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Having exclusivity rights to the Madden nfl 21 coins and NCAA makes it impossible for anyone else to compete in that category of matches.
The only way around it is to either have another soccer league and create games based on those groups and players, or to make an entire dream league, teams, arenas, logos, etc..
Correct me if I'm wrong, but there hasn't been an NCAA game in like 5 years from what I can tell because of the licensing issues? Clearly not a sim such as Madden, but that really allows for something fresh, in which a sim game can not really do a lot to year.
You're missing the 1 thing they invest the maximum amount of cash into which is the rights to the players names in every game. I understand yeah is making a killing but you need to knock their shady shit figure out how much money they make into the NFL and see the NFL come knocking at their door to get a larger cut Those games ought to be buy Madden 21 coins every other year and just update rosters. So far as the other games such as Apex and Fallen Order, they're good af.
I am surprised that they haven't started selling the match twice per year. Pre-season Madden 2020 and post-season Madden 2020. Gotta update them rosters for the transactions and injuries and these that happened during this entire year!

I will 100% agree with the solo play it's like BDO like this and hopefully in time IT will capture its own dungeons and raids when it will bye bye BDO since that game was needing it for years and they launch zone after zone of new mobs to grind and call it"content".
Honestly, stating that the battle is Mut 20 coinss powerful suit means that its shit in my opionion because I really dont enjoy this typ of Madden nfl 21 coins faucet. Assessing the battle to Soul and Blade feels man, which I played for 3 Years as rust. But good that someone also points out negativ facets of Mut 20 coins, rather than those 5-10 Hours or less reviews that cant stretch the surface of the major endgame.The Video outlined why I stopped getting excited for Eastern MMORPGs. They are all just Money sinks and Grindy shallow Time. Mut 20 coins literally has all of the worst of Eastern MMORPG monetization.
I think if it wasn't for your own pvp, I could tolerate most of the problems you have with it. I wrapped up my pvp gloves a long time ago, as I didn't find it fun anymore, at least where MMORPG's are worried. Last game was Shadowbane. A fantastic example of the way I feel about pvp in the right of MMORPG now. Could be summed up by what happened to me a couple of nights back in BDO. Grinding mobs some guy (or woman ) clearly better geared than I, killed me. Do not fight back. Respawned at the nearest town. Went back to the spot. Started grinding mobs by killed me and the exact same person came.
Same thing over and buy Madden 21 coins over. Eventually, the man stopped and tucked out, I didn't find out till about 10 mins. When another individual shows up. I get a message stating"You are no fun, which was dull". Turns out the other man was his alt.

I will 100% agree with the solo play it's like BDO like this and hopefully in time IT will capture its own dungeons and raids when it will bye bye BDO since that game was needing it for years and they launch zone after zone of new mobs to grind and call it"content".
Honestly, stating that the battle is Mut 20 coinss powerful suit means that its shit in my opionion because I really dont enjoy this typ of Madden nfl 21 coins faucet. Assessing the battle to Soul and Blade feels man, which I played for 3 Years as rust. But good that someone also points out negativ facets of Mut 20 coins, rather than those 5-10 Hours or less reviews that cant stretch the surface of the major endgame.The Video outlined why I stopped getting excited for Eastern MMORPGs. They are all just Money sinks and Grindy shallow Time. Mut 20 coins literally has all of the worst of Eastern MMORPG monetization.
I think if it wasn't for your own pvp, I could tolerate most of the problems you have with it. I wrapped up my pvp gloves a long time ago, as I didn't find it fun anymore, at least where MMORPG's are worried. Last game was Shadowbane. A fantastic example of the way I feel about pvp in the right of MMORPG now. Could be summed up by what happened to me a couple of nights back in BDO. Grinding mobs some guy (or woman ) clearly better geared than I, killed me. Do not fight back. Respawned at the nearest town. Went back to the spot. Started grinding mobs by killed me and the exact same person came.
Same thing over and buy Madden 21 coins over. Eventually, the man stopped and tucked out, I didn't find out till about 10 mins. When another individual shows up. I get a message stating"You are no fun, which was dull". Turns out the other man was his alt.

The dilemma is that EA will never come close to Madden nfl 21 coins making as they do in actual life, players perform. And whats worse is that gameplay won't be given precisely the time that it needs by EA. That's why speed is so important. It's one of the attributes that separate cards. 1 thing isn't all motif teams are created equal. Teams such as the Steelers and 49ers TT are basically god squads. However, a team like Dolphins and the Cardinals are gonna have a hard time competing. I do concur with this having a TT kind of turns MUT but I'd rather I have the option.
You got ta do if you are gon na type something this long. There absolutely, unequivocally needs to become fewer powerups in the game. And that doesn't mean putting them onto cards like changing team chems and carrying and getting chems. People bitch about how abilities ruin the game, and how arcadey everything is, but see no problem with being able to boost every player +5 speed and any other stat they want simply because of a PU card. And getting all of the cheese abilities due to a PU card. PU's needs to be limited to also the best of the best, and a few players a team. The Aaron and Mahomes Donald's of this world, not only everyone who has an upgrade. Make the best of never equal and the best actually the very best to everyone else.
So you are saying require the broken cards and also make them op. Okay lol, that's precisely what that says. Top tier cards aren't broken or OP, they tier cards for a reason. Every card and the exact same play. There is no reason to use a John Ross or Tyreek Hill when any card can get 99 rate. There already is no variety. People still use the tier cards. The only people who don't are the subject teamers. And there is no variety in the way any card performs. All thanks to PU's making stats completely meaningless.
My ed too tall and dlaw with abilities dont hold a candle to donald without the skills. Vick still out conducts every defender. Hill mosses me more than moss with moss busy. My game must be broke. Need to buy additional packages to make a 99 play like a 99 I figure. You're using your own experience as proof when it seems that's not true for many others. Just because you are feeling your cards don't perform as great does not necessarily mean that's the reality. Also is Hill? Jumping over deion, ntl. Falling away cartoons. People abusing rollout while he is on a pole causing my deep third cb to vacate zone.
Fun at beginning of year vs end of year in MUT
Last night I dropped into a man who had an crime devoted to triple RPOs and lateral hefty runs and my defense left 11 pairs of ankles on the field because this man had an RPO for every single shield I threw it in him. It was fucking awesome! I have ruined. I really enjoyed the pounding because I was so curious about how best to prevent it and I loved running into a new crime that isn't just three plays. It was after this game. I just fucking hate losing to the exact same HB stretch QB burst WR Wildcat offense I understand is coming again and again.
And I will lose a number of these games no matter having three enforcers and a extremely run cease heavy defense which never leaves 3-4 off or 3-4 bear. The start of the season is indeed enjoyable, everyone has dogshit teams and has no clue what to do and its a race to get decent players and try different plays/playbooks/schemes etc.. Everyone is running distinct style teams and schemes and every game feels like a new adventure. Even solos are not helpless since the game is new and fresh. From the end of buy Madden 21 coins the year (or if everyones team is atleast 90+ ovr) everyone is spamming stretch and qb burst.