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sex offender living in quiet Alberta town

CALGARY The convicted pedophile who blamed his four year old victim for sexually pursuing him has quietly relocated to Airdrie, Alta.

The Illinois based Daily Herald reported the retired pastor, who once headed a Calgary ministry, was handed a three year term in 2007 copy Van Cleef & Arpels clover necklace after pleading guilty to an aggravated sex abuse charge stemming from fake van cleef Alhambra clover necklace allegations he fondled the girl, who was unrelated to him, while visiting family.

Judge Joseph Condon, citing a lack of remorse and ongoing threat despite a lack of criminal history, sent him to jail after Cooke's claims the child was the aggressor, the Illinois newspaper reported.

"On a couple of van cleef necklace imitation occasions, I felt I was sexually harassed," Cooke reportedly testified.

"I think there is psychological evidence children even in their younger years can become interested in sex."

He pleaded guilty and is said to have served 18 months in custody.

His Airdrie neighbour, David Oakley, said he feels Cooke "is a very nice guy" and says his past is a private matter, although he questioned anyone laying blame on a victim.

"I worry about that how does a four year old come onto you?" Oakley said.

Jason Craig, dropping his 12 year old daughter off Saturday at the building where Cooke lives, was shocked by the news.

"We're dropping kids off to see their grandparents to have this guy lurking around is kind of creepy," he said.

"If everybody knows about this guy, then I'm good."

Van Dusen agreed, especially given he is involved with a local church.

Airdrie Alliance Church officials confirmed Cooke recently began volunteering for an adult ministry and that they intend to investigate the matter.

"It bothers me there's children out there and the fact he's working in a church again makes me sick," Van Dusen said.

"I think anybody who lives in the area should know. There are little girls and little boys, and who do you trust more than a minister?

"It's the worst sin going, to hurt a child."

Cooke and his wife refused to comment.

RCMP Sgt. Patrick Webb could not comment on the case but said convicted sex offenders, from time to time, end up in Alberta.

"There are occasions when we know about such (individuals) in the community and other occasions where they sneak in under the radar and come to (police) attention in some manner," he said.

The Wall

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