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It's a big setback for a day which was going pretty well for Epic Games, even though some server problems over at PlayStation Network happen to be giving PS4 users some issues. It does not appear to be a terrific day on the technical aspect of things entire.

Fortnite has experienced some intermittent technical problems recently, most notably some matchmaking problems that caused the developer to postpone the much-anticipated Playground mode for weekly. But it's been some time since fortnite weapons saw extended unplanned downtime, and so we hope that that isn't what we are looking at here.

Fortnite has one of the most competitive upgrade schedules in the business,how to buy fortnite traps    and it is apparent that upgrading a game so frequently can cause all sorts of unanticipated problems to come up. Last extended downtime has been the result of mistakes that caused a disproportionate quantity of database queries, and Epic went to some fairly extreme detail explaining exactly what was happening. The company has a habit of a specific amount of transparency, so expect lots of updates if this goes on much longer.

It's a big setback for a day that was otherwise going pretty well for Epic Games, even though some server problems over at PlayStation Network have been giving PS4 users a few issues. It doesn't appear to be a terrific day on the technical aspect of things entire.

Fortnite has had some intermittent technical problems recently, most especially some matchmaking issues that caused the programmer to delay the much-anticipated Playground mode for a week. But it's been some time as it saw prolonged unplanned downtime, so we hope that isn't what we're considering here.

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The Wall

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