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The Life of Medieval Monks and Nuns

In the Middle Ages the church in Europe was a powerful social and political force which rivaled or even surpassed that of earthly kings. The church under the leadership of the Pope in Rome believed that it was above earthly law, and was bound to obey God's law alone.

The worldly power of the church arose from its spiritual power. It taught the doctrine of original sin, which resulted from Eve's disobedience to God when she tempted Adam to eat the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden. It instilled in its congregations the need for repentance, obedience to the church, hope in heaven, and fear of hell. They gave up all personal possessions, and dedicated themselves to a communal life of incessant prayer, constant discipline, and Spartan simplicity.

Credit: Bbb at wikivoyage shared via Wikimedia Commons

In spite of the demands on devotees, monastic life held great appeal. In twelfth century England alone, according to the YouTube educational video Medieval Realms, there were 750 religious communities which controlled 15% of the land. Sometimes families gave a child to a monastery to be brought up in the monastic life as an oblate. They van cleef and arpels earrings alhambra fake may also have been seeking a respectable alternative to marriage, or have been widows wishing to live in a supportive community. Occasionally, a wife obtained her husband permission to take a vow of chastity, along with an endowment to give to the convent of her choice.

Other women were not quite so willing. When women married, their families were expected to provide them with a dowry, and dowries given to daughters of wealthy families were often significant. Women entering a convent were also required to pay a dowry, but spiritual dowries were not as burdensome. Consequently, wealthy families with many daughters sometimes forced their daughters to enter a convent at a young age in order to avoid exorbitant marriage dowries. Some women may have been escaping forced marriages. In addition, unwed mothers, unfaithful wives and abandoned mistresses were often cloistered in nunneries to avoid scandal.

After living in a monastery or convent for four years monks and nuns were expected to take their final lifelong vows. The consecration of a nun was considered a marriage to God, and was symbolized by the placing of a ring on her wedding finger. Because of the requirement of a spiritual dowry, while a man from any level of society could become a monk, most nuns came from wealthy families. These ladies were known as "choir nuns." Women from poorer families could also join a convent, but they became lower class "servant nuns."Monastic life revolved around the daily prayer ritual. Bedtime came early, immediately after the final prayer session. the weary sleepers were awakened for nighttime prayer. DVD ROM, 2002. ISBN 3936122202. Distributed by DIRECTMEDIA Publishing GmbH. Monastics ate one or two simple meals a day. They sang psalms before and after imitation van cleef earrings each meal, and listened to a Scripture reading while they ate. The main meal was eaten either just before or just after the noon prayer. A light evening meal may have been eaten before Vespers, although some orders only ate an evening meal in the winter. Food for the communal meals came from the monastery own orchards, granaries, beehives, fish ponds, and gardens.

The need for self sufficiency meant that labor was an integral part of the monk devotional life. When not at prayer, vintage alhambra earrings fake there was work to do in the gardens, the laundry or the kitchen. Monks might be required to plow grain and hay fields, harvest and thresh grain, or gather hay to be used for thatch. Farm and garden produce might be used to make beer, wine or herbal medicines.

The Wall

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