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First Annual Winter Reading Festival

Editor's Note: The Green Gardener will appear bi weekly until spring while attends the docent training program at Strybing Arboretum.

On a rainy winter day, nothing can be finer than laying around in your sweatpants reading a good gardening book. In fact, the best thing about winter is that you can still call yourself a gardener without doing any of the work. Thankfully, we have a couple more months of winter rain in front of us, so let's all gather round the heating vent and start reading.

To help you begin, here's the Green Gardener's First Annual Winter Reading Festival Short List. Books that made this list met the three basic requirements: They're useful, enlightening and entertaining.

1. If you buy only one gardening book in your entire life, buy the classic "Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening," edited by , published in 1959. It was re released in 1999 with the original corny cover featuring the bee hived babe and her bountiful bevy of beautiful vegetables.

This book is brilliant. From Abelia to Zygopetalum, it has it all. Intelligently and clearly written incorporating the wisdom of poets, philosophers, scientists, and explorers, and the section on soil, alone, is worth the price of admission.

The Encyclopedia approaches gardening as a fundamental, important act and not as a dilettante's hobby. It establishes a strong global context for organic gardening and is not short on attitude. It is the basic tool to do the job that is to be done." This book is pure poetry.

Make sure you buy the original encyclopedia and not the "All New Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening," published by Rodale in 1992. I don't mean to be insulting, but talk about the dumbing down of America. This book appears to be targeted at a struggling seventh grader.

You can often find used copies of the original 1959 edition in used bookshops. If not, spring for the re release. It's worth it.

2. If you buy only two gardening books in your entire life, buy Pam Pierce's "Golden Gate Gardening," published by Sasquatch Books. The revised edition was released in 1998. Though the book is useful for folks gardening anywhere along the foggy California coast from Santa Monica to the Oregon border, it's a jewel of a resource for San Franciscans.

Pierce gets down to the neighborhood level, distinguishing between the sunbelt of the Mission District, the transition zone of Glen Park and the fog belt of the Sunset. She provides detailed calendars of what can grow where and when, and when you can expect to harvest.

The section on growing tomatoes in our frigid summers is the brass ring of this book. It's thorough, clear and hopeful.

Purists should be forewarned that Pierce is not strictly an organic gardener. Though she primarily stresses organic materials, she does occasionally stray from the path.

3. "Botany for Gardeners" by . I could read this book over and over again. Mostly because I can't remember anything he says. Nonetheless, this is a fabulous book for backyard gardeners because it provides a basic understanding of plant anatomy, physiology and reproductive systems.

While most gardening books tell you what to do, this one explains why you'll do what you do. Understanding root growth, the structure of a stem, or the movement of water through a plant gives your garden an added dimension of interest, and will greatly improve your gardening skills.

Some samples: Yes, pinching back your perennials makes them bushy. That's because as long as apical buds (buds at the tip of the stem) are present, the growth of axillary buds (buds at the angle where leaf meets stem) is suppressed. And the sweet, white pulpy interior of a corn kernel is actually the endosperm (it nourishes the seedling during germination). Think about that, the next time you bite into an ear of corn on the cob.

4. You could hunker down all winter with only the "Gardener's Desk Reference," produced by the Brooklyn Botanic Garden. This beefy tome weighs more than a six pack of bottled beer. Sections include City Gardening, Plants in Literature and Lore, Ecology for Gardeners and Plant Conservation. This book has a holistic attitude about gardening and the environment, and it's fun to read. The section on natural gardening is particularly interesting.

5 5 1/2,van cleef butterfly earrings replica. These two books are for the lunatic fringe those folks who can't get enough: "The Rodale Book of Composting" and "The Soul of Soil" by and Grace Gershuny.

"The Rodale Book of Composting" is fun, fun, fun for any compost mad gardener. It includes everything you'll ever want to know about composting including diagrams of all kinds of compost bins and pens and an introduction to several different composting methods. The "Materials for Composting" section includes the nutrient breakdown of the most common compost materials. As a compost freak, I refer to this handy book regularly.

If you don't make it past the first chapter of "The Soul of Soil," it's still worth your money to buy this book. The chapter Observing the Soil Ecosystem is invaluable knowledge for every gardener. It helps bring many pieces of the organic gardening puzzle into place. Some of the other chapters are more farm applicable The Marketplace and Organic Certification and Soil Management Practices yet make interesting reading.

Should the winter prove extra long or you're extra lazy, consider a subscription to Acres USA, a monthly tabloid for organic farmers. "To be economical, agriculture must be ecological," reads the motto over the masthead. This publication is a fascinating look into the economics, politics and practices of the organic farmer. interesting. I. Rodale, ed., Rodale Press, Inc, Emmaus PA, 1959, 1999.

"Golden Gate Gardening," by Pam Pierce,van cleef and arpels replica earrings, Sasquatch Books, Seattle, WA, 1998.

"Brooklyn Botanic Garden Gardener's Desk Reference," , ed., Henry Holt and Co., NY, NY, 1998.

"The Soul of Soil,replica van cleef earrings," Joe Smillie and Grace Gershuny, Chelsea Green Publishing, White River Junction, VT, 1999.

"The Rodale Book of Composting," Deborah L. Martin and Grace Gershuny, eds., Rodale Press, Inc, Emmaus PA, 1992.

Organic gardening news, views and tips every Wednesday.

Lisa Van Cleef is a feral office worker who escaped into the garden never to return. The Green Gardener name is, of course, a tribute to the great Joe Carcione, The Greengrocer,replica van cleef and arpels flower earrings, whose reporting was useful, no nonsense and funny as hell.

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