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Seniors missing out by failing to file taxes

are needlessly forgoing hundreds or thousands of dollars in benefits that depend on filing tax returns.

"I am distressed to think that our low income seniors, for whom we think we've put in place all these supports, are going without them," she said.

"If you don't have a lot of money, even an extra $50 a month can mean the difference between getting out a couple of times a month or not," Mackenzie said. seniors living on less than $17,300 a year have not received some of their GIS payments because their filing was inconsistent. They will be getting, on average, about $2,000 back because Ottawa is making retroactive payment, she said. seniors over age 65 have incomes under $24,000, and there are 54,000 seniors living on $17,000 or less annually.

"For these people, any financial support can result in life changing outcomes, the ability to pay for a hearing aid, or uninsured dental care, or basic living expenses such as covering monthly rent," Mackenzie said.

Tax returns mean some seniors are placed on the GIS roster, saving them the trouble of a financial assessment by the seniors' office for eligibility for van cleef and arpels alhambra necklace copy certain programs and ensuring they are not charged home support co payments, she added.

Financial breaks for seniors that require tax returns for eligibility include:

Guaranteed Income Supplement Provides up to $773 a month to seniors receiving Old Age Security who have an income of $17,300 or less.

Shelter Aid for Elderly Renters Directly subsidizes people 60 or older renting private market units an average of $200 van cleef alhambra necklace fake per month. The subsidy applies to the first $667 of rent for singles and the first $727 for couples. Bus Pass Program Offers subsidized bus passes for $45 a year to seniors receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement. Seniors Supplement Adds $49.30 to the federal Old Age Security/Guaranteed Income Supplement or federal allowance payments each month.

Medical Services Plan Premium Assistance Premiums of $75 are waived for single seniors with incomes under $25,000. The cut off for premium assistance is $33,000 for singles and $39,000 for couples.

Fair PharmaCare Subsidizes the cost of prescription drugs along with some blood glucose testing strips, covers retail price for needles and syringes of insulin dependent diabetes, among other items.

Home Adaptations for van cleef and arpels alhambra necklace fake Independence grants Provides up to $20,000 per home as grants or forgivable loans for low income seniors who require accessibility modifications such as handrails, ramps, lever door handles, bathroom grab bars and bath lifts.

Publicly funded residential care and assisted living calculated on seniors' after tax income.

Co payments for home support services waived for seniors receiving the Guaranteed Income Supplement. Seniors Advocate to find out which free clinic sanctioned by the Canada Revenue Agency is closest to their homes.

"The simplest thing is just call my office," said Isobel Mackenzie. The number is 250 952 3181 or 1 877 952 3181.

Volunteers, many of whom are retired accountants, receive training from the CRA and are aware of all recent changes and relevant tax issues affecting seniors.

Cook Street Village Activity Centre, 1 380 Cook St. Tuesday and Thursday. Appointments required. Call 250 384 6542

The Wall

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