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Van Goghs Ear

This photo of one of Venice's lost but not forgotten 'hangs' was called Van Goghs Ear. fake hermes brown belt whosale The building is actually still there but not Van Goghs Ear, it was open for 24 hours 7 days a week. Many underground artists went there back in the day. I remember seeing John Cusack there a time or two. But it was the cool Vibe of such a place that is very missed. And knowing that after a night of Debauchery, you could have a coffee or a pastry at any hour day or night and still meet fake hermes belt price interesting people. Unmistakable was the large canvas of the Master himself. I'm glad to say I was one of the many who fake hermes belts whosale went there and that Van Goghs Ear is missed quite a lot in Venice.

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The Wall

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