
The developers of Path of Exile have released a trailer for POE 3.17 from YYJJJ's blog

The developer of the popular action RPG Path of Exile Grinding Gear Games has released a trailer for the new expansion 3.17 “Siege of Atlas”. Players can check out more details from the trailer on the official forum. They also talked about the date of the full announcement and the release of the update itself. It’s due to release on PC on February 4th and on consoles on February 9th. So players can Buy POE Currency to help themselves develop better.

Fans from Reddit and the official forums have summarized the information currently available and concluded that the additions are expected to be quite large. As the name suggests, the World Atlas will be redone again, plus the developers have mentioned that they will add new premium content. The trailer itself is made in the style of Howard Lovecraft’s work, and contains elements of horror that hint at the dark atmosphere of the future plot.

Details will be announced during the GGG livestream. It will be broadcast live on January 27th, and interested players can buy POE Currency in advance and follow the live broadcast. The developers will discuss the features of the expansion and the main mechanics of the new league, followed by a Q&A session with ZiggyD and Chris Wilson. This is about to bring more details and information to players.

The gaming community’s reaction to the trailer turned out to be positive, and in the PoE subreddit, they noted they missed the game in anticipation of new content. If players love Echoes of Atlas, they might have something to look forward to in the new league. If they don’t reach their goals in Scourge League, they still have some time to develop in the game. So players better buy POE Orbs at poecurrency.com to improve themselves for better results.

The Wall

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