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Who is the wealthiest presidential candidate next to Donald Trump

Presidential candidates like to say they understand imitation hermes handkerchief the problems and anxieties facing working Americans. But a quick look at financial disclosure forms reveals that many 2016 contenders enjoy a privileged lifestyle that most Americans would be hard pressed to attain.

One of the candidates is imitation hermes tote bags worth billions (though how many billions, it seems, depends on whom you ask.) Most are millionaires, some many times over. Only a handful have reported more modest financial holdings.

The candidates' personal finances became clearer over the last month or so, as campaigns rushed to file financial disclosure paperwork with the Federal Election Commission in order to qualify for the first GOP primary debate on Thursday.

Here's a look at what we know about each candidate's personal wealth and how their finances stack up against those of their rivals.

RepublicansDonald Trump The businessman, real estate developer, and reality television star is by far the wealthiest person in the 2016 bullpen, though it's tough to pin down an exact number. Trump has claimed his net worth is over $10 billion dollars. Forbes Magazine estimates the actual number is just over $4 billion. And his financial disclosure form says he has assets worth at least $1.5 billion. His income in 2014, according to his campaign, was $362 million.

Carly Fiorina The former Hewlett Packard CEO and her husband, a former AT executive, have amassed quite a fortune during their time in the business world though not quite a fortune of Trump ian proportions. Financial disclosure forms estimate her net worth at $59 million. After departing the governor's office, he hit the paid speaking circuit and served for a short imitation hermes outlet online time as a paid advisor to Lehman Brothers, an investment bank that went belly up during the 2008 financial crisis. Like Bush, Kasich earned some of his money from Lehman Brothers. He earns $130,000 yearly imitation hermes classic bag as governor of the Bayou State. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Graham had an estimated net worth in 2013 of $1.02 million, making him the 68th wealthiest person in the Senate. But USA Today noted that ranking is likely to drop in light of the 2014 data, which was filed last month. "His new estimated net worth is closer to $270,000 after he removed his Capitol Hill home from his list of assets this year," the paper reported. "It was removed because Graham stopped renting out part of the home, so it no longer generates income, according to his office."Rick Perry In 2014, the former Texas governor earned $130,000 in state retirement benefits, along with $133,125 from his salary as governor. His wife, Mary Pat, has been the family's main breadwinner for years as managing director at Angelo, Gordon, Co., a Wall Street firm, but she stepped down from that perch to assist Christie's presidential bid. She and her husband, former President Bill Clinton, earned at least $25 million delivering 104 speeches since the beginning of 2014. She also earned at least a $5 million advance from her latest memoir, "Hard Choices."

Martin O'Malley the former Maryland governor has a maximum net worth of just over $250,000, according to Bloomberg. That figure would be higher but for the over $300,000 in student loan debt the O'Malley family has incurred to send its kids to college. He earns $174,000 per year as member of CongressJim Webb The former Virginia senator had a net worth of approximately $4,580,095 in 2012, his last full year in the Senate, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

The Wall

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