
If you're intent on winning a race at Path of exile currency from 's blog

If you're intent on winning a race at Path of exile currency, you want to get in the mindset of playing only "one more map" And once you complete it, run one more map. Make it second nature to start the next map as soon as you exit, so that you need to keep grinding.

That having been said, it's important to stay healthy and fair, and 16+ hour days aren't healthy. Now, I took off a day and gave myself a break from the grind.

It is worth mentioning how important sleep is. You make better choices when you're well-rested. If you do not get enough sleep during the time that you're competing in a Path of Exile race, then you may earn a sloppy error and perish.

During long grinding periods, be sure to step away from the computer every couple hours. Spend 30 minutes doing something that doesn't involve looking at a screen.

It's not the end of the world if you die or do not get a Demi. I died twice in the Turmoil race. The second time was very unsatisfactory because I was at the top five for my course at the time, and this was the first race I'd ever tried to buy poe orbs win. Both of the times I expired involved older mechanisms, but I learned from my errors.

The Wall

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