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Tag search results for: "rsorder osrs gold"
The main answer I gave RS3 Items in this survey that I want to get across: The last decision on any material should be made with BOTH the community AND Jagex working together to generate content that is really worth adding to Runescape. Players have demonstrated they will vote yes to a fairly absurd shit (Watch the Tome debacle) at which Jagex needs to intervene and understand that asking was a mistake, while Jagex has also demonstrated when they forge ahead on their own it doesn't work out well for us. Trying to frame this query as an either/or is leaving out a massive quantity of nuance from the issue, and this is something that applies to numerous issues discussed in the poll.

This survey provides me the vibes which you guys actually need to be famous to your communication with your community, and that you're well knowledgeable about the gaming world about you. None of them are especially true. Jagex"communicates" with their neighborhood over a number of other games, but not nearly the most, particularly when you don't count surveys that are crampacked filled with voting biasing problems, questions which shouldn't be asked, and (what feels like) intentional misinformation or lack of vital information required to make an educated choice.

You're very afraid of repeatable quests and OSRS HD which will both be optional and that will not impact you at all whatsoever, nor will influence Runescape for you because one is decorative and the other won't give rewards? This kind of overreaction makes it hard to choose what you are saying seriously. And new abilities - those things that a sizable majority of players want, but maybe not quite 75% in any given case - yes, truly Jagex are ignoring their whole player-base here. Don't overlook the large number of people that spite vote contrary to pvp updates simply because they do not like the community. Unpolled changes are fine if that is the case.

It's correct that the very best content of OSRS normally come in BOTH Jagex and community serving each other. But we must remember that Jagex by his own is also able of great surprise if given the opportunity ( consider how Twisted League was awesome, and we didnt knew much about it before launch ) I think if all League content was polled ahead, it could have been alot different and likely not as exctiting and surprising. What's wrong with repeatable quests? And here I thought the whole leveling experience could be shattered with this one update.

I agree with everything you mentioned except for you getting your underwear on fire for them asking for phone number optionally at the end of the survey. There was also no need, whatsoever, to use your RS email, and you could always offer a imitation in Runescape game name if this area was demanded (not sure if it had been ). Extreme reaction for three disciplines you had on filling out autonomy. Employment status is also market study. You'd answer a question nowadays for virtually any survey that's trying to become serious about the demographics.

I might be in the Buy RS Gold minority here but I'd love to see something such as dungoneering added. Found it interesting that this came up in the poll but unlucky it had been tied to summoning (yuck). Really enjoyed dungoneering and exploring/randomness' group facets into it. Also having to produce your own gear was cool so that the wealthiest players didn't always have an advantage going through the skill (nothing against these players, just found it was fun for the ability ). OSRS edition of dung could be sailing. So when its repolled later on vote yes, it would be nice for OSRS to receive its own exclusive skill much like our quests.

Skyzhay Aug 8 '21 · Tags: rsorder osrs gold
Frankly, this really is 100% true for every single RS 2007 Fire Cape game's player base. While sometimes a developer has overlooked something significant and players may help thembecause it is the players that actually play Runescape--the player base often makes really stupid decisions because they do not really spend much time considering what a change might do, they don't have any development experience, and they are often quite self-interested. In the instance of OSRS, the players have absolutely vetoed bad ideas multiple occasions before, however they also have vetoed great thoughts, and the absolute dumbest ideas aren't the things that make polled, they are the things which get suggested and upvoted right on the subreddit.

I think way also. But I don't mind the thought of providing more control to the OSRS team. Because besides PvP stuff, and some dividing upgrades like a skill that is new. I feel like they have a lot of freedom to style content. It isn't like everything they poll gets taken down. Like if they polled DT2, menaphos and raids 3 tomorrow it would all pass without it even being close. Seems like more of a reason to keep the polling system to me. Will pass. The updates a great portion of the participant base dislike won't pass.

The other aspect is just because something neglects a poll doesn't mean it can't be reworked by them and repoll it later. What is great about scenarios like that is that they will get a lot of feedback and correct the content before adding it into Runescape. As someone said though a bunch of players will be marginalized for being Pkers or for wanting another skill. Eventually they will get jaded and leave Runescape, which I'm convinced Jagex doesn't want. I voted but with voting towards the groups gaining more power and Jagex that actively participate in it. As a pker and someone who enjoys pvp I think that is my only option.

