A boy fishes 100,000 EUR in cash out of Danube in Austria from Admin's blog

In a bizarre stroke of luck, a boy from Vienna, Austria managed to fish out a sizable treasure from the River Danube: €100 and €500 banknotes totaling a whopping €100,000!
The boy apparently noticed the notes from afar, and jumped right into the icy cold water to retrieve them. Passersby, worried that he was attempting suicide, immediately notified the police, who arrived at the spot just as the boy was coming out with the money. They later dried the soggy notes using a clothes dryer, giving rise to cheeky puns over ‘money laundering’.
At first, police thought the €100,000 were fake, and thrown in the river as a prank, but upon closer inspection, they realized the banknotes were genuine.
A police spokesman said: "The boy said he wanted to bring it to the police, but the question is whether the police found it or the boy,"
In Austria, anyone who finds cash and hands it in to police can claim between five and 10 per cent of the sum.
Source: Evening Standard
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