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How are the definitions of Weil divisors with subsets and subscheme equivalent

They are equivalent because of the following. Given any closed subset $Z\subseteq X$ of a scheme there is NOT a unique scheme structure on $Z$. But, there is a unique minimal scheme structure the one coming from the reduced structure on $Z$. Explicitly, find an ideal sheaf $\mathcal{I}$ fake Cartier love bracelet gold and diamond of $X$ which cuts out $Z$ and take the scheme structure on $Z$ given by $\mathcal{O}_Z/\sqrt{\mathcal{I}}$. This is called the reduced structure on $Z$

Your answer should be pretty clear once you recall that a scheme $Z$ is integral if and only if it's reduced and irreducible. So, to a closed irreducible subset $Z\subseteq X$ of comdimension $1$, there is a unique closed integral subscheme having replica cartier love bracelet $Z$ as its underlying space.

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