Feedback is important. There are many cases of the OSRS team pitching an upgrade and the neighborhood basically reacting like"woah woah woah continue, did you consider this ___". Turns out jagex didn't consider mentioned thing, and the upgrade was better due to the community opinions (or wouldn't have been great w/o it). And these are long term jmods that are liked by the general and community know their good upgrades. They are still human and can not understand everything. In case the same upgrade were to happen in RS3, it would have gone without the chance of feedback, or just ignored (though we have had instances of ignored feedback in OSRS, see prif/crystal armour and bh2) along with the update would have stayed bad/dead/broken on arrival. So them and feedback is vital to OSRS.Perhaps they can present utensils kind of like the iron saliva in Runescape match, then tie it in to smithing. Hell, let's get a grill or BBQ going. It could be a fantastic incentive to a really use a fire you have made to cook rather than a range. A balance to it might be a burn chance. The food food for pvp would be balancing. Completely agree. I believe like most skills have different paths you can take (slow and cheap, expensive and fast) and a variety of methods. Runecrafting is indeed stagnate the xp rates are shithouse and never increase as you go higher in levels. Yeah bloods are afk but nevertheless demotivating to even get to 77 and just cease for your dairies.

I didn't say anything about new Buy RuneScape Gold updates being awful. They have done well with a lot. Hosidius growth is perhaps the best update we have ever had in that respect. What I dislike is that the idea of Jagex utilizing OSRS instead of timeline where they never screwed up RS2. I really don't believe Runescape in its current state is similar to that, but things might change. They never expected OSRS becoming the"main Runescape game" and polls like this one make me incredibly suspicious with exactly what they've been planning behind closed doors to the years ahead. I want to have the ability to play the Old School without worrying about the other fiasco that is RS3 that we have always known and loved. Eventually 1 day nobody will be able to play Runescape ever again. Sucks to think abo
Skyzhay Aug 5 '21 · Tags: rsorder osrs gold

What will kill and RS 3 Gold ddestroy this game and its own integrity is the system's constant disregard that jagex has been performing recently and is currently trying to push as evident by this poll. Then they'd not always have wording in surveys also if jagex cared as much as they say they do about it. Its a thing also. You'd think it'd get proof read or something. To the contrary, the polling system functions quite differently to life democracy. Our votes empower elected representatives who make decisions on our behalf to ensure they can (hopefully) be educated, informed and aim about the issues.

Abolish or I'm not advocating to dismiss the polling system and it is a helpful tool in holding the devs. On the other hand, the polling system doesn't function and requires more flexibility or improvements to satisfy the needs of their player base. I can't agree with all the exaggeration on your post about the constant disregard of things that are polled when 99% of content is left to decide. It is essential to be aware that the events when Jagex have felt they had to diverge from the polled outcome, it was because they felt forced to by the issues together with the voting system.

The VLS inclusion is a recent and obvious example of the: Jagex poll PvP changes/updates that don't pass and don't believe the neighborhood are evaluating the material on goal merit. This implies Jagex possibly accept that PvP buffs/content won't ever pass polls or perform them. Polls either have to become a) pitched to people who knowingly participate in or understand that the appropriate content, b) taken as strong advisement and not gospel, c) lower threshold, or d) just make more integrity changes.

While occasionally a developer has missed something important and players may help them--because it is the players who play Runescape--that the participant base often makes quite stupid decisions because they do not really spend much time thinking about what a change could do, they do not have any development experience, and they're often very self-interested. In the instance of OSRS, the players have completely vetoed bad ideas multiple occasions before, but they have also vetoed great ideas, and also the absolute dumbest ideas generally aren't the items that make polled, they're the things that get suggested and upvoted right on the subreddit.

I feel that way. But I don't mind the thought of giving control to the OSRS team. Because apart from PvP stuff, and a few really dividing upgrades like a ability. I feel like they have a good deal of freedom to style content anyway. It is not like everything they poll gets down taken. Sounds like more of a motive to keep the polling system. The updates that are generally liked will pass. The upgrades a good part of the participant base dislike won't pass.

