
The situation places Runescape developer Jagex from Sletrry's blog

Menaphos is even bigger. That is not a facile contrast. Menaphos is a proper urban sprawl on par with Varrock: you can enter almost every construction, have a distinct conversation with almost every NPC, and research a couple of secret locations farther OSRS buy gold afield if you've experienced everything the Golden City has to offer. To call the expansion Menaphos is even doing it a minor injustice, since there are actually two cities to research beyond the walls - Menaphos and Sophanem, it's anagrammed opposite.

As you'll need to be a mid-level Runescape manhood to input Menaphos, once inside you'll find a remarkably open city, with just a few areas sealed off until you are farther into the expansion's pursuit series. Below the city there's a procedurally-generated skilling dungeon and a huge Slayer dungeon, the former offering a new and limitless space for non-combat skill boosting, while the latter serves as a high level Slayer dungeon with monsters starting at battle level 101.

Jagex estimate that it'll take you a minimum of 40 hours to get through Menaphos. Of course, that depends on what level you are as you go in the expansion and how fully you want to research beyond the four chief quests and 21 degree increase to the Slayer skill. That is an unparalleled quantity of content for a single Runescape upgrade, also Jagex's aim to release another expansion of this size in September and December reveals this isn't a one-off gesture; it is a new way of playing Runescape.

"It is a massive change for us and our current buy RS gold player base in terms of the way we deliver content," says lead designer David Osborne. "We are used to drip-feeding good, additive pieces of articles each week, but this is about bringing all that together to give players something they can really immerse themselves - a long-form narrative, a great deal of skilling and combat material, an expansion to a degree cap - all the things you would want or expect from an expansion"

The Wall

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