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Rush Unleashed
For the president of the look at what's going on. We are in a major offensive in Afghanistan. We have an attack led by Obama on our private sector. This is a purposeful attempt to destroy the private sector as it exists. We have numerous problems. Jobs numbers are out this morning, and they're up, unexpectedly up, even though we've rescued the economy. And the he the president of the United States does not comment on local arrests and things like that. That question, I think, if it wasn't a setup it has to be it has to have been a setup.
and he says things during the course of interviews that should just scare people to death. During that ABC infomercial, ask the president a question on health care I Greta, I could not believe an American citizen stood up, a woman, and essentially asked Obama, Look, my 100 year old grandmother needed a pacemaker. And the first specialist said, No, she's 100 years old. I can't do any more for her. Went to another specialist yes, this woman's got a lot of spunk. I'll put the pacemaker in. She's now 105, living fine.
A citizen of the United States asking the president, Are you going to not kill my mother? I can understand Fidel Castro being asked that question, or Kim Il Sung or Kim Jong Il, or some of the other dictators, but I can't believe that these kind of questions are being asked of the president of the United States, because it's not his decision who lives and dies, but he wants it to be! And he wants it to be the prerogative of his party to determine who gets born and who doesn't, and who has end of life problems that are dealt with and not.
This is hideous. This is not about health care, it's about control. It's about remaking the country, the economy. Look, proof of my point here that the joblessness is on purpose if your number one signature issue is health care and his is and if, which is true, that health insurance is not portable when you lose your job, what's the best thing you can do for yourself? Create unemployment. The more people unemployed, the more people losing their health insurance, the more people scared to death, the more people clamoring for it, Please save my health insurance, Please give me health insurance. I'm scared Van Cleef & Arpels gold diamond pendants imitation because they've been drummed into the fact that there's something in this country killing them every day, from coffee to nicotine to whatever it is.
We know how to stimulate growth and jobs. You incentivize people in the private sector. How do you do that? You reduce the financial burden. You cut their taxes. You get out of their way in forms of regulation. We need people going back to work. We need people working. We need the country humming. We need the economy coming back. That's not happening. And they're talking about a second stimulus? And now their excuse is, Well, we didn't intend it to work this year. That was always going to work next year.
That gets to the political question that the Republicans have got to this is a perfect opportunity for them to contrast themselves against who this guy is and what his policies are and lay the groundwork now for the elections in 2010 and what the run on and it's not it's not complicated. Just do the opposite of this. Talk about American exceptionalism, American greatness, the abilities of the American people to build the greatest country in the history of civilization, being torn down now by this guy who has a deep resentment for it.
And the press this is the sorriest time, I think, in my lifetime (INAUDIBLE) I you know, Jim DeMint said that health care is Obama's Waterloo. The press has met their Waterloo, and it's Obama. They have sacrificed whatever integrity, character, professionalism, ethics that they've had. It's all gone. Their total reason, most of them, for existence, propping this guy up. They're not reporting the details of his plans. They're not reporting his policies. They're looking at it as a horse race. Did Obama win? Did Obama lose? They're running countdown clocks on some of the networks for the press conference last night! Countdown clock 8 hours, 25 minutes, 13 seconds to Obama's press conference.
I would have also asked for a follow up after he accused doctors of doing unnecessary surgeries and organ removal to line their pockets. I think that comment, unremarked on by most so far now, it may have been during the day today, but he's asked a question and he lays into pediatricians. Well, we're going to do it smarter, we're going to do a more efficient job. You take your kid in, sore throat, repeated sore throat. Doctor says, Where's the reimbursement fee schedule? Oh, I get this for a tonsillectomy. So I take the tonsils out, even if they don't need to come out.
Well, for one thing, a pediatrician doesn't take the tonsils out. The pediatrician recommends a surgeon. Pediatricians are not surgeons, for the most part. So he'd have to get a kickback from the surgeon. But just to accuse doctors of doing unnecessary things for a profit, for fee doctors do do a lot of unnecessary things, but it's because of malpractice suits. They do all these unnecessary tests because there are lawyers out there waiting to jump on any of them who misdiagnose or don't diagnose something. So that's why there's are all these you really want to cut costs in health care, tort reform. Put limits on damages in malpractice cases.
So Van Cleef & Arpels fake necklace I'll throw the numbers out like he does. We spend $6,000 more per citizen in this country than other advanced countries and we got to reduce that. Does he not understand this is the best health care system in the world, the best costs things. The American people, because replica Van Cleef & Arpels Albambra malachite Necklace of our exceptionalism, expect the best. I'm not saying there aren't efficiencies and savings to made here, but I'm getting sick and tired of being compared nobody leaves this country for health care. Nobody takes their kids anywhere.