Another thing to consider is because something neglects a survey doesn't mean they can not rework it and repoll it afterwards. What is great about scenarios like that is they will get a lot of comments and adjust Buy RS3 Gold the content before adding it into Runescape. Afterward a bunch of gamers will be marginalized for wanting another skill or for being Pkers, as somebody said though. Eventually they will become jaded and depart Runescape, which I'm sure Jagex does not want. I voted but with voting involving the groups gaining more power over decisions and Jagex that take part in it. As somebody and a pker who enjoys pvp I feel this is my only option.
Skyzhay Aug 3 '21 · Tags: rsorder osrs gold
I'd appreciate a finish RuneScape 3 Gold comments box (although I know if that's hard to undergo ). I could not say I believed more could be worked by OSRS on content that is completionist. This was especially glaring on the"what would you think OSRS should concentrate on?" Section, where I needed to select stuff that I like, but not really what I believed the dev group should focus on. Glad to see they are looking in to it. I used the improvement on in-game box towards the limit not straight in-game related for fear. There wasn't so that was probably a fantastic call. They could have used more enter areas because there was a lot I'd have mentioned but wasn't provided a place to.

Yes, I completely second this. At every opportunity, I tried to slide in more"untradeable/completionist articles", but the replies just couldn't reflect it completely. I would have enjoyed a general remarks box in the end because there were several things I wanted to react to in more detail however had no place to do so. While completionist content would not make it. I'm pretty bummed out the completionist community could not express their opinions for sport direction. I was also glad to see the HD OSRS screenshots. I ranked them as my top, because. It'd make me even more excited to log in and get immersed.

I understand but my experience let us me think it's fine, if you don't feel comfortable using Qualtrics. So let's say I replied this survey 100% honestly, who would you envision gets that info? After GDPR I have felt so pressured by every single site ever to monitor and monitor me it is disgusting, and even more disgusting that it was all happening before without my understanding. Looking at the survey link along with the basic disclosures at the bottom of the webpage it doesn't appear the Jagex is using a third party fielding company so if the only men and women who would have immediate access to your advice are the survey developers who can pull exports out of the database to disperse internally. EU also has some fairly strong data privacy legislation which (at least my US based company which often interacts with Qualtrics links) are followed pretty strictly by the survey developers and data hosting websites.

After running during the survey Jagex definitely appears to be operating solo on this one. No third party company would allow participants directly enter inside their own contact information (since it would mean they'd lose your business for their customer [so not a nefarious thing]) and also the only area I found kinda strange was the telephone number request in the conclusion. I'd have substituted that using a check box for recontacting and then pipe-in the email that you could optionally have put in earlier for confirmation. I think you are fine answering this survey if you have privacy issues since basically all information is anonymous and it's using an industry-standard platform of Qualtrics. Jagex probably doesn't have market study ISO certificates but hey this is a quick yearly survey so they wouldn't need to have any.

I hope this feedback encourages the staff to make polls more concentrated to the audience who knowingly take part in the content they are polling, or use them as an advisory tool instead of a judgment. It would be interesting if they reveal a few of the results of the survey. I answered the contrary, that polling is in the core of OSRS and they need to stick with it. For clarity, I also answered Buy RS 3 Gold that polling is in the core of OSRS. The survey system enables the entire playerbase to open freeform discussion on the planned changes/additions created to Runescape itself and it is absolutely a great way to collect feedback and people comment on something. That said, I don't think the present format meets the best interests of Runescape.
Skyzhay Jul 31 '21 · Tags: rsorder osrs gold
Perhaps they could introduce utensils kind of like the iron saliva in Runescape game, tie it in to smithing. Hell, let's get a correct grill or BBQ going. It could be a good incentive to some actually use a fire you have made to cook instead of RuneScape Gold 2007  a range. A balance to it might be a burn opportunity. The superior food food for pvp is balancing. Completely agree. I believe like most skills have various routes you can choose (cheap and slow, expensive and fast) and a variety of methods. Runecrafting is stagnate that the xp rates are shithouse and never increase as you go high in levels. Yeah bloods are afk but still demotivating to even reach 77 and many just stop for the dairies.

Nothing was said by me about new upgrades being bad however. They've done really well with a lot. Hosidius growth is perhaps the best update we have ever needed in that regard. What I dislike is that the idea of Jagex using OSRS instead of timeline where they never screwed up RS2. I really don't think Runescape in its present state is like that, but things might change. They never anticipated OSRS getting the"primary Runescape match" and surveys similar to this one make me unbelievably suspicious with what they have been planning behind closed doors for the years to come. I want to be able to play with the Old School without worrying about another RS3 fiasco that we have always known and loved. Eventually one day nobody will be able to play Runescape ever again. Sucks to think about.

