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And There Came ANOTHER Day

There are some interesting threads on this forum, already covering issues of Marvel's early series 're reading'' of the Avengers and Journey into Mystery/Thor and so on and there was quite a good issue by issue thread on cartier love bracelet mens the Invaders around too, until it caught up with the present.

What is more rarely discussed are the later periods when these series were in full flow and while perhaps less iconic still number among them some classics

Not beginning at the very debut as others have that covered well but (and I fake cartier braclet hope I don't step on anyone's creative toes here!) I would like to pick up the Avengers title after fake bracelet cartier a watershed/bookend issue provided an opportune point at which to begin

Issue 100 featured all Avengers to that point together in one tale and everything that goes before it is pretty well easily contained by then. The next issue launches the love lock bracelet fake title into its second century of publishing and its next phase of greatness
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