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There is also a great deal of rumors which Animal Crossing New Horizons Bells abusing your villagers - like smacking them with baits or running into them till they get pissed off or depressed - can hasten their death.
Sure, it may be interesting to take out your aggression on a villager that you truly don't like, but it's likely that even negative attention is still attention. Since these acts induce them to talk to youpersonally, thereby unlocking Nook Mileage rewards coping with talking to villagers, it is probably safe to state that you're still giving them too much attention for their own good.
Think distancing. Don't talk to them, don't fulfill requests or tasks for them, don't even ask them exactly what they are building. Pretend as they do not even exist, even while interacting with your other villagers to the extreme.
This might help build up neglect, which can help trigger the cheap Animal Crossing Bells next stage. If you find them wandering about with a thought bubble above their heads, or they run around you while shouting your name, you will actually want to engage here because this means they have a dilemma.
Sometimes they'll have a task or a petition or need to educate you a reaction, certain, but there's also a chance a villager displaying these signs is considering moving, and a player must be current to cement the choice. This can easily happen to a villager you prefer, so make sure you give the proper answer based on who you are speaking to, and possibly invite them to leave, or convince them to remain. If it's not the villager you need off your island, continue checking in every day till they choose to call it quits.