I hunted in thisI really believe that the polling in OSRS ought to be removed. Nobody person speaks for all and when people vote for self interest or in to spite othrrs, we'll NEVER get anything rewarding passed. That is the reason the devs need to only decide to make quests and cont quest lines. I need skills that are new, I need this match to grow. With the previous skill polled, I really felt like we had a shot, it filled a place which has been lacking ( the ability to generate cloth gear ), but.id be willing to bet that most voted no because (her der no nehw sckillz for me!

Polling just lets all the neckbeards continue to deny content into Runescape. They will eventually lower the pass threshold or transfer it to tip. The quantity of returning and new mid-high lvl players they get will easily off-balance the sober bank status minority they'll lose for a month till they resub again. RS3 is what occurs without user polling. The community choosing what goes in Runescape signifies the playerbase needed a Buy Old School RS Gold thing and Runescape will not be driven into the floor from upgrades. One for all is the system you're currently proposing. Polling is the opinion of the userbase. It is everyone having a voice.
Skyzhay Jul 29 '21 · Tags: rsorder osrs gold
Yes! That is a good point, I enjoyed how the theme changed because you got farther to keep it interesting as it progressed. I haven't heard much about sailing but id be interested how it would work or if there has been any discussion please link! Sounds fun, I didn't find any mention of groups, ideally if it comes to fruition, which can be added either with a team or a fleet at least in the non PvP part. Remember a lot of stuff thatOSRS Accounts was suggested in that 2015 dev site about drifting eventually came like island along with the prayers.

Some questions felt like it'd overlook the nuance of my response. For instance the question of me than 6 weeks past is because I have a job today. There was no way to describe that my answer could be interpreted that I'm playing less because I am less curious. Same with the Covid question. I'm playing because around the time Covid became a global issue. How do I answer questions? The survey felt just like that. It sure as hell didn't feel like"Your poll feedback will influence future upgrades and help shape Runescape's direction. It's an opportunity to pitch the team your content layouts "

Where was the portion for that last part? You could barely elaborate on few of those pre determined questions, let a lone give completely new thoughts or feedback about existing places within jagex you think needs improvement that has nothing to do with dev work/content upgrades. The survey seemed more about providing them the answers they want and push it in that direction (poll questions, images, control questions ), which makes them (jagex) as a firm look great (probably for investors) and also to harvest user information (to market to advertisers) and far less concerning the future of Runescape etc..

Skill improvements easily fletching and Smithing. Crafting has late game purpose with zenytes. Fletching has dragon darts and arrows I figure. Smithing has rune.make these skills useful for overdue game items. For me it was construction, despite having my favorite rewards the training method is awful to me and relies on aligned cameras. For rewards fletching is up there. For methodology construction is up there I concur. I'd love to see more world development construction honestly. Like envision you can enhance how cities look (similar to burgh p rott activities ).

Even possibly as a gain thought. Just like you and you get delegated jobs and an agency fee and xp, respectively. Less xp/hr compared to present strategies but really turning to some money for people that do not need to lose 30m on 83 con. Agree. Development construction would be fantastic. Each significant area could have its own guild with unique projects to be constructed throughout the area. As opposed to profit however, I would be interested in experience that is reliable.

For example like building NPC house or a nearby bridge a larger project could take 6-8 hours to finish granting reasonable experience speeds during, and the town could cover the resource cost all. You could get paid a fair amount for the work also, but maybe not a fantastic thing. Maybe you can receive for choosing contracts rewards or perks. The principal focus would have to be which makes it an adoptable training method for people working to a high building level, while also still being rewarding to those who have 99 construction and beyond.

