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If your cat has diarrhea, offer kitty plenty of fresh, clean water to prevent dehydration. Then remove kitty's food for no more than 12 to 24 hours. Take your cat to the vet if he or she still has diarrhea after a day or immediately if you notice vomiting, dark, or bloody stools, fever, lethargy, or loss of appetite or if your cat is straining to defecate.

The result, experts say, is a steep rise in the number of parents worried that their kids are in fact addicted, or at least compulsively devoted, to the games. A residential facility called reSTART, the nation's first therapeutic retreat devoted specifically to Internet addiction, launched a new adolescent program last month after receiving a barrage of calls from parents desperate to separate their children from video games, consoles, computers and smartphones. A small but growing number of psychologists across the United States have begun to specialize in treating children who struggle with compulsive gaming and screen use.

Hello everyone! I just recently purchased a 1996 Saturn SC1, and so far I love it . you are correct about it being an .Vehicle Cigarette Lighters Questions including "Where is the fuse box for a 1992 Chevy Cavalier and what fuse controls the lighter"_Questions And Answers .In this age of MP3 players, cell phone chargers and power inverters, the cigarette lighter on your 2002 Saturn is invaluable for powering accessories.

The problem is that with toys so cheap, everyone keeps buying them. sigh we have an email list in our neighborhood, so definitely things get sold around, but it's still SO MUCH STUFF. I'm an "aunty" to many friends' children, and no matter how cute all the toys are when I pass them in Wal Mart, or how adorable that little dress is, I do my best to respect parent's wishes.

History shows that for a human powered machine to fly with flapping wings takes courage, clever invention, and a sheer disregard for safety. But to build a machine that can fly like an insect needs a complete rethink of aerodynamics. The wings of insects work in unique ways, unlike any other flying animal.Dragonflies use the big muscles that go from north to south, to actually power the wings. In fact, the way it flies is unlike anything that you can find in nature.There's nothing like this. Nothing like this in the insect world with the wings one on top of the other like that. Locusts are the Boeing 747s of the insect world, able to fly efficiently for long distances for days at a time. We can read their flight secrets from the smoke patterns in this wind tunnel. They provide hard data to build a computer model and that's the job of aeronautical engineer John Young.One of the great things about doing flow dynamics, computational flow dynamics, is we can do things we can't actually do in nature.We need to put all the details in, we need to put all these veins, all this folding, we need to precisely control what the wing is doing.

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