
Players attempt Warcraft Classic find it enjoyable from Sletrry's blog

They implement items they wanted to but didn't cough meeting stones cough its 2018 and can make it simpler less buggier. Summoning every other to dungeons isnt gonna make matters less fun. So long as they dont light's hope gold do hardcore changes[although I hear phasing is forthcoming ] we should be fine.

I am. Eing dont and optimistic believe they are currently gon na ruin that which we love. But it might be a easier for players. I doni the number of friends I tried to get on a. Private server simply to be like this isnt even enjoyable. Should they wana capture a few of those individuals I feel they might add a few things none of us want such as lfg. But who knows.

Blizzard got an opportunity to make the specs at least viable. I really don't want druid, priest, paladin or a shaman to be an dps as a mage or rogue. I want to have more diversity in both pvp and pve. If a would do the damage of a real dps class only to 65-70 percent, who'd mind that?

Vanilla wow wasn't good because every class only had 1 workable specs in end game pve content (anticipate warrior), but because of the community, the mining and the course fantasy. I believe there should be changes made in order. For instance: a few new spells for like crusader attack, classes or water shield. Small changes buy wow classic gold which make a impact. Or new places beneficial for specs which weren't viable in vanilla.

If you honestly think incorporating WoW tokens will not ruin the economy, then let me tell you it will. I am aware of gamers in Black desert which have spent over 300,000$ on the game. Give players the choice, and they will stop at nothing to get an advantage over others. These players can now pay to find all mats needed for all their items epic mount.

The Wall

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