't totally true. It looks more like game busted mainly because of this potential system which can provide you so much power once hitting cap harm, certain classes would be the top at cap amount.

Even if it's only a small minority and they place their movies of boss soloing, it attracts jelly to a folks, particularly those that are too hooked on damage. So much that a vast majority of gamers, I mostly speak about average funded players or above, completely overlook the RPG part of the game.

These facts induce people to think the game is pay2win without recognizing that they could just party with other players. But We have to buy Maplestory M Mesos agree it takes a minimum damage, which can be fine because of achievments you have done so far. But maybe the minimum damage requiered is too high so merely funded can fulfill requierment but there was a really small minority that they finally solo.

The Wall

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