I'd appreciate a finish Buy RS 3 Gold comments box (though I understand if that's hard to go through). I couldn't express I believed more could be worked by OSRS on content that is completionist. This was especially glaring on the"what would you think OSRS should focus on?" Part, where I needed to select at stuff that I like, but not actually what I believed the dev team should focus on. Additionally, I was curious about the HD OSRS screenshots. Glad to see they are looking in to it. I utilized the advancement on in-game box to the end not straight in-game related for fear. There was not so that was a fantastic call. They really could have used input areas since there was a lot I'd have mentioned but was not given a location to.
Skyzhay Jul 26 '21 · Tags: rsorder osrs gold
I hope this feedback encourages RS3 Items the team to make surveys more targeted to the viewers who knowingly take part in the content they're polling, or use them as an advisory tool rather than a judgment. It'd be interesting if they reveal some of the outcomes of the survey. I answered the exact contrary, that polling is in the crux of OSRS and they need to stick with it strictly. For clarity, I answered that polling is in the core of OSRS. The poll system empowers the whole playerbase to start freeform discussion on the planned changes/additions created to Runescape itself and it's absolutely a terrific way to gather feedback and public comment on something. With that said, I don't think the current format meets the best interests of Runescape.

I really don't believe that the player base is very good at determining which content, based on merit, is good for integrity and the health of Runescape long term. We view people vote based on self interest. Based on polling, the neighborhood generally enjoyed 6hr NMZ but it was significant to remove. Players do not vote for any changes which make things tougher for them personally but over time which becomes a drawback as content becomes simpler and achievements are diluted, these are very minor but readily add up.

Another illustration is PK and PvP changes that are voted against. Individuals even voted against allowing pures wear lucky chaps, despite being able to wear the variants. The effect of the to accounts that were normal would have been to boost the need and so improve profits. This is not an example of polling meeting with the interests of Runescape, it's only a meme of not liking pures. If we just see updates which suit the exact same 75% of individuals every time the remaining 25 percent become increasingly marginalised, which is not a good equilibrium when people 75/25 are seemingly so frequently the same people.

Not everyone will make Buy OSRS Accounts  sound choices while voting, or make the"right" alternative. If literally everyone left the most informed goal voting options. The United States would not have the president it does. Nothing more, real world example of unemployment. Our voting system is not ideal, but its all we got to ensure we do not wind up shoved RS3 players throats down. Our throats. There are definitely improves that may be made that don't undermine it though (which aren't being done or attempted).
Skyzhay Jul 24 '21 · Tags: rsorder osrs gold
In addition, I wish I understood RuneScape 3 Gold anything about your parent firm MacArthur. They're a ghost at the internet. Furthermore, the only think I truly do understand is that Jagex has given up on every match they've ever tried to earn outside of RuneScape. What the flying fuck did they do with MechScape/Stellar Dawn. There was no option for simply updating skills or stating I don't need you to focus on some of those choices in any way. Eventually for the question,"what do you consider customer support?" An option ought to be,"What customer service?"

Repeatable quests, HD clients, once again trying to push new abilities, etc.. Questions about how polling content works specifically is terrifying, given Jagex's current penchant for just forcing content which has failed multiple polls via as integrity updates.

And of course: Asking for individuals favorite games, place of residence, employment status, and even their contact number is extremely inappropriate for this kind of survey. Looks nakedly like an effort for gathering marketing data available. Editing this in now that I consider it The more I think about the telephone number bit, the slimier it feels to be fair. We all know fully damn well that Jagex isn't likely to call anyone who answers this survey. Leading people to provide their personal information to a survey under the guise of"Wow you're so smart, maybe we will call you for your opinions on forthcoming stuff!" Is absolutely disgusting, and if anything else, I didn't react intense enough.

The main answer I gave in this survey that I want to get around: The last decision on any material ought to be made with BOTH the community AND Jagex working together to generate content that is actually worth adding to Runescape. Players have demonstrated they'll vote yes to some pretty absurd shit (See the Tome debacle) where Jagex needs to step in and realize that asking was a mistake, even while Jagex has also demonstrated when they forge ahead on their own it does not work out well for us either. Attempting to frame this query since a either/or is leaving out a huge quantity of nuance from the problem, which is something which applies to numerous issues discussed in the survey.

This survey provides me Buy RS3 Gold the vibes that you guys actually want to get famous for your communicating with your community, and that you're well knowledgeable about the gambling world about you. Neither of these are especially true. Jagex"communicates" with their community more than many other games, but not nearly the most, particularly when you don't count polls that are crampacked full of voting biasing issues, questions which shouldn't be asked, and (what feels like) intentional misinformation or lack of crucial information needed to make an informed decision.
Skyzhay Jul 22 '21 · Tags: rsorder osrs gold
Yes! That is a good point, I enjoyed how the theme changed because you got farther to keep it interesting as RuneScape 2007 Gold it progressed. I haven't heard much about sailing but id be curious if there has been some discussion please join or how it would work! Sounds fun, I didn't find any mention of teams, hopefully if it comes to fruition, that can be added with a crew or a fleet in the non PvP part. Just remember a good deal of stuff that was proposed in that 2015 dev blog about sailing eventually came like island and the prayers.

