
Make your way through Maplestory 2 from Sletrry's blog

Yes, it is one of these threads again. Regrettably this is a problem that wont only go away.I'm a pretty patient person for the most part but becoming incredibly restless after seeing no actions taken against cheaters because mergers buy Maplestory 2 Mesos.

I've sent in videos and they've been checked. Nearly every one of these reveal clear signs that there's either hacking or the usage of macros. The one thing you guys need to do is get about the game rather at later hours once the majority of them will be sleeping and investigate. These men bot almost all day. Some of these all day.

The difficulty wasn't too bad on Bellonova after pushing back months back for some time and pretty much got close to sorted. GMs really cleaned the server up. But with the current merge with YMCK, the server has become incredibly polluted with trash.

No crime to YMCK generally. I don't refer to you , but 95% of the botters currently on our server came from YOUR server. This leads me to believe the majority does not give a **** about cheating on your own server and completely embrace it.

Nexon, real players botting in KSH is now a more critical issue than it ever was. You need to have nipped this ages and really pushed patrols to be certain cheating from actual players ceased. A lot of the players that are still getting away with it are well over 220+.

More product of games at Mmogo!If you want to buy,welcome to https://www.mmogo.com/Maplestory-2/Mesos.html !

The Wall

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