
Hi, because when I go to RS gold from 's blog

Hi, because when I go to RS gold the stone of Cairn Isle, I give it to him, and he says,"you don't find anything interesting and you see something scary" I remained there I don't understand because if it went well... up there!Pls Help me

We may find an approaching poll in which the Jagex devs inquires if players are OK with eliminating Mobilizing Armies.On that the offhand chance the MA goes, here are some potential lore explanations devs may use.ARMS (MA) has been created a long time ahead of the World Guardian became lively. The team is a mercenary military group based out of the southern region of the Feldip Hills.At one point it was mostly composed of individual mercenaries. However, due to various other problems, along with an attempt at a coup, Lord Marshal Brogan has been forced to search for new recruits. Luck would have it when he eventually reached agreements with the elves, dwarves, and goblins.Fast ahead into the late 5th Age and 6th Age.Most of their operations have been training situations, starting sieges onto a rogue knight's castle, stealing from dragons, and strengthening TzHaar.

(it's possible there have been additional operations, but they have yet to be made public.)Bad Topics* What's the future of... - Questions asking about spoilers for upcoming content. We won't be answering these. * Back in X quest Y states Z then later A says B, doesn't this conflict with... - Questions about particular lore questions, according to narrative hooks from previous content are not terrific. They're either too obscure and won't be incredibly interesting to discuss, or they're something we're considering resolving later on, in which case they are a spoiler. * I loathed X in Y quest why did you... - Unless we could invent time travel, these kinds of questions are not really satisfying for anybody to answer and the response given infrequently satisfies the asker. Also notice if anyone among us had access to buy old school runescape gold time travel we would be living in some nightmare distopia with us as the god kinds of everything. Yes Stu.So with these guidelines please post your queries. Weask them in the stream and'll collate a few of them. = Raven =

The Wall

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