
this really is 100% authentic for every single game's player base. from Skyzhay's blog

The VLS inclusion is a OSRS GP obvious and current example of the: Jagex poll numerous PvP changes/updates which don't pass and do not believe the community are evaluating the material on merit. This implies Jagex take that PvP buffs/content won't ever pass polls or do them. Polls either need to become a) pitched to people who actively participate in or understand that the appropriate content( b) taken as powerful advisement and not gospel, c) lower threshold, or d) simply earn more integrity changes.

Frankly, this really is 100% authentic for every single game's player base. While occasionally a developer has missed something important and players can help thembecause it is the players who play Runescape--the player base frequently makes really dumb decisions because they do not actually spend much time considering what a change might do, they don't have any development experience, and they are often quite self-interested. In the instance of OSRS, the players have absolutely vetoed bad thoughts multiple times before, however they have also vetoed great ideas, and the absolute dumbest ideas generally aren't the things that make polled, they're the things which get indicated and upvoted right on the subreddit.

I think way too. But I also don't mind the notion of providing the OSRS group control. Because besides PvP stuff, and some dividing updates like a new skill. I feel like that they have a good deal of freedom to design content anyway. It is not like everything they survey gets down shot. Like when they polled DT2, menaphos and raids it would all pass without it even being close. Sounds like more of a motive to keep the polling system. The upgrades that are generally enjoyed will pass. The upgrades a good portion of the participant base dislike will not pass.

Another thing is because something fails a poll does not mean they repoll it and can't rework it. What is great about scenarios like that is that they will find a lot of comments from players and adjust the content before adding it to Runescape. As somebody said then a bunch of players will be marginalized to be Pkers or for wanting another ability. Eventually they will become jaded and leave Runescape, which I am convinced Jagex does not want. I honestly voted but with voting towards the groups that actively participate in it and Jagex getting more power. As somebody and a pker who enjoys pvp I think that is my only alternative.

Feedback is vital. There are rs gold 2007 many instances of this OSRS team pitching an upgrade and the community basically responding like"woah woah woah continue, did you think about this ___". Turns out jagex didn't think about mentioned thing, and the upgrade was better due to this neighborhood opinions (or would not have been good w/o it). And these are the community long term jmods that are liked by the community and general know their upgrades that are good. They're still human and can't understand everything. In case the same update were to happen in RS3, it would have gone in without the prospect of opinions, or just ignored (though we've had cases of ignored comments in OSRS, watch prif/crystal armour and bh2) along with the update would have remained bad/dead/broken on arrival. So feedback and them acting and engaging on comments is essential to OSRS.Maybe they can introduce utensils kind of like the iron saliva in Runescape match, then tie it in to smithing. Hell, let's get a grill or BBQ going. It would be a fantastic incentive to some actually use. An equilibrium to it might be a burn chance. The food food for pvp is balancing. Completely agree. I feel like most abilities have different routes you can take (slow and cheap, expensive and fast) and many different methods. Runecrafting is stagnate the xp prices are shithouse and never grow as you go higher in levels. Yeah bloods are afk but nevertheless demotivating to even reach 77 and just stop at.

The Wall

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