
Not a chance from Smarthuiyuan's blog

If they are in a position to set up a live ops team that's devoted to generating MTX related articles and delivering stated content within a time, why can't they upscale their center content group to supply the same level of articles whilst retaining it inside the ETAs they cite to OSRS gold us.

You understand why: cash. The fact of the matter is, major content updates take a shitload of work and typically don't make a great deal of money. Comparatively, a small event with buyable money does not require much work and brings in a shitload of cash.

Let us say it took a group of 10 (devs+art+QA+PM) about a month to create it (I can't imagine it taking a whole lot more than that). It costs about $40 in bonds to buy all of the makeup, and that's not including leveling the artisan up, IDK how mathematics works out but skimming the amounts it would most likely be at least twice that, so let's say $80. That means just ~1000 gamers need to cover this event for it to be profitable, and that is not even including the whales who will purchase everything plus a dozen of all those consumables, or the many more that will set a few bonds into it but not go all-in.

For comparison, take Desperate Measures. It was formally announced about 3 weeks before release, so you know that it was in development years before that. It brought new resources, story development, etc.. Most likely this could have been several months of development with rather a huge group, but just to show the point, let us say it costs exactly the same as the Artisan event to develop this quest. Contrary to the previous example, it costs nothing for present members to engage this content. The only way this makes money is when people come back into the game and resubscribe to perform this. At $11/month for membership, you'd need over 5000 gamers to resub in order for this to become rewarding. That's 5x the participation needed compared to some little MTX event, and this relies on bringing in new or bringing returning subs - something much more difficult to perform than getting existing users to spend a little extra.

At the conclusion of the day, Jagex is a company, and if they want to keep the lights on, they then can not afford to dump buckets of cash into content that does not bring in revenue. I'm not saying that this really is a justification to not develop new content on the contrary, they have to keep the userbase participated or else there will be no left to pay for Cheap RS gold whatever - but it does explain why monetized content appears to be prioritized and delivered more exactly than other articles. Personally, I quite like the direction they are leaning of bringing in some permanent improvement with every event, even if this first one wasn't a huge success.

The Wall

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