LIMBAUGH: Well, long term, easy. The answer is easy. Health care, other than catastrophic, accident, severe illness health care's got to be priced the same way a hotel room is or a car is. You want to stay at the Ritz, you pay for it. You want to stay at a Motel 6, you pay for it. You don't we don't have insurance for hotels. We don't have insurance for airplane travel. We have it for health care because the government's been paying it, or insurance companies have been paying it for 50 years. People now assume it's their right to have it because they're Americans.
Now, that would take a while (INAUDIBLE) health savings accounts could get the ball rolling on that. But a first thing catastrophic insurance is what the government ought to provide or what people that somebody the ordinary, everyday doctor visits, check ups, and so forth, pay for it yourself or go buy your own policy that you can afford, that covers what you want covered, if you don't want to pay for it yourself. And then have the catastrophic stuff that everybody's worried about wiping them out you would save so much money.
Well, there are people reading it, Greta, and we're finding out what's in it and people are being told. You know, we've reached a point here where Washington has become this massive magnet, the center of attention in government, and just the presence of people there makes them better, makes them smarter. The details don't count. They're smart. We're idiots. We aren't capable of taking care of ourselves. We aren't capable of making the proper decisions to do the right thing in life. We need as much of that control by them.
I've been encountered by them at parties. I've had some of these blue bloods come up to me and poke me in the chest, What are you going to do about Christians? I said, What do you mean, what am I going to do with Christians? "They're destroying our party. This abortion stuff, we're never going to get the women, and it's killing us. We've got to get it they're just embarrassed to go to a convention with them, and so forth. I said, Well, they're 24 million votes, and if you want to let the Democrats have them, you're never going to win a thing.
And I'll tell you, I I'll tell you how bad the Republican Party the trouble it's in. When people say when Republicans, when our opinion leaders, say Colin Powell is the model Republican, that's when I say, OK, gang, you leave the party and you form the Colin Powell party because I don't know how in the world we have a man who endorsed the Democrat candidate, campaigned for the Democrat candidate, did so at a strategic time to destroy McCain's candidacy, when McCain is an ideal Colin Powell moderate how can it be that a guy who went all the way in the bank for the Democrat candidate is the ideal Republican? How can it be said that that's where we build our base, with moderates?
LIMBAUGH: No. I've never talked to her. I don't none of this is, you know, personal to me. I care about the United States of America. I care about the American people. I want our exceptionalism and greatness to be promoted, revived, and so forth. And whoever comes along if it was a conservative Democrat to come along and do that, I'd be there if they were genuinely conservative, whatever party they were in. It's not about it's not about personalities. It's not about horse races. It's about the country. This is not a legal transcript for purposes of litigation.
For the president of the look at what's going on. We are in a major offensive in Afghanistan. We have an attack led by Obama on our private sector. This is a purposeful attempt to destroy the private sector as it exists. We have numerous problems. Jobs numbers are out this morning, and they're up, unexpectedly up, even though we've rescued the economy. And the he the president of the United States does not comment on local arrests and things like that. That question, I think, if it wasn't a setup it has to be it has to have been a setup.
and he says things during the course of interviews that should just scare people to death. During that ABC infomercial, ask the president a question on health care I Greta, I could not believe an American citizen stood up, a woman, and essentially asked Obama, Look, my 100 year old grandmother needed a pacemaker. And the first specialist said, No, she's 100 years old. I can't do any more for her. Went to another specialist yes, this woman's got a lot of spunk. I'll put the pacemaker in. She's now 105, living fine.
A citizen of the United States asking the president, Are you going to not kill my mother? I can understand Fidel Castro being asked that question, or Kim Il Sung or Kim Jong Il, or some of the other dictators, but I can't believe that these kind of questions are being asked of the president of the United States, because it's not his decision who lives and dies, but he wants it to be! And he wants it to be the prerogative of his party to determine who gets born and who doesn't, and who has end of life problems that are dealt with and not.
This is hideous. This is not about health care, it's about control. It's about remaking the country, the economy. Look, proof of my point here that the joblessness is on purpose if your number one signature issue is health care and his is and if, which is true, that health insurance is not portable when you lose your job, what's the best thing you can do for yourself? Create unemployment. The more people unemployed, the more people losing their health insurance, the more people scared to death, the more people clamoring for it, Please save my health insurance, Please give me health insurance. I'm scared Van Cleef & Arpels gold diamond pendants imitation because they've been drummed into the fact that there's something in this country killing them every day, from coffee to nicotine to whatever it is.
We know how to stimulate growth and jobs. You incentivize people in the private sector. How do you do that? You reduce the financial burden. You cut their taxes. You get out of their way in forms of regulation. We need people going back to work. We need people working. We need the country humming. We need the economy coming back. That's not happening. And they're talking about a second stimulus? And now their excuse is, Well, we didn't intend it to work this year. That was always going to work next year.
That gets to the political question that the Republicans have got to this is a perfect opportunity for them to contrast themselves against who this guy is and what his policies are and lay the groundwork now for the elections in 2010 and what the run on and it's not it's not complicated. Just do the opposite of this. Talk about American exceptionalism, American greatness, the abilities of the American people to build the greatest country in the history of civilization, being torn down now by this guy who has a deep resentment for it.
