
The Invulnerability of Divine Love from Hander cholpan's blog

What could harm the power and glory of God's Divine Love? A Love that knows no opposite doesn't have opponent or ‘enemy.' This is actually the meaning of True Strength. Having no enemy, the idea of ‘overpowering'is meaningless to Love. For Love can only just look on Love and see Its Perfection radiating Eternally.

The ego may be the belief in vulnerability. It's the belief that something (anything) may be attacked or weakened or destroyed AUTHOR OF A COURSE IN MIRACLES. Such a belief is but a vain attempt to deny the Eternal Union of Spirit, Which will be far beyond the imagined world of the temporary. In fantasy, attack seems possible and defenses justified, but what is fantasy but an imaginary game a sleepy child plays for a minute of amusement.

There is an occasion when disillusionment comes to your head which deals in fantasies. And beyond this aspect an entire new world of glimmering light emerges within. The Vision of the Holy One is revealed because the veil of duality is parted, and beaming Rays of Light replace the world of perception. In the Great Rays of Understanding is God and Self remembered, whole, unified, perfect and complete.

Such is the worth of forgiveness. Forgiveness parts the veil made to hide the Face of Love. Forgiveness brings healing to a head fatigued with fantasies. Forgiveness brings gentleness to a world made harsh by lies. And forgiveness brings the glad tidings of Awakening, heralding the dawn of Wisdom Eternal. "Whenever you meet anyone, remember it is really a holy encounter. As you see him you will see yourself. As you treat him you'll treat yourself. As you consider him you'll consider yourself. Always remember this, for in him you may find yourself or lose yourself. Whenever two Sons of God meet, they are given another chance at salvation. Don't leave anyone without giving salvation to him and receiving it yourself. For I am always there with you, in remembrance of you.

Thank You God for opening just how and leading a lost flock back to the Awareness of Eternal Oneness. Glory to God in the Highest, and Good Will to all or any!

Excerpt from A Glimpse of Grace David Hoffmeister

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