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ETA: Allowed, screenshots of players using hacked things bothers me most, not because they"spoil" (particularly if they're in the trailer), but since the New Horizons Items comment threads end up being full of folks asking how/where to get the things when they are not available to most players. As soon as they're officially accessible whether in TT or real time, fine. It's not adding anything to the subreddit

milestones are exciting for new players but need a organization. Either a dedicated day of this week for posting them (or even have them enabled on the weekends) or some megathread

Images shot of the console screen are nice as long as the image is discernible. There is no point posting photos with this much glare that I can't see what is happening. HQ images are easy to get to a phone with the new upgrade. (I saw the post with the change in the microwave. It was crazy )

photos of clothing/merch can be kind of repetitive. Sharing the statement of this colour pop collab made sense. Everyone posting a photo of the same palette or box once it arrives in the mail is dull.

The only time that I was annoyed by somebody taking a pic of their change's display rather than using the screencap purpose was once a dude who was clearly trolling kept posting more and more ridiculous shots of his screen, culminating in him posting a pic of his change's display in the microwave when someone pointed out the light in his additional pics was awful.

But that has been one case in all the months I've browsed this sub, and it was something easily dealt with when people learned to recognize a troll and only downvote his things when they watched it. But in my experience modding on other websites, some folks are always going to fall for the troll bait, sadly.

I have no problem with new players posting on here their first excitements with the sport. It's not like those pop up in the"hot" deadline, and you would only see them in case you were viewing"new". I agree with Slackerboe that having new customers post these things increase the inclusiveness of the community. It reminds me back when I started playing and I think it's wholesome.

Do not care about photos taken of this console-screen, I think what the picture itself is should matter.

This annoys me. We have all read ourselves from now. Something something, smug villager says nobody could hear him shout out of his basement.


Would be good to have in a megathread rather than on the front page. It's fun to share if you're the person who achieved the milestone, but it becomes tiresome to Animal Crossing Items For Sale see so many"first blue rose" articles. I don't think they should be banned altogether, but there is just no reason anybody should be taking a picture of the display in 2021.

Are you questioning my charisma just because of Animal Crossing Bells my individuality? You understand that rolling for charisma is ableist do not you? Some people have social anxiety that does not let them have a high CHA mod. You're A PIG. I bet you're a straight white male also. Racist.

Legit situation in one of the Pokemon games too. You choose the girl character because her personality is quite....girly lmao so she does lots of extra cutesy wootsy bullshit that takes up time when she's an NPC. The male character is very stoic in contrast and cuts out all the excess stuff.That's just the sort of thing that's ruining D&D at the moment, you joke about it people are legitimately fighting for Orc rights. The concept of owning a race which leans towards evil alignment in a universe where alignment is important and enforced by magic that exists in universe is racist.

Were they say they are eliminating'race' for next entrances because iT wAs rAcIsT? You pick your own today so you can be a strong elf or an intelligent orc.

They did not even eliminate racial bonusesthey just gave you the option to change them if you want.

The thing is, people could have been doing this anyway, but it's in the rules for 5e. Like, one of the greatest items in DnD is homebrew and tweaking the rules as you see fit. If people don't desire bad orcs, they could just not have bad orcs in their effort, it's so simple.I listen to Not Another D&D Podcast and their campaign exists in a world where interbreeding is something for millenia, therefore that there are no"races". Every being is a great number of different racial aspects.

For player characters it let the players select one racial"class" while having their personality look however the want, and all beings are extremely"human-monster hybrid".

Eg. Emily's PC, Fia, is described as being violet peeled and fanged, marginally"orcish" in her face however extended and gangly elven physique. It's a mishmash of different descriptions which works great having a"look how you would like, but employ a race's attributes".

It is also an optional rule. I personally think it's a bit OP since you can chose a feat on every race (a feat is basically like a talent and some are extremely strong), but in the long run it's to create your character more elastic when you wish to play with an Orc Wizard f.e. and do not have much use for your bonus strength.It's more fun because you can play some other race as any course but it makes races only another bit of fluff information that you tell your party once and then they forget the whole game their wizard is a half-orc.

Plus the entire thing began because a group of people were whining about orcs being racist because they're D&D depiction of black people apparently, even though individuals are a distinct race...

I mean if your in a group where the half orc is disregarded now, than it was probably going to be discounted before. It is up to the participant to detirmine what they want from the racial choice, along with the dm to enforce those decisions on.The first time that Animal Crossing Items For Sale I saw this I legit did not get it. . .its because the character is a color darker? Is it even? Don't these people have real issues to be concerned about?