
Distinct courses you can play in MapleStory M from Sletrry's blog

I suggest and grinding the rest of the levels out there doing the signposts in order. Men and women spend a lengthy ass quantity of time in Kerning Tower for the reason that SF field, but we're broke for yours. This map works all right! Beginning at Maplestory M Mesos, your options split a little according to your selection.

An shitton of people choose to grind it on Grey Luxury Saucers in Omega Sector, that is do-able and OK, within the area that is non-SF. As for me, I receive restless remaining in maps for hrs and hrs. I propose popping back here when you get tired of the maps below and grinding here. (This map was good until 200, however, a recent EXP change made the gain from 190-200 not too great any longer.)

I really like this map an whole ton since it features a very simple path and killing Mutant Ribbon Pigs makes me hungry. The trade-off is the fact that a number of Elites might insta-kill you. (Won with you a few, you get rid of some.) Kill individuals Advance Knights A, but additionally be warned that some Elites may well be a bit strong. This map is ideal for buy MaplestoryM Mesos classes which do in extra environments with abilities.

This is every player's host. Finding a map may be difficult, but it is certainly rewarding. I recommend saving all the EXP coupons you're ready to with this since the area type doesn't burn off becasue it's extremely common. You did it. You've got your mule to 200, or 150, or whatever you tried to get to.

The Wall

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