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Around Australia pilgrimage for family of six,van cleef necklace alhambra replica

Pulling out of the driveway with their four children and a hand painted retro caravan in tow, Annie and Rohan Williams felt the weight of the world lift from their shoulders.

They said goodbye to their routines for a year to travel around Australia.

It was to be a year without work pressures, school deadlines, sport or music lessons as the family of six left their home and pets, including a wombat, for life on the open road.

Rohan Williams, a GP at a busy medical clinic at Berri in the South Australian Riverland, said the trip planning was stepped up when he became immobilised with a sore back.

"I decided there were things we needed to do and maybe we should get on and do them now,clover necklace brand replica, while we could," he said.

Their four girls, Nadia, 12, Georgia, 11, Amelia, 9 and Laura, 8, were still in primary school and their parents felt the timing was right.

"We wanted to do the whole around Australia thing, we also wanted to break off all the shackles of life rather than just go on a holiday," Mr Williams said.

The trip started with the drive and boat trip to Tasmania and then the family headed west and clockwise around Australia.

One of the few commitments was a promise to catch up with friends in Darwin.

"Literally as we drove off on the first night . I remember saying to Annie that I feel like the weight of the world was lifting off," Mr Williams said.

"I felt like we owed nobody anything, that we were just free."

Their retro caravan had a refurbished interior and was hand painted with flowers and rainbows by their children's school friends.

"Our plans basically started with a caravan even before we had the car, so it was a bit backward," Annie Williams said.

"The caravan's been a bit of a scream as we were travelling around. It attracted lots and lots of attention, lots of people took photographs of it.

"Part way around the caravan fell apart, the chassis snapped in half . but we were lucky it was on the last night we needed it in Brisbane. It kind of added to the adventure and the stories, it was quite funny in the end."

Getting by with little

Another challenge was to fit everything into the small van.

"Fitting our whole life in there was impressive I think," Mr Williams said.

"What was even more impressive I think was when we came home and realised how few clothes we managed to get by on for over a year and then looking at all of the packed up bags of clothes left behind and thinking 'Do we really need all of this stuff that we have?'"

The four children were home schooled for the year but the family admits formal lessons took a back seat to sightseeing and the adventure of being on the road.

"Initially when I was planning it I thought I had to be very organised and have lots of schooling and make sure the kids did lots of work and that changed really quickly," Annie Williams said.

"I realised it was more about spending time together as a family.

"They kept their journals up to date every day and [did] a few school projects, but the trip really wasn't about school, it was about spending time together."

She said the family members had found how much they enjoyed each other's company.

Now getting home to work, school and routine has taken some adjustment.

The girls are back at school but the transition has felt hard for their parents,van cleef necklace clover replica.

Annie Williams is back at work with the Riverland Division of General Practice and her husband has accepted a fly in fly out medical placement at a mine at Queensland.

"I think it's almost a transition to real life, because it doesn't feel like work in some ways because I'm spending a couple of weeks at work and then I'm home for a couple of weeks," he said of the mining site work.

Annie Williams said she would do it all again,van cleef heart necklace replica, but admitted it was unlikely the family would ever get the opportunity to leave their busy lives behind for an entire year.

The Wall

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