Weight Loss Teas : Drinking Tea for Weight loss from Hari's blog
Although inebriated in copious amounts around the globe, there is still a great deal that is not known about tea. One thing that is accepted, however, is that great health benefits can be derived from drinking the right blend of tea, including the fact that it can assist in losing weight.
To many, the existence of weight loss teas would be a complete mystery, but enough research has been conducted to support the notion that certain types of tea do in fact work as an effective weapon in a weight loss program.
Most teas have their start from the same plant, Camellia Sinensis, which was found firstly in Asia but is also found in Korea, Indonesia, Of india and China. Green tea and White Tea are renowned for their thermogenic properties, which means they cause the body temperature to rise, leading to more calories being burnt off and therefore weight loss. Chinese medicine often makes use of the properties of these teas in order to cleanse and rebalance the immune system.
Organic Green tea comes from the leaves of the Camellia Sinensis plant, without as the description suggests the use of artificial fertilizers All Day Slimming Tea Review. Within its makeup is a large cause of strong antioxidants, Flavenoids, Polyphenols, Catechins as well as many vitamins and minerals. Hence the valid claim of massive health benefits from drinking Green tea.
Green tea also decreases the degree of LDL cholesterol and raises the metabolic rate, therefore facilitating the control of weight gain. Fat oxidation is raised by the caffeine present in Green tea, and because it also acts as an appetite suppressant, weight loss is achieved by consuming fewer calories.
White Tea helps control blood cholesterol levels which has been seen as a componant in obesity and weight gain. It was also found that White Tea has a strong antibacterial affect on human worms, and can even prevent damage to DNA caused by experience of the suns light. Due to its massive amount antioxidants, preventing premature maturing has also been seen as good results.
There are many benefits that can be obtained from investigating and trying these weight loss teas, with a great deal of choice in the market. TAVA TEA is considered to be one of the best available, offering a unique and powerful blend of the finest Chinese teas that will offer many health benefits as well as stimulating weight loss.
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