
My Story With Fortnite from Sletrry's blog

Epic will release a fresh set of challenges for fortnite items for sale every week throughout Season 7. These are split up into two categories: those Pass owners that were available to those only for Fight, and everybody. Completing the challenges level up your Battle Pass and will reward you, thereby letting you unlock the Season 7 Battle Pass that is newest rewards.

On top of the jobs that were weekly, Epic has added new Snowfall challenges this year. These are Season 7's equivalent of the Hunting Party challenges from Season 6, meaning you can complete them by finishing all the challenges. Doing this will unlock a loading screen which contains a clue pointing to a free item hidden somewhere around the island.

You'll unlock the loading screen above if you've finished the challenges all from one week. It depicts Zenith--one for purchasing a Season 7 Battle Pass of both new progress skins you'll receive --ziplining down the side of the snow mountain which was introduced into the island this year. If you look left of the character, you'll see a a submarine on one of the peaks in the background, over which is the buy fortnite materials silhouette of a Battle Star.

The submarine above is the exact same one you will need to dance atop as part of one of the multi-stage challenges of Week 1. It is situated to the east of Frosty Flights on the mountain. Head to the place at the beginning of a game, find the submarine, and also the Battle Star will appear above it. Collect it you're going to level up your Battle Pass by one tier and as you would any other thing.

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The Wall

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