And the press this is the sorriest time, I think, in my lifetime (INAUDIBLE) I you know, Jim DeMint said that health care is Obama's Waterloo. The press has met their Waterloo, and it's Obama. They have sacrificed whatever integrity, character, professionalism, ethics that they've had. It's all gone. Their total reason, most of them, for existence, propping this guy up. They're not reporting the details of his plans. They're not reporting his policies. They're looking at it as a horse race. Did Obama win? Did Obama lose? They're running countdown clocks on some of the networks for the press conference last night! Countdown clock 8 hours, 25 minutes, 13 seconds to Obama's press conference.
I would have also asked for a follow up after he accused doctors of doing unnecessary surgeries and organ removal to line their pockets. I think that comment, unremarked on by most so far now, it may have been during the day today, but he's asked a question and he lays into pediatricians. Well, we're going to do it smarter, we're going to do a more efficient job. You take your kid in, sore throat, repeated sore throat. Doctor says, Where's the reimbursement fee schedule? Oh, I get this for a tonsillectomy. So I take the tonsils out, even if they don't need to come out.
Well, for one thing, a pediatrician doesn't take the tonsils out. The pediatrician recommends a surgeon. Pediatricians are not surgeons, for the most part. So he'd have to get a kickback from the surgeon. But just to accuse doctors of doing unnecessary things for a profit, for fee doctors do do a lot of unnecessary things, but it's because of malpractice suits. They do all these unnecessary tests because there are lawyers out there waiting to jump on any of them who misdiagnose or don't diagnose something. So that's why there's are all these you really want to cut costs in health care, tort reform. Put limits on damages in malpractice cases.
So Van Cleef & Arpels fake necklace I'll throw the numbers out like he does. We spend $6,000 more per citizen in this country than other advanced countries and we got to reduce that. Does he not understand this is the best health care system in the world, the best costs things. The American people, because replica Van Cleef & Arpels Albambra malachite Necklace of our exceptionalism, expect the best. I'm not saying there aren't efficiencies and savings to made here, but I'm getting sick and tired of being compared nobody leaves this country for health care. Nobody takes their kids anywhere.
LIMBAUGH: Well, long term, easy. The answer is easy. Health care, other than catastrophic, accident, severe illness health care's got to be priced the same way a hotel room is or a car is. You want to stay at the Ritz, you pay for it. You want to stay at a Motel 6, you pay for it. You don't we don't have insurance for hotels. We don't have insurance for airplane travel. We have it for health care because the government's been paying it, or insurance companies have been paying it for 50 years. People now assume it's their right to have it because they're Americans.
Now, that would take a while (INAUDIBLE) health savings accounts could get the ball rolling on that. But a first thing catastrophic insurance is what the government ought to provide or what people that somebody the ordinary, everyday doctor visits, check ups, and so forth, pay for it yourself or go buy your own policy that you can afford, that covers what you want covered, if you don't want to pay for it yourself. And then have the catastrophic stuff that everybody's worried about wiping them out you would save so much money.
Well, there are people reading it, Greta, and we're finding out what's in it and people are being told. You know, we've reached a point here where Washington has become this massive magnet, the center of attention in government, and just the presence of people there makes them better, makes them smarter. The details don't count. They're smart. We're idiots. We aren't capable of taking care of ourselves. We aren't capable of making the proper decisions to do the right thing in life. We need as much of that control by them.
I've been encountered by them at parties. I've had some of these blue bloods come up to me and poke me in the chest, What are you going to do about Christians? I said, What do you mean, what am I going to do with Christians? "They're destroying our party. This abortion stuff, we're never going to get the women, and it's killing us. We've got to get it they're just embarrassed to go to a convention with them, and so forth. I said, Well, they're 24 million votes, and if you want to let the Democrats have them, you're never going to win a thing.
And I'll tell you, I I'll tell you how bad the Republican Party the trouble it's in. When people say when Republicans, when our opinion leaders, say Colin Powell is the model Republican, that's when I say, OK, gang, you leave the party and you form the Colin Powell party because I don't know how in the world we have a man who endorsed the Democrat candidate, campaigned for the Democrat candidate, did so at a strategic time to destroy McCain's candidacy, when McCain is an ideal Colin Powell moderate how can it be that a guy who went all the way in the bank for the Democrat candidate is the ideal Republican? How can it be said that that's where we build our base, with moderates?
LIMBAUGH: No. I've never talked to her. I don't none of this is, you know, personal to me. I care about the United States of America. I care about the American people. I want our exceptionalism and greatness to be promoted, revived, and so forth. And whoever comes along if it was a conservative Democrat to come along and do that, I'd be there if they were genuinely conservative, whatever party they were in. It's not about it's not about personalities. It's not about horse races. It's about the country. This is not a legal transcript for purposes of litigation.
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