Like it would miss the nuance of my answer some queries felt. For example of me than 6 weeks 12, the question is because I have a job today. There wasn't any method that so my answer could be interpreted that I'm playing less because I'm less curious to describe. Same with the Covid question. I am playing because around the time. How do I answer queries? The survey felt just like that. It sure as hell didn't feel like"Your poll feedback will affect future upgrades and help shape Runescape's direction. It's an opportunity to pitch the group your articles designs."

Where was the portion for this last part? You could barely elaborate on few of the pre determined questions, allow a lone give completely new thoughts or opinions on existing places within jagex you believe needs improvement that doesn't have anything to do with dev work/content upgrades. The poll seemed more about giving them the answers they want and push it in that way (poll questions, graphics, control queries etc), making them (jagex) as a company look great (likely for investors) and to harvest user data (to market to advertisers) and far less about the near future of Runescape etc.. )

Skill improvements easily fletching and Smithing. Crafting has late game function with zenytes. Fletching has dragon darts and arrows I figure. Smithing has rune.make these skills useful for overdue game items. For me personally it was building, despite getting my favorite rewards the training method is awful to me and depends on aligned cameras etc.. For rewards, unquestionably fletching is up there. I concur for methodology construction is up there. I'd like to see world development building honestly. Like imagine you can enhance how cities look (like burgh de rott activities ).

Even possibly as a profit idea. Like you and also you become tasks that are assigned and an agency charge and xp, respectively. Less xp/hr compared to present strategies but turning some money for people who doBuy Old School RuneScape Gold not want to drop 30m to. Agree. Development construction would be fantastic. Each significant region could have its own guild with exceptional projects to be constructed throughout the region. Instead of profit though, I would certainly be more interested in experience.
Skyzhay Jul 19 '21 · Tags: rsorder osrs gold
The first question about frequently do I play this sport, there should be an option of,"I am currently taking a rest." Which is fine. My main issue is that I suck at this game. I'm 1600 total but I am not overly OSRS Gold efficient or combat focused so I have not bossed or completed master quests. So it did not give me an choice to say I really don't know when it came to those questions. So I set neutral which I think throws off the integrity of the answer. Also when you're talking about Jagex that I had no idea how to answer those questions. I really don't know anything about Jagex out the OSRS team which I believe is a comparatively small part of your company.

In addition, I wish I understood anything regarding your parent company MacArthur. They are a ghost at the World Wide Web. What's more, the only think I truly do know is that Jagex has pretty much given up on every match they have ever tried to earn outside of RuneScape. What the flying fuck did they do with MechScape/Stellar Dawn. Next was the question about prioritizing what I think you should come out having to maintain me as a paying member. There was no option for updating skills or saying I don't want you to concentrate on a few of those options in any way. Eventually for the query,"what would you think about customer support?" An alternative should be,"What customer support?"

With the direction this poll is attempting to drag people's opinions, I am very, very, very afraid. Repeatable quests, HD customers, once again hoping to push new abilities, etc.. No place to describe answers that need circumstance, such as satisfaction with Jagex's (non-existant) customer service or how much trust we place in them. Questions regarding how polling content functions specifically is frightening, provided Jagex's recent penchant for only forcing content that has failed multiple polls through as ethics upgrades.

Not to mention: Asking for people's favorite games, place of residence, employment status, and even their contact number is extremely inappropriate for this type of survey. Looks nakedly enjoy an attempt for gathering marketing data for sale. Editing this in now that I consider it more: The more I consider the phone number bit, the slimier it seems to be honest. We all know fully damn well that Jagex is not going to Buy RS Gold call anybody who answers this survey. Leading people to provide their personal information into a poll under the guise of"Wow you're so smart, maybe we will call you to your opinions on forthcoming stuff!" Is absolutely disgusting, and if anything else, I did not react intense enough.
Skyzhay Jul 19 '21 · Tags: rsorder osrs gold