
To use Auto Quest in MapleStory M from Sletrry's blog

Nexon, actual players botting in KSH has become a more serious problem than it ever was. You should have nipped this ages and really pushed patrols to be certain cheating from real players stopped. During events each and every drill hall map is occupied by these pieces of trash and a large part of additional popular maps are also MaplestoryM Mesos. Even when it isn't an occasion drill hall is pretty much full of afk macroing trash.

I feel as this issue ought to be a lot easier to deal with now that you have less servers to cope with since mergers. It takes 30 minutes to a min to determine whether someone is macroing and let me tell you at this time. Their macros are obvious as hell.

Your thoughts about present damage cap system and class balance at cap level

But exactly the same time, before people hit the cap, course balance seemed ok but now with the moment, or even before today, people produce buy Maple M Mesos their class decisions according to many criterias. Mainly number of strikes per minute, the problem to control them, benefits which other classes don't have, etc..

However, a huge part of this community makes the decision to select numbers of strikes per moments or courses being at very top of DPS chart (NW as instance, NL is also great but not as much) and more.

The Wall

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