
Runescape has rolled out deep-sea fishing from Sletrry's blog

Or at least be highly considered. Adults knew it was just hours of your real life spent in a game clicking away ad nauseam. Anyone recall Zezima worship? I sure as hell do and I hate that guy's name after all these years! A small army of followers a fall-fall-following him everywhere. OMG occasions three!! Get a lifetime nooblets!

The purpose is that in many ways some of the abilities became useless after you reached a certain level though I will concede Jagex made some type of effort to change that over time with fresh content. The idea was to make them enjoyable RS gold again or at least for there to be some stage. Observation: a great deal of that content was pointless or downright stupid! Oops! So much for modification.

In any case, simply because there's new content does not mean it'll be fun or rewarding in even a small measure. Additionally, it may only be installed for uber quick leveling up so that each of the crybabies will be pacified. Believe Divination ability here... as well as the principal mini-game created for leveling. It all was there to do was to allow people to achieve a 99 ASAP.

I must ask the question... what was buy Runescape gold the purpose? Was there a point? Not actually... and folks wonder why so many gamers hang and desire for the day when Jagex would knock off the shenanigans and return to RS ahead of the quacked era started... which was right around the period of Construction. The game was really FUN back then aside from cheaters using bots.

The Wall

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