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Interview With EVE Mobile ISK Online's Hilmar Pétursson Reveals Details About Seasonal Changes

Hilmar voiced his wish for EVE Online to become sentient in the Long Run, with players entirely driving everything,

"Absolutely, it's the long-term vision. I mean, we have had to employ some manual intervention to get the thing going and just to collect information on where the boundaries are -- The blackout, the drifters, the wormhole connections, all the things we've been doing."

The Blackout was of course touched on as well, with Hilmar coming away happy with how it had been run, and the learnings the group managed to Cheap EVE Echoes ISK come away with,"It was a excellent experimentation to understand what a good duration would be, also in this situation it was too long. We included really nothing to our own knowledge about it following day 40, 66